L.Joe's Secret Talent

To The Top!

Minah called everyone into a practice room after school for a meeting. “As you all know the talent show is in two weeks. So, any ideas on what we should do?”

Ricky’s hand shot into the air.

“Anyone?” Minah asked

Ricky waved his arm back and forth “Me! ME! PICK ME!”

“Changjo you look like you have some ideas”

Ricky put his arm down and slouched.

Changjo coughed “Um, well maybe we could sing a popular song”

“Alright that’s good. Any more Ideas?”

Ricky slightly rose his hand “What if we had L.Joe play the violin?”

Minah’s eyes shot over to L.Joe. “You play violin?”

L.Joe shook his head “I’m not any good”

Niel walked in with a boom box on his shoulder. “Alright everyone listen up, here’s what we’re going to do.” Niel put the boom box down and pressed play.

“Niel what’s all this?” Minah asked.

Niel talked over the music playing “We need to wow a crowd of teenagers and I know just how to do it”

Chunji started laughing “Don’t tell me were doing that”

Niel looked straight at him “Yes Chunji, we are”

“Doing what?” Ricky asked.

“We’re dancing” Chunji responded.


“A dance?” Minah and Sue were running laps at practice. “That sounds cool!”

“Yeah, I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what they do. ” Minah replied.

“I thought you were going to practice with them”

“No, they said it was a surprise and I can’t go anymore” Minah stopped running when she got in front of the coach.

The coach stopped her stopwatch “Good time girls, but next time less talking more running”

Sue and Minah took a break to drink some water. “So, is Hajoon coming to the concert?”

Minah swallowed the water in “No, were not really dating anymore”

“What? Since when?”

“For a while now”

Sue patted Minah’s back “I’m sorry”

Minah shrugged “He was really bossy and rude. I’m much better without him”

“That’s the spirit! Now were both single women!”

Minah sipped her water again “Niel hasn’t asked you out yet?”

Sue sighed “If only, I’m starting to think he doesn’t like me”

“Don’t say that! He’s just busy with the talent show right now”

Sue smiled “Yeah, and I’ll be there cheering him on!”


“Niel I don’t know how much longer I can take this” L.Joe complained.

“Niel sighed sighed “You’ll get it L.Joe”  Niel and L.Joe were walking back to their dorms from practice.

Changjo caught up to them “I really like the whole dancing thing”

“Yeah you’re really good at it, Ricky too” Niel looked around “Where is Ricky anyway?”

“Right here!” Ricky called. “I had to go back and get my backpack”

“I’ll finish the dance tonight and we’ll practice again tomorrow okay” Niel said.

L.Joe groaned “Okay I’m gonna take a walk, I’ll talk to you guys later”

“What’s up with him?” Changjo asked.


Minah was doing homework with Anna in her dorm. “What’s 48 times 4?” Minah asked.

Anna threw a calculator on her desk.

“Thanks” Minah starred at her homework. She really didn’t understand what she was doing. “I’m gonna take a walk, want to come?”

Anna gave her a terrifying glare “No”

Minah walked out the door towards the tennis courts. But before she could get there she spotted L.Joe sitting alone. “L.Joe?”

He looked up at her “Minah”

She walked over and sat with him “What are you doing out past curfew?”

“I could ask you the same thing”

“Math is hard”

“Math homework?”


L.Joe put his hands into his pocket.

“So what are you doing out this late?” Minah asked.

“Music is hard”

“Talent show?” Minah laughed.

“I’m just having trouble getting this dance down”

“You’ll get it. I believe in you” Minah looked over at him

“How do you know I wouldn’t just quit?”

“Because someone I know once told me to never give up and that’s what I’m going to tell you”

L.Joe shook his head “But I can’t do anything, I can’t dance and my singing is terrible”

“There must be something you can do”


“Well what?”

“When I was younger I wanted to be a rapper.”

“See I told you!”

“I’m not any good”

“Lemme hear” Minah moved so she was facing L.Joe “I’ll tell you if your good or not”

L.Joe took a deep breath and started rapping something he heard on the radio. As he rapped Minah just nodded her head up and down.

“Well, how was that?”

Minah sighed “L.Joe I’m sorry, but you’re really good!”


“Music isn’t so hard.”

He stood up and grabbed Minah’s hand “And math isn’t so hard either, I’m going to help you from now on.”

Minah laughed “Deal!”

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Chapter 18: Cute!!!! Omg nice story!!
Chapter 16: Wtf l.joe who cares if she's has a "boyfriend" just kiss her and make her fall for you!!!!
Lmao it feels like I'm trying to promote cheating which I'm not I just want those two together okay! Cheating is wrong!!!
WonZiGyuMin #3
The plots really good~
Hope you update soon~