Min Soo Meets Mrs Cho

Love In Between
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Night time came and Minah and Kyuhyun were going to bed after a simple dinner. Kyuhyun came out from the bathroom when he heard soft sniffles. He knew where the sound came from. He got into bed and turn around and face his wife. "Yeobo? Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine, oppa," said Minah. She was also wiping her tears. Of course, Kyuhyun, being a husband, feels concern about his wife being upset. "Something tells me you're not alright. Would you mind telling me?"

Minah heave out a sigh before telling him. "Today, I was reminded of the time where I had a family picnic with my parents 10 years ago. When we saw those family earlier, my memories of my parents came back to me."

"I see. No wonder you were sighing earlier," said Kyuhyun.

"I don't know why but thinking about them makes me sad," Minah cried softly.

Kyuhyun didn't want to see her cry. He gently pull her to his side to face him. "It's alright. You're not alone anymore. You have me now. And my mother and sister. We'll make new happy memories together. I'm sure that's what your parents want for you. To be happy and never be sad just because they left you," he crooned. His fingers wipe her tears off her eyes.

"And another thing. Just because your parents left you doesn't mean they will leave you forever. I bet they are here, watching you everyday. Smiling proudly at you," he continued.

Minah began to smile. "You know, at the cemetery, I saw them glowing like angels."

"Jinja? What did they say to you?" Kyuhyun asked with curiousity.

"That they will always be with me forever because they love me," replied Minah.

Kyuhyun just smile at her. "You know what? I also saw my father glowing like an angel too. And he said the similar thing."

"Jinja?" Minah said with surprise. Kyuhyun nod his head. "Someone we love who left us will never leave us forever. They are always with us anywhere we go." He place a kiss on her temple. "Do not forget that."

"Gomawo, oppa," Minah thanked him for the advice. Kyuhyun smile as he and Minah share a kiss on their lips before they go to sleep.



The next morning, Min Soo was cooking breakfast again. As usual, Kyuhyun came downstairs, all dressed up to go for his schedules.

"Oh my! Kyu, you look gorgeous today," said Min Soo. "Minah is still sleeping?"


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check out my new background picture. again, i do not own it. proper credit goes to the owner.


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Chapter 19: This is awesome! I really find the action scenes funny! I adore a saesang like her who can afford a helicopter! That was daebak! Hahaha! Anyway, good story!
Chapter 19: Thankyu for writing n im glad minah finally have her own family =)
lulu88 #3
Chapter 19: They have cute little girl, ahhh happy ending, so perfect :D
Chapter 16: Honestly, I find it funny that they have the same dream. :D
Chapter 16: Report to the police!
SongLogie #6
Chapter 16: update again, please. fufufu~
SongLogie #7
Chapter 15: ya ya that women always make kyu and minah are suffering
Chapter 13: They should have just leave without that woman!
SongLogie #9
Chapter 12: gerrr, jeongmal i hate that damn woman. please just go away
Chapter 12: Why minah just look at her husband? She should just give him more extra care n attention not minsoo. When are they going to get rid of that woman