Got Cha!

Maybe is the word~~
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''Who knew snacks can actually grab so much attention?'', i said in a quiet voice which i only thought Chen could hear. I got so embarrased when some of the cheeky listeners turned around. ''YAA you jealous?'', Baekhyun screamed jokingly. I shaked my head covering my face with my hands and lyed on the bed like a sausage. Not quite expected but Chen lyed next to me on the bed but was pretending to look at his phone. Those silly faces and weird face talents made me want to squish his face because of the cuteness. I ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek when the members werent looking. He pulled a cute face at me which made me love him so much. ''New couple. You guys dont need to hide it'', Sehun said while putting his arm on Luhans shoulders. I sat up and looked at him with the 'what' face. ''Are you guys-s-s dating?'', Lay studdered about to flip out of excitement. It was easy to trick Lay since he was so guillable but so adorable. ''No, we are best friends'', i said which made them still not believe it. ''As if best friends do that'', Tao said in his funny voice. It was awkward since they never acted like that before. The members always dont find out the really personal things about yourself. But this time, they are gonna be a hard cookie to break.


This plan is going quite well. But me myself, i felt quite bad for them if they are dating. Its quite personal but i mean we are all family together. I kept quiet in the corner watching whats happening. The plan went as planned. To tease them, ignorance then acting really mean which i wasnt good at. The 11 members must be good actors today. As planned, some of the members went out to catch a movie. I had to be in the hotel room with the 'best' actors in EXO to keep in track. The good actors . Yes very exagerrated ones. Chanyeol, Baehyun, D.O, Kai, Sehun and myself. Well Chanyeol and Baekhyun can change their personality really easily. D.O has the scary eyes he can pull off. Kai is just there for the laughs. Man the looks. Sehun is there to just lighten up the situation you know. And myself. To be honest, i guess they want me to stay for some reason. Hopefully everything goes to plan. I went to the bathroom and just played some games inside since the other members are going to start showing off their acting skills. We all knew Angel and Ch

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chentroll9 #1
oh interesting <3