Holiday To Phuket (part 4)

Love In Between
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By the time the four friends had finished exploring the streets, it was almost dinner time. Nichkhun suggested to buy some street food and they agree. After doing that, they each went back to their rooms, all worned out and dirty. "My feet are sore!" said Minah, feeling exhausted. And she lie down on the bed. "Ah! Bed feels so nice after today's adventure."

"We should take our bath first," suggested Kyuhyun. "I'm feeling hot and dirty."

"So am I," said Minah, agreeing with his idea. "How about we take a bath together?" 

"Hmm. I never tried before. But I guess it will do us no harm," said Kyuhyun.

The two entered the bathroom. Kyuhyun took off his bandage from his arm. Minah turns on the faucet and the water from the showers came running down, hitting their bodies. "How refreshing!" sighed Minah. 

Kyuhyun was applying some soap onto his hands. "Do you mind if I scrub your back?" he asked. 

"Sure. Anything you want," replied Minah. And so, he rub the soap onto her back while Minah washes her hair with shampoo. Kyuhyun began to tickle her waist, just for fun, making Minah giggle. "Ya! Stop it!" 

But Kyuhyun just continue on tickling her. "That's your punishment for not going scuba diving with me," he teased, pretending to be cross.

"Arasso. When my baby is out, I will go with you," said Minah. She apply some soap and rub Kyuhyun's back as well. The two had fun bathing together. Soon, their fun in the showers is over. They grab a towel and dry themselves. "Did you have fun tonight?" asked Kyuhyun.

Minah nod her head in respond. "We should do this more often at home."

Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around her and smile. "I'd really like that." He gave a quick kiss on her cheek. "Thanks for suggesting this idea. I enjoyed myself tonight. But most of the time, I enjoy tickling your body the most."

Minah hit his arm playfully but slightly due to his infection from the jellyfish sting.  "You're such a teaser." 

"That's what husbands are for," said Kyuhyun. "They always tease their wives in a fun way." 

"But don't go too far, okay?" warned Minah. "Otherwise, you'll become the old Kyuhyun I used to know before."

"I won't. I promise," Kyuhyun said in a soft voice. He gave another kiss on her temple before wearing his clothes. They came out from the bathroom and began to feast on the food they bought. As for Minah, being a pregnant lady, she carefully chooses the food that she can eat. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't go scuba diving with you," Minah apologizes. "That's the reason why you got the sting." 

"Oh, yeobo. You don't have to say sorry. I was only teasing you in the bathroom," said Kyuhyun. 

"I know, but-----" Minah was interrupted by Kyuhyun putting his finger on her lips. "It's alright. Don't blame yourself just because you weren't there with me or the reason why I got bitten. At least you tag along with us. That's the main thing." 

Minah smile in respond. "Ne. That's the main thing." 

"There's still some more food left. We should finish them," said Kyuhyun.

"I think I had enough. You can eat the remainings," said Minah as she got up. She was grabbing her purse and wearing her shoes. "Where are you going?" asked Kyuhyun. 

"To get a new bandage for your arm," replied Minah. 

"Is there any pharmacy in this hotel?" asked Kyuhyun.

"No, but I spotted one on the way here yesterday," replied Minah. "I'll be back soon, okay? Just stay here and eat your pain killer." 

When Minah closes the door, Min Soo was coming out in her robes. "Darling, where are you going at the hour?" she asked.

"To the pharmacy. Kyu needs another bandage for his arm," replied Minah. 

"Jinja? I don't see any pharmacy shop in this hotel," said Min Soo.

"I spotted one yesterday. Maybe I could get Nichkhun to take me there," said Minah. "Is he in his room now?"

"I think so. You should ring the doorbell and see," said Min Soo. "I'm going to sleep now. Good night." 

Minah said good night to Min Soo before ringing the doorbell. Nichkhun answered the door from inside. "Hi, Minah. Can I help you?" 

"Annyong. Sorry to bother you at the moment. But I need you to take me to the pharmacy," 

"Pharmacy? For what?" asked Nichkhun.

"To get Kyu a new bandage," replied Minah. 

"Oh, alright. I'll take you to one that is near

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check out my new background picture. again, i do not own it. proper credit goes to the owner.


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Chapter 19: This is awesome! I really find the action scenes funny! I adore a saesang like her who can afford a helicopter! That was daebak! Hahaha! Anyway, good story!
Chapter 19: Thankyu for writing n im glad minah finally have her own family =)
lulu88 #3
Chapter 19: They have cute little girl, ahhh happy ending, so perfect :D
Chapter 16: Honestly, I find it funny that they have the same dream. :D
Chapter 16: Report to the police!
SongLogie #6
Chapter 16: update again, please. fufufu~
SongLogie #7
Chapter 15: ya ya that women always make kyu and minah are suffering
Chapter 13: They should have just leave without that woman!
SongLogie #9
Chapter 12: gerrr, jeongmal i hate that damn woman. please just go away
Chapter 12: Why minah just look at her husband? She should just give him more extra care n attention not minsoo. When are they going to get rid of that woman