
Chasing Rainbows - Character Profiles


 He can be bratty sometimes, but he's also passionate and hardworking when he wants something enough.

 He is childlike in a temper-tantrum way, although he's since grown out of that.

 He is good at basically anything and everything - there is no talent that he can't conquer to at least some degree.

 He is super good with Jongin's animals, although he doesn't like the gross, creepy ones much.

 He is sometimes emotionally unstable, but he's taken to doing all sorts of meditation things to overcome that (as well as keeping in constant contact with Jongdae when he starts to boil over).

 He's a fantastic teacher - even Sehun was able to learn a couple wushu moves from him, and Sehun is pretty bad at learning anything at all.

 A lot of girls used to like him at school because they dubbed him the "sensitive" type, but he was too concerned with excelling at everything else to worry about dating.

 He likes rocks okay. He just does. Shut up and don't question his love.



             Tao basically used Sehun for his cuddles.

             Sehun annoyed Tao a lot, but only on the surface - he was sort of a little brother to Tao, even though he was barely any younger.

             They were very affectionate towards each other when they weren't being ruthlessly vindictive or bullies.

(everything else is in Sehun's so check that out yup)


             Tao was one of few who wasn't really impressed by Luhan. This brought a sort of fresh understanding to Luhan's point of view on Tao's part, although they were still pretty bland towards each other.

             Tao would often shelter himself under Luhan because Luhan would protect him when he needed it (Tao took full advantage of this). Sometimes, he would purposefully pick fights and run straight to Luhan after starting them, just because he knew Luhan would have his back. (He tried this once with Sehun - that was one of the only times Luhan didn't take his side.)

             Tao lost contact with Luhan after Luhan graduated high school. He's still really fond of him now that Luhan's re-entered the scene with Jongdae, though.


             Tao is very attached to Jongdae on a whole nother level of co-dependency.

             He sort of feels like an outcast, and Jongdae was always his method of feeling included in the world in general, even if it was sometimes through pranking. (at least he didn't just leave him out entirely amirite?)

             Tao had a short rope of patience for Jongdae whenever he was in his playful moods at first, but upon growing up, the rope grew a lot with him. Jongdae could probably blow up the entire earth at this point and Tao probably wouldn't be all that annoyed with him for it.

             Tao really does like Jongdae a lot - now, he just translates that love into giving Jongdae payback whenever he does anything particularly cruel.

             Tao is really nervous about leaving somewhere without Jongdae in tow - he actually thought about asking Jongdae to come with him to China but resisted on the basis of Jongdae's college education.

             Tao wants to live out his dream now, but he thinks that he'd like to settle down with Jongdae when he finishes because he really can't picture having any other roommate.

             (yes he kind of likes Jongdae too)


             Tao was really tight with him in high school when he used to tutor him - or at least as tight as you possibly could be with Kim Jongin.

             Jongin was really reserved and tight-lipped and Tao was nothing like that at all, so he couldn't really identify with him on an emotional level.

             They hung out and liked each other and joked around and stuff, but it was hardly even skin-deep interaction.

             Tao relied on Jongdae heavily for emotional support because of the lack of emotional response he got from Jongin, which further prevented him and Jongin from having the opportunity to get closer.

             When Jongin left, they lost contact. Tao hasn't contacted him since except to tell him that he didn't mind if he took his room when he moved to China.

             They made plans to see each other before Tao left, but beyond that, they haven't said much.

             Tao sometimes wishes they could have been closer because he really liked his cats.

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Chapter 10: "If Sehun wasn't already tapping that..." LMAO GOD BLESS MAN
Chapter 5: Legit tho, I love you because you legit seem so down to earth lmao. Like your commentary is legit what I was thinking tbh. AND ME AND TAO ARE SIMILAR BECAUSE WE BOTH NEED HUGS LIKE YES TAO!
A12345 #3
Chapter 1: I pretty much figured out that those monologues were sehun's, I tot those were like his dairy or sth. Great story though:)
thanks for making this separated explanation. quite fun to read XD makes their interaction more real,feels like reading slice of life manga ♥
Chapter 1: I am writhing in joy