Chapter 17

♚┇⊰ ゚《TWO SECONDS》 ▫ ▪

♚ that moment when you need to poop so you try to be as quiet as possible in the public bathroom 
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“My most precious friend, would you please depart from this world for a little while?” I said, smiling sweetly at the wonderful person in front of us.

Aron’s eyes widened and he faced Ren. “She’s telling me to go die, isn’t she?!”

Ren laughed and shook his head. “Don’t be so harsh, Jinah! Aron can help out! He could be a curtain closer or something.”

“A what? There aren’t even curtains around!”

Ren’s smile did not falter. “You can go close the curtains of your life.”

“You’re telling me to go die too, aren’t you?!”

“So, about the basketball club…” I continued, turning away from the intruder and facing Ren again.

We were readying our battle strategy on how to deal with the enemy. In the midst of our brainstorming, Aron had begun banging on the door of our tactics room and demanded to know what we were doing.

“You can’t just go plan in the handicap bathroom stall of the boy’s bathroom!” he said to get our attention again.

“We let you in, we can kick you out too,” Ren said, frowning at him.

He instead turned to me again. “And you! You’re a girl!”

“I’m not today,” I merely said, not turning to look at him. “Besides, my disguise is pretty good.”

“What? You look nothing like a guy!”

I turned to him with wide eyes, finally acknowledging his presence. He was in tattered clothes, his horror mask was removed and hanging down the back of his neck by a small string. I recalled that Jason’s class was doing a haunted house – Aron was probably among the scarers on a break.

At his words, I placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’re in.”

“I thought your pride is what’s keeping you from asking the student council for help,” Ren noted with a sly grin as Aron sat cross-legged next Ren and across me.

“He’s helping my pride in another way,” I merely said, looking back down at our battle plan.

Aron grinned, obviously proud of himself for knowing how to get me to agree with him.

I like praise, I’m not going to deny it.

But then he suddenly frowned and regarded Ren seriously. “Ren…” he began. “Look, man… Me and the other guys always tease you and stuff about how you look like a chick… but that’s because we’re friends.”

Ren stared blankly at him. I held my grin, knowing where Aron was going with this. It was inappropriate time to be amused, but seeing Ren be the victim of his own joke might only happen once.

“We don’t have to tell each other everything, but… there are some important stuff that just has to be shared, you know? And it just… kind of hurt to know that we found out from rumors…” Aron let out  a deep breath and placed a comforting hand on Ren’s shoulder. “People have been telling me that you’re gay... We're your friends, Ren. When were you going tell us?”

I blinked.

In that brief moment, Aron was suddenly beside me, on the floor, rubbing his arm in pain. He was seated cross-legged beside Ren just a microsecond ago.

“… I couldn’t even time it,” I said in awe as I looked at Ren who just swiped at his bangs.

“The council worked really hard for this festival,” Aron muttered after I told him briefly of what was happening.

I just shrugged. “Exactly why it will give her more satisfaction when she ruins it. She totally hates you guys.”

Ren nodded. “Stubborn girl, she is. You noticed her plan?” he said, turning Aron.

“No… I was too busy with my class’ booth… because a certain green-haired classmate didn’t come for her shift.” He groaned and buried his face in his hands. “I didn’t think she’d make a move at the school festival – I mean, she loves them, doesn’t she?” Ren shrugged, unsure of the answer.

My eyes slightly widened at his words. What did he mean by ‘she loves them’? How would they know about her interests? The last school festival was uneventful. Have they met before? Despite being the daughter of the principal, Lime only entered Pledis Academy during third year middle school. I hadn’t learned what school she attended before, but if it was Seoul…  It’s highly possible that they knew each other even before their battle for the school began.

“… It’s actually a bit like teal rather than green,” I said instead of voicing out my thoughts. I’ll save interrogating Ren for later.

The two stared at me, confused.

“You’re not going to ask about her?” Ren asked, Aron nodding in agreement to his question.

“Am I that predictable?!”

“… Yes,” they chorused.

“Get out.”

You’re the one that isn’t a boy in the boy’s bathroom!”

“Ren and I can’t beat them all up at once,” Aron said with a frown as he saw the marks I placed on the school map. “If we corner one group… the others are just a text away from helping… or from causing a ruckus wherever they are.”

“… You really have no plan whatsoever, do you?” Ren said with a grin.

I dropped my pen onto the paper and leaned back against the side of the bathroom stall. “Look, I think a lot. But to do that, I need time, which we don’t have. We don’t know when Lime will give her signal, so I’m just putting out whatever I think of.” I scratched at the back of my cap. “I give up. Sorry, Ren.”

“I never pegged you as a quitter,” Ren said, frowning at me.

“The things I always strive for are for my own benefit, but this? This affects everyone. Too much responsibility. Give it to JR.”


I looked up at the two at their sudden rejection.

“I mean, uh, JR’s really busy with the festival. We wouldn’t want to bother him!” Aron continued, Ren nodding in agreement.

I stared blankly at them. “… Right. You two don’t look suspicious at all,” I deadpanned. They grinned innocently in reply.

“… Will you tell me if I ask?”

Aron looked away, but Ren gave me a small smile. “One day,” he said in assurance.

I sighed and picked up the pen again. “I’m fine with that… I’ll try to figure it out sooner, of course,” I haughtily said. Ren just laughed – as if knowing I wouldn’t. Psh. “Back to plan eight… or shall we start off with a nine-?”

Ren placed a hand on my own to keep me from scratching out my marks. “No, wait. This is good.”

“The whole back up small groups in a corner so you and Aron can deal with them? I admit that the locations I chose are good, but Aron just said we can’t-“

“Don’t listen to the third wheel.”


“You’re forgetting something, Jinah,” Ren said with a grin. He took my multi-colored pen and brought out the blue, drawing several circles on the map. The blue signified us and the red was the enemy. “You’re used to dealing with this stuff alone or with a few people, but that isn’t the case anymore…”

“We can’t have other people help in fighting,” Aron said in disapproval.

“They won’t. Nothing wrong with distracting… or standing guard… or locking up in a certain room…” Ren said, his smile growing. He looked back up at me. “We’re on your side.”

I nodded.

“And who do you think is on our side?”

My eyes widened and I looked back down at the map – now filled with several blue circles around the red ones.

“… The entire school.”

“You have more pawns than you think. Use us.”

“Come on, you soon-to-be stars! We’re offering programs that’ll make you a basketball pro in mere hours!”

I stared at the small booth by the gym. Yooyoung and a male student were manning it, and I caught sight of some of the school’s basketball players and guests inside the gym.

When the people in front of me were led by Yooyoung’s partner into the gym, she caught sight of me and waved.

… I didn’t want to approach her, but my own male companion tugged on my hand and led me forward.

Yooyoung’s grin grew far too much for my liking when she saw our conjoined hands.

Ren smiled in amusement when he saw the colorful signs of ‘Join the NBA!’, ‘Who says Asians can’t play ball?!’ and even a doodle of what was most likely Baekho with a thumbs up.

I found it kind of ridiculous. Of all the things they could think of for this festival… “Who wants to pay to sweat?” I asked.

“Wonderful, active, energetic people – your exact opposite!” she said with a huge smile. She turned to Ren. “How about it, Ren? We offer two programs! Fifteen-thousand won and we’ll guide you for two hours!”

Ren nodded in acknowledgement. “The second program?”

“It costs twenty thousand won. We’ll also guide you for two hours… but you get an additional five thousand won!” She explained with a thumbs up.

“Just offer the first program then!” I said, wondering where the rational people in this school were.

“Saying there are two programs sounds better,” she said, nodding in agreement to her own words. I rolled my eyes in ridicule. Yooyoung suddenly laughed, her gaze at my hand in Ren’s. “Word has reached me that the girly secretary is the man in his relationship with another guy.”

I tried to tug my hand away, but Ren’s grip on it was too firm. “I thought everyone would be too busy entertaining guests to spread rumors.”

“Not when even the guests are talking about it,” Yooyoung said with another laugh. “You’d be surprised how much fans from other schools you and your student council friends have.”

“Fans?” I asked, a bit suspicious. Was she talking about-?

She gestured to the gym doors. “Dozens of girls paid for the program – as long as it’s Baekho who’s teaching them.”

“… Jealous,” Ren and I chorused.

She glared at us. “I am not! Even Minhyun has a horde of girls following him into his own class’ booth! I’m just stating what I’m observing!”

“Defensive,” we said.

“Go away, you’re blocking the line,” she said, regarding the non-existent line.

Ren glanced at me. “I’m going ahead to the soccer club. You got this?”

I nodded. “Of course.” He finally let go of my hand and headed off.

… I was unfamiliar with the lack of warmth.

“Why are you still here? Are you really going to pay for a program?” Yooyoung asked with a raised brow, obviously not believing it.

“Actually,” I said, getting down to business, “I have something to… request.”

“… I don’t have any money.”

“Do I look like a beggar?!”

“Dark… steamy… fragrant…” I looked around the area. “Like a love hotel.”

Jason laughed at my comparison. “Well it is a romantic musical!”

I was in the school’s auditorium where the music club was going to stage their play in an hour. The lighting was red and dim, there were some steam already flowing around the stage and the place smelled of expensive women’s perfume. There was even a slow jazz song playing in the background.

“Couples will flock to this place,” I noted aloud.

“Which is our goal,” Jason said with a grin. “The drama club earlier geared towards groups of friends – no one wants to watch two plays, so we aimed for another audience.” His grin grew wider. “… So, interested in watching?”

“How much per ticket?”

“Ten thousand won.”

“No friends discount?”

“Ten thousand won.”

I shook my head.

“Oh come on, my man,” Jason said with a mischievous grin, elbowing me lightly. “I hear you got a boyfriend. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind treating you!”

I looked away, disgruntled. “Yeah, I also ended up becoming a boyfriend too…” I looked around at the dark corners of the auditorium again before facing Jason. “Actually, I’m here for a favor.”

“… I don’t have any money.”

“I’m not asking for a debt!”

I entered the boy’s bathroom and strained my ears for any sign of people, but it was incredibly quiet – the only sound being the murmurs of activity outside. I locked the door behind me and entered the handicap stall, locking it as well.

I couldn’t plan in the council room on the off chance that JR might come in. Aron and Ren were incessant on him not knowing.

I placed the lid of the toilet down and took a seat, placing the school map filled with various drawings on my lap. I pulled out my phone and called up both Ren and Aron. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I’m grateful that Aron decided to join in.

It’s not that I didn’t believe Ren could take care of all the delinquents, I just…

… Actually, I didn’t. No matter how much he brags about his fighting ability, he isn’t superhuman.

“Rearing and ready to go!” Aron said from the other line.

“Likewise,” Ren merely said.

“… Are you sure you two don’t want to team up when taking care of the enemy-?”

“Don’t underestimate us, Jinah! We may look like model students – but we fight as good as those delinquents!” Aron said assuredly.

“He’ll just slow me down,” Ren nonchalantly said.

Before they could argue, I quickly said, “Start.” There was silence at the end of line as I stared down at the two groups of circles – one by the second floor classrooms, and the other one that was on the third. After several minutes, Ren reported back. “Go to the swimming team’s booth next.”

“But isn’t the library closer? It’s on the way-”

“The ones at the library will hold for longer. I’ve met the swimming team and I’ve met the book club members. The latter are a lot more tough than they look. Most of the swimmers are pushovers. They won’t be able to hold the delinquents they led to their room for long.”

That was pretty much all we requested of the various students in different locations of the school. We didn’t elaborate on the details or explain why they needed to gather and keep a few guests in their rooms. I was tasked to ask help from Jason and Yooyoung – and everyone else had complied under Aron and Ren’s requests… He wasn’t joking when he said that the entire school was on their side.

I heard him chuckle at the end of the line. “Yes, ma’am! Sorry for questioning you!”

“Me?” Aron then asked after a moment.

The ends of my lips quirked. “Head to 2-B’s class next, you slowpoke.”

“We’re having a race?!” Aron asked.

“I’m winning,” Ren replied. I could hear the smirk and pride in his voice.

This continued on for the next half hour, until a song suddenly came from the speakers scattered around the school.

I frowned, trying to search my memory for the song the speakers were playing, but it was of no use. That song was entirely unfamiliar.

“How very sentimental of her,” Aron said, not sounding impressed by the song playing throughout the entire school for everyone to hear. “So this is her signal, huh?”

“Aim high~! Soar high~! Venus Academy~!”

My eyes widened. It was a school anthem.

“Your middle school’s anthem,” I said.

“Yes,” Aron said, affirming my conclusion.

“… Her middle school anthem.”

“… Yes. Piecing everything together now?”

I leaned back on the toilet seat, laughing slightly. These student council people never failed to be interesting. “Somewhat. Focus on this first.”

“Of course! Where to next?”

“Back of the school – your last destination. Ren already headed to the entrance five minutes ago. You’re losing.”

“… Eh? But uh, well… But we’re winning, right?”

“Yes. Yooyoung and Jason texted me earlier – the ones you took care of are already running from the school. Her signal isn’t going to reach anyone… I wonder why it was so late though-?”

There was the sudden sound of a toilet flushing.

My eyes widened and I knew the color drained from my face.

No way.

“One of the guys I took care of earlier said something like ‘I knew we shouldn’t have waited for the boss’ and stuff… So I guess they were waiting for their leader?” Aron answered.

I didn’t respond, my eyes glued to the floor by the door of my stall. I heard the person head to the sink and begin washing his hands.

“He was, I think, from Yedang’s Academy… Unlike Ren, at least I remember who we’ve fought with before. The guy’s pretty tough – he was probably going to be Lime’s ace in this.”

The sink turned off and the sound of wiping with a tissue was heard.

“But seeing as he’s only available now, when all his friends are dealt with, this’ll be easy!”

I gulped as I heard footsteps come towards the handicap stall.

“Ren and I can handle him. You don’t have to worry about it, Jinah!”

I saw the person’s shoes from the gap under the stall door. My heart sped up and my hands grew sweaty.

… I should’ve stayed home and continued cutting the grass.

“… Jinah?”

There was a knock on my stall door.

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 that moment when you need to poop so you try to be as quiet as possible in the public bathroom 

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Chapter 18

“… And you’re here, why?”
“You should be glad I’m in your company.”
Aron stared at me unenthusiastically. “I’m thrilled beyond belief.”


“Go~! Your boyfriend’s waiting for you!”

A/N: I know the preview has absolutely nothing to do with the cliffhanger, but that doesn’t matter since NICE FLUFFY MWAH CHU CHU ROMANTIC LOVE LOVE HEART STUFF IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN! Hahaha I know, I know, about time, right? XD

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kg-ren #1
Chapter 24: Yay hope u can update as soon as possible I really loved this story
Chapter 24: I like jinah character here but is ren aware that his girlfriend will get attack from his fans?
bengels #3
Chapter 24: Thanks for the new chapter. And yes, i liked jinah this chapter, unlike lots of the typical girls in some stories. Its cool that she stands up for herself, (is it standing up? Lol) and being kinda badass. Good job.
December28th #4
Chapter 24: I like Jinah even more now! You go show them that you are not an easy girl! I really like this chapter and it's something new. I hope to read the next chapter soon and I will be waiting for more amazing stuff!
Chapter 24: Aw, I love Jinah~! ♥
Taking care of them fangirls like a boss!
Ren is just adorable as always >< ♡
Looking forward to the next chapter! :D
You're doing such an amazing job XD
and Thanks ^^ and You're welcome :)
bengels #6
Chapter 23: Yay, they're finally together. Loved the fluff, I just wish I could see how they did the mirror thing. Haha. Good job, looking forward to the next chapter. : )
Chapter 23: They're official!!! So fluffy! Like this chapter!
Chapter 23: OMG THE FLUFF!
I'm crying TT^TT I'm so strangeeeee~!
Yeah, Aron needs some love too >.> *coughs* tons of it haha XD
if the fluff gets moved again I swear I'm going to slap you! Haha jk *evil co-author* >:D