



"Negative. Said he doesn't have it."

"Are you even sure he's telling the truth? He could be lying for all you know."

"He has no reason to do that. There's... well there's nothing interesting about that notebook anyway. Nothing he'd find interesting, at least."

"What's so important about it, Jaejae? What's in there?"

"Uhh, you know... doodles... and stuff..."

"...Right. Maybe he wants to doodle on it too."

"I doubt it. He's not the type to do such things."

"How would you know? And who's he anyway? Are you dating someone?"

A sigh. "I love you, Junsuyah, but you need to shut up and get some rest like the doctor said. We don't want the same thing happening to you again, do we? You scared the crap out of me!"

It has been a day since Junsu was discharged from the hospital. Overfatigue, the doctor said. Nothing serious, but it will be if he doesn't get his much needed rest. Ever since Junsu got the project months ago, his sleeping schedule got so messed up that he barely sleeps. Naturally, being Junsu's roommate, Jaejoong feels a tad guilty for not doing something as simple as nagging until he sleeps. A power nap could have sufficed. He could have done something, but he didn't. It's no use feeling bad now. What's happened has happened and he's learned his lesson. Next time, he won't go easy on Junsu just because he helps him with his fansite.

That afternoon, he goes back to the bubbletea shop to ask for his missing notebook. He knows he's left it there. Yunho said he doesn't have it, so maybe the staff got a hold of it for him. He just wishes they didn't read it or he'll be embarrassed for life. And pissed, of course, for invading his privacy. It's something really personal and shouldn't be shared to anyone. He will never forgive whoever reads whatever in his diary.


He pushes the door of the shop open and heads straight to the counter, smiling at Taemin. He's been a regular at Bon Appetea for so long that almost everyone who works there knows who he is. "Hyung, I know we're chummies and all, but you need to get in the line."

He chuckles. "Not here for that, Taeminah. I was just wondering if you've seen a black notebook? I seem to have left it here."

Taemin tells him to wait. He watches as the younger man talks to a co-worker and in less than a minute, the beaming boy skips towards him. "Got Jongin to cover for me," he says, "what notebook was it again, hyung?"

"Just a plain black notebook. It was on the table right there." Jaejoong then points at the spot he previously occupied. "I was in a rush that day. Oh! Jung Yunho was here, too. If that would help you remember."

Taemin looks at him, at the table, and then back at him. He's looking at him very thoughtfully that Jaejoong can only stare back, and watches in confusion when Taemin laughs at him. "You made quite a scene, hyung."

"I did?" he shakes his head. "Maybe Jung Yunho, but not me."

"I'm sure you--"

"It's him!" Both males jump in surprise when a group of teenagers march their way towards them looking so... angry? "Yah!" He almost hisses when one of them jabs him on the chest with her manicured nails. "How dare you kiss our oppa!"

Before he could ask what they are talking about because he honestly does not remember doing such thing, they shove an iPad in his face and his eyes almost bulge out at what he sees-- a rather high quality picture of him leaning down, kissing Jung Yunho on the cheek.

What in the world--

"I... I did that?"

A blonde-haired girl clicks her tongue and reaches out to flick him on the forehead. "You're good looking, but there's no way Yunho oppa will like you. Ugh, I hate people like you! Just because you're pretty doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to him."

Taemin smacks her on the forehead, much to Jaejoong and everyone else's surprise. He is lucky the manager isn't around or he will never hear the end of it. "Don't spread your iness all over the place. Go away before I make you. Scram!" The young worker lifts a hand, pretending to hit her again which successfully shoos them away.

"Thank you, Taeminah." Jaejoong mumbles and promptly exits the shop, still in shock.

Obviously, that was not an edited photo. Who would even edit a photo of him and Yunho together? Maybe Junsu, but he's too busy for that.

Did he really kiss Yunho on the cheek? Yunho, one of his idols? Jung Yunho?

The Jung Yunho?

Well, damn. One point for Kim Jaejoong.

"Don't you dare laugh," he scolds himself, making his way back home.

He doesn't know whether to be happy or worried about it. Sure, he scored, but a lot of people were there to witness it. Not just normal people, but fans. Rabid fans, mostly. The rude group of girls he encountered awhile back is nothing. There are fans worse than them.

He finds Junsu sprawled out on the couch, watching some cartoons. Before he left earlier, he did his job as Junsu's temporary mother and confiscated all his work things and hid it in his room. Junsu is not allowed to work for three days and since he's finished most of what he's supposed to do anyway, getting some rest won't affect his work at all.

With a sigh, he lays on top of his best friend and snuggles with him. "I know that sigh. What happened?" Junsu asks in his raspy voice as he wraps his arms around Jaejoong's slender frame.

"I think it's about time I come clean?" he replies, voice muffled by Junsu's shirt.

"Clean? Jae, what's up?" He buries his face deeper into his best friend's chest as he spills it. He starts from Yunho's mishap at the parking lot, then their conversation in the car until their meeting a few days ago at the shop. Jaejoong tells him everything, even the unintentional kiss, which earns a chuckle from his amused friend. ", Jae, what if he likes you?"

He snorts. "I doubt it. I probably got his attention because I'm not some crazed fan who's all over him. If he only knew."

"I'm guessing it took you a ton of self-control?"

", Susu, you have no idea."

Junsu laughs. "What are you going to do if you're all over the news tomorrow? Tonight, even."

He groans. "I hope not. You think I should apologize to Yunho? I mean, it's a whole lot harder on his part since he's the celebrity and it's my fault why his fans are going ballistic." At the mention of fans, he squeaks, quickly fishing out his phone from his pocket and opens his Twitter account. He rests his head comfortably on the crook of Junsu's neck. "It's all over my timeline! Junsuyaaah..." he whines. "And my mentions are flooded. They know my face! I shouldn't have changed my DP!"

"Lock your account."

"But... but what about updates? I'm a fansite master."

"You have a website for a reason, Jae. Your Twitter, however, is not a fanbase account. Go make a new account for your site so people could follow that for updates. It's best you keep your current one locked."

Jaejoong nods and does what he's told. As soon as he makes his account private, the flooding of mentions stop. He sighs in relief. Junsu watches everything and raises a brow. "Who are you tweeting?"

"It's a DM, Su. And you'll see."

hi! i'm guessing you've seen pictures already. i hope you don't mind me messaging you because a tweet would blow your cover. anyway, i'm

really sorry for that, uhh... kiss. i had no idea what came to me and i did that. i wasn't aware of it until today, i swear. i would just

like to apologize for that. if it's fine with you, i could take you out for lunch some time? my treat! :)

"Did you just ask him out on a date?!"

He snorts. "It's barely a date. I just. I feel like I have to do something to apologize."

"An apology would have been enough."

"To you, but not to me."

He smiles when his phone buzzes.

  What a nice surprise, Jaejoong. I didn't think you were actually unaware of that kiss. It's okay, but I'm no fool to let that free food pass :D

  Bad news though. I dunno if I'm free tomorrow or the rest of the week. We have a           photoshoot and a meeting with the bosses. Tell you what

  why don't you come over our photoshoot tomorrow at lunch? You can buy the food       and we'll eat it there :) How's that sound?

sounds great! tomorrow then :>

  I'll message you the address later. As much as I want to talk to you, Changmin's giving   me hell for slacking off at practice. He says hi ;)

!!! please tell him i said hi, too >///< good luck with practice. see you tomorrow

"...Still breathing?"

Jaejoong only whimpers.

"Jaejae, I don't think me tagging along is a good idea."

Jaejoong stops on his tracks, glares at his friend and then continues walking, giving the said friend no choice but to follow closely behind him. "Don't be silly. I asked Yunho and he said you could come along."

"You're not even together and he's already whipped," Junsu mumbles.

He hears it loud and clear but chooses to ignore it. Junsu is with him for a reason-- to keep him in check and to make sure he doesn't embarrass himself. It's not the first time he'll be seeing the duo in person. Being a fan for seven years, he's already been to every concert, fan meeting, handshake event. Name any TP event and he's been there. Sure he's surprisingly calm around Yunho, but he couldn't say the same thing for Changmin. He's afraid he'll throw himself at the man the moment he sees him.

They stop by a fast food joint. Jaejoong has no idea what the duo would want for lunch and fast food is the safest choice. Buying food for the staff is Junsu's idea, thinking that it will be rude if they don't bring anything for them.

"Don't you think this is too much?" Jaejoong asks, putting the last bag of food in the cab.

"Not at all. Trust me."

He snorts. "The last time I trusted you, I almost went to jail for--"

"Yes, yes I get it! No need to remind me, geeze," the younger man grumbles, getting into the passenger seat just as Jaejoong gets in the backseat. "I can feel your nervousness all the way over here."

"Yeah, well, that's because I am nervous." He sighs and hopes that things will go well. He just can't wait to see Changmin.

Both aren't expecting to be welcomed by the staff. Not only is someone waiting for them at the lobby, they are also escorted to Studio 5, where the pictorial is taking place. Jaejoong makes a mental note to tell Yunho not to bother the next time he visits. Not that there will be a next time. He and Junsu are just ordinary people, no need to treat them like VIP because in all honesty, it feels so awkward especially when all eyes are on them even if no one really knows who they are.

Jaejoong immediately thanks the male staff who helps them carry the bags of food they bought. "You brought quite a lot," the staff who goes by the name of Kangin tells them, a smile on his face.

He chuckles. "You guys are superstars as much as they are, only behind the lenses. And like them, you need to be fed too."

"But this was my idea," Junsu butts in, earning a laugh from the other two.

"Well then, thank you for your concern..."


Kangin smiles. "Thank you for your concern, Junsu ssi. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it."

Jaejoong grins at his best friend and shakes his head. Trust Junsu to take all the credit.

It is still Yunho's turn when they arrive at the studio. Jaejoong bites his lips in nervousness, eyes scanning the place for Changmin. He almost jumps in surprise when he spots the tall man staring at them with a soft smile on his face. "Be still, my heart," Jaejoong mumbles to himself. Beside him, Junsu snickers.

"Want me to hold your heart for you? It's about to drop," Junsu comments when Changmin slowly approaches them. He holds Jaejoong by the elbow and leads him to a table where they put down the food.

"You must be Jaejoong." His body stiffens. He wants to turn around and face the man of his dreams but he can't. Changmin is actually talking to him. He even knows his name.

Sensing his best friend's discomfort, Junsu forcefully turns Jaejoong around and plasters a grin on his face. "I'm sorry about that. Jaejoongie here is just a little out of it for obvious reasons." He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Changmin gets the message and smiles that charming smile of his. Jaejoong's heart skips a beat. Those mismatched eyes when he smiles always gets him.

Oh, Kim Jaejoong, get a grip, he tells himself. Clearing his throat, he beams, silently telling his heart to calm down because holy Shim Changmin's killer smile is directed at no one else but him!

If he thinks his day couldn't get any better, then he's wrong. Changmin pulls him in a hug. He squeaks rather pathetically as his hands fall limply on his sides. It is one of those one-sided hugs because he's unable to hug the tall man back. He's afraid it's all just a dream and he'd wake up the moment he moves. So he doesn't.

He feels a hand rubbing his back and he blinks, this certainly is not a dream. While mentally rejoicing and feeling all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside because this Changmin is real and the hug is just as real, the moment gets cut short when Yunho decides to grace them with his presence.

"I'd like to have Jaejoong back, please," the seemingly irate Yunho says, grabbing onto Jaejoong's arm and tries to pull him away from his bandmate, but to no avail.

Junsu watches as the two superstars play a childish game of tug-o-war with Jaejoong acting as the poor rope. He smiles in amusement. "Interesting."



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Chapter 15: this fic is like every fan dream. It was so light and fluffy not too much dram and i really really like it. thank you for sharing and creating this sweet story :D you got me hooked up read it in one go
Chapter 15: Read this in one go! Oh Joongie! I wish I were you...what a lucky fan!hehe....interesting plot!
Yuki132 #3
Chapter 15: So cute, although the first epilogue made me start a little :) Haha poor junsu who tried to get back at jaejoong, though I guess yoosu got him back in the end :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 14: Ugh who did she think she is?!? guess gay issues or not she deserved the break up with such attitude in her..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 11: Really really unexpected twist! so glad its just alternative becoz this broke my heart T.T though im sure yunjae will always find way to each other again no matter what :)
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: OMG I was looking around this yunjae fic where Jae is homin shipper! i think its in LJ hehe.. stupid memory *facepalm*
Chapter 1: I started reading it at work, and I'm dying to supress my giggles and squeaks!!!!!! This plot it's SOOOOOOOOOO interesting! So much!
monshine #8
Chapter 15: Yoosu....Ha Ha Ha Ha.....
Chapter 14: so much emotional in this part, but they all happy and had his happiness. So glad it. Surprising even yoosu had little daughter. Hiihihi whenyou had too yunjae?!! You are so sweet at all
Chapter 13: their meeting so cute, but this the first time i read about changmin & siwon got relationship. So rarely found it but so far not bad.
So siwon's daughter biased of changmin? Hahaha good.