
Chasing Rainbows - Character Profiles



 He is very clean at work, but he's less clean at home because he's too tired by the end of the day to clean both places. Cleaning duties are usually delegated to Baekhyun.

 He tends to get irritated very easily with people that he considers "childish" - which are people he has ironically surrounded himself with (i.e. Baekhyun, Sehun, Luhan).

 He's bossy, but that's only because he usually knows what to do in most situations. He's had a lot of experience with people who need him to make decisions for them.

 He also knows when to admit he's wrong, which is a character trait Sehun really appreciates.

 He doesn't actually hate anyone - he fills more of the "naggy mother" role for most of his colleagues.

 He is VERY young at heart, but he never has the opportunity to show it.

 He "grew up" too fast, much like Luhan (although to a different degree), which has caused him to take responsibility to an unhealthy level.



             No matter how annoyed he gets with Sehun, he is all too willing to clean up his messes. This shows a lot how he ACTUALLY feels about Sehun.

             Kyungsoo's biggest worry is that Sehun will never take charge of his life and DO something with it. This is definitely contradictory to the fact that he does literally everything for Sehun.

             He gives complaints to Junmyeon about Sehun's behavior NOT to get him fired, but to give Sehun incentive to start being productive as a general rule.


             He is very protective and affectionate of Baekhyun, but Baekhyun also brings out the playful and mischievous side that he usually keeps under wraps.

             When Baekhyun annoys him, he usually takes it out by getting Baekhyun back instead of snapping at him and stewing over it. This is reflective of their close friendship - Kyungsoo only does this to people he's close to.

             They have a running prank match between each other (that Kyungsoo is actually winning as of currently).

             They have nightly pillow fight matches, usually initiated by Baekhyun. (Kyungsoo can't actually sleep without them happening anymore.)

             Baekhyun is Kyungsoo's best friend since high school, even though they didn't live near each other. They were internet friends for a long time.


             Kyungsoo gets affectionately annoyed with Luhan, and usually, whenever Luhan isn't looking, he smiles at all the stupid cutesy things that Luhan does.

             He was very protective over him instantaneously, hence his readiness to help Sehun when Luhan was lost and his many warnings to Sehun not to hurt him and to be honest with him.

             It is impossible for Kyungsoo to lie to Luhan at all out of sheer guilt. It's something about those doe eyes dude. They do something to a man.


             Kyungsoo often gives Junmyeon well-intentioned instructions that other people perceive as him "being bossy," Sehun included. (It's actually really helpful advice ok.)

             He is excessively respectful of all Junmyeon's opinions and decisions, even if he hates them a lot.

             He gets short of patience with how much of a pushover Junmyeon is, but he typically doesn't show it - he usually just complains to Baekhyun about it when he gets home.

             They have the kind of boss-employee relationship where they go out for drinks every Friday or something.

             They're actually relatively close to each other, although it's a bit more one-sided on Junmyeon's part. They've shared a lot of secrets over a nice glass of bourbon (keep it hush hush).

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Chapter 10: "If Sehun wasn't already tapping that..." LMAO GOD BLESS MAN
Chapter 5: Legit tho, I love you because you legit seem so down to earth lmao. Like your commentary is legit what I was thinking tbh. AND ME AND TAO ARE SIMILAR BECAUSE WE BOTH NEED HUGS LIKE YES TAO!
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: I pretty much figured out that those monologues were sehun's, I tot those were like his dairy or sth. Great story though:)
thanks for making this separated explanation. quite fun to read XD makes their interaction more real,feels like reading slice of life manga ♥
Chapter 1: I am writhing in joy