Three Minutes

A Writer's Canvas ▬ Collection of Oneshots | fin.

Dedicated to: A lot of people

“He’s a playboy, Sica, if you fall in love with him, he’s going to break your heart into a million pieces and practically kill you. Look, I know you have been through love before and whatsoever, but Jonghyun’s different, okay? He’s not going to make you smile. He’s, in the end, going to make your world fall apart because he doesn’t have a heart. Even Minho’s more sincere than him. Mark my words, Jessica, mark my words. No boy’s going to come up to you, with a glue gun in his hand, and ask if you’re okay and then mend your heart when it’s broken. Sure, there are trillions of sones out there that are men, but they’re just crazy.” Taeyeon advised gravely, when Jonghyun approached Jessica cautiously and carefully.

“I’ve got this. I know everything. I understand, Taeyeon, I get it. He’s a playboy, and I can’t fall for him. Okay, okay, now leave us. With all due respect, leave us so I can settle this, okay? That’s the hugest favour you can do for me now.” Jessica replied, touching Taeyeon’s hand and patting it gently, intense gaze focused on Jonghyun’s.

Jonghyun’s steps were hard against the soft floor of the practice room. It was two in the morning yet both of them were awake, up and running. Taeyeon nudged Jessica a little before turning on her heel and prepared to leave. Jonghyun nodded curtly to Taeyeon, and she nodded back. Jessica’s eyes were all over Jonghyun, because, honestly, even idols would love his body. But she snapped out of it because Taeyeon’s words rung high in her head, over and over, like a broken telephone machine with a message repeating.

For a moment there the pair’s eyes met, and just when the door clicked close, and Taeyeon’s footsteps couldn’t be heard and no shadow was formed outside, Jonghyun cracked a smile. Jessica returned it wordlessly, thinly. She had no intention of letting him gain any of his cocky confidence or hoping up high. Jonghyun’s thoughts ran through his head slowly and smoothly. He knew that she didn’t trust him, from her actions, and even from the way she stood. Now her stance wasn’t anything too formal, but she was decent enough. Her head hung high, but not too high that she seemed proud, just enough to allow her to look at him; her lean and petite body was straight, her thin but strong arms were in two different positions. Her right arm was on her hip, and her elbow hung at a right angle. Her left one hung by her side, but she didn’t let it go limp. Her legs were shoulder-width apart. But her eyes were scanning him up and down, making him shift a little but didn’t ruin his composure.

“So I hear you’ve been up to Japanese promotions lately?” Jonghyun asked. ‘The questions approach, how classic. Oh right, and how boring.’ Jessica thought. “Oh you know, the usual. Busy, tiring, but rewarding.” She replied.

Jonghyun nodded, “Yes, yes, I see. The fans like all your songs so far, huh? Looks like the maknae’s getting a lot of attention these days.”

Jessica knew he was talking about Seohyun getting more lines than even the main singers, and she nodded, again. She had nothing more to say, really, apart from the fact that she had to sleep. Not that she was tired, she wasn’t, but rather her beautiful body needed time to rejuvenate and reenergize. Jonghyun smiled at her again, but she found that she couldn’t return it. Jonghyun decided that it was finally time to confront her of the situation. He had to do it now, or forever have held his peace. He let his tongue swivel round in his mouth for a little bit before he said, “Look, Jessica.” Jessica knew it was coming. She put a hand up, and looked to the side. “Stop, just stop. Because I know what you’re going to do and no, it’s not going to work, so just don’t waste your effort, okay?”

“Give me five minutes. Please, all I need is five minutes.” Negotiating and begging started.

“One minute. That’s all I’m giving you.”

“I can barely breathe in one minute. Four minutes, just four.”


“Four.” Jonghyun’s eyes were pleading her mercy. The ice queen looked him straight in the eyes, smirked and said, “Three minutes.”

Jonghyun’s eyes met hers once more. Both of them had a determined look in their eyes, as if it was a showdown. It was all so dramatic. She glanced at the clock, nodded, and instructed, “Your three minutes start now.”

“Okay. So Jessica, I know you have a really bad impression of me and since Taeyeon told you many stuff about my background and yes, yes I admit that I was a playboy, and I had tons of girlfriends before my actual career in SHINee started, but ever since then I stopped. I haven’t dated anyone for a long time now, because no one caught my attention. But then I found you, Jessica. I found you and the moment you entered my world I couldn’t stop thinking of you, not when I was resting from all the promotions, not when I was given a break, not even, when I was asleep at night. I didn’t, couldn’t dare to call you or text you, just watch you from afar. I don’t know if you know this, Jessica, but you’re like an angel sent from heaven – which might sound cheesy but I really mean it. I don’t want you to be afraid of what I’ve done before. Believe me I don’t want to hurt you, I’m not dangerous, and I can be a good guy. I have been so far. But you don't trust me, and I know. Yet I can, I can establish the trust between us. And if you, please, accept this, let me come closer to you. Because I am absolutely, definitely, positively, unquestionably, no strings attached, beyond any doubt, unconditionally, in love with you.” Jonghyun stopped and breathed. Three minutes was up. He did it exactly on the spot.

Jessica had tears in her eyes. She was shocked beyond belief. Unintentionally, unconsciously, her arms had fallen limp, her eyes, her gaze had dropped to a certain crestfallen expression, and her mind had been blown. She didn’t know Jonghyun loved her this way. She always thought that they had only a flirting partner relationship, but she didn’t know he actually meant it. She thought he was a mere playboy, but she was wrong. She didn’t care what Taeyeon said. She couldn’t deny it, she was hopelessly in love with him too.

“If you believe me now, even after all I said, all I’ve done, I do, love you too.” Jessica smiled, and tears streamed down her cheeks.


Jessica smiled, a faint remembrance of her previous and first experience with Jonghyun. Taeyeon, after that, scolded her until she had some ten lashes from her, verbally of course. But then the leader realized that Jonghyun was really committed to Jessica and loved her a lot. Following that, SHINee, Super Junior, SNSD and f(x) all knew about it. But Lee Soo Man didn’t know, and they weren’t planning on telling him any soon anyway.

“Penny for your thoughts, sweetie?” Jonghyun’s calming voice appeared from beside her, and he handed her a drink while stuffing a coin back in his pocket. “Nothing much. Besides, it’s a long story that we both know about already.” Jessica replied, shooting him a knowing and grateful look.

“Oh, that. I see. So, how have you been lately? Apart from more Japanese promotions and all. We can’t go out alone, but we can be alone. I bet the Paris fans will spot us. We’re already under their radar.” Jonghyun and Jessica, and the whole of SM Town, were in Paris for their live tour, and both of them were in Jessica’s bedroom. It wasn’t the ideal place, but it was the only place they had their freedom. The whole level was taken by SM idols, so nobody was allowed to access the level unless they had the card.

Jessica explained to him about how tiring the promotions were, and how complicated it was to manage them all at once and still have the time for her secret boyfriend. And of course, they were also planning on having a new album for Japanese songs with all their current ones along with new songs too. The titles haven’t been released to them just yet but they were extremely excited about it. Jonghyun listened intently to everything, with Jessica’s head leaning against his shoulder and him drinking his own drink in one hand. The other was laced between Jessica’s hands. They sat in that position a lot. The rest of the SM Town had gone for an event. The four bands knew, but BoA and TVXQ they had to lie to and say Jessica had cramps while Jonghyun had a splitting headache. They weren’t sorry about it, but they had good acting skills.

“So, what should we do today? We could make some lunch. There’s a great kitchen and I know that we both know that someone here cooks very well. Of course, without… cucumbers. You know, I still don’t get why you crumble at the sight or smell or taste or touch of the cucumber. Come on, they’re harmless!” Jonghyun crossed his arms, watching her eyes widen curiously. “Because… because cucumbers freak me out and you can’t say a thing about it! So don’t even try, don’t even try! Anyway, I want to take a risk today. Could we please just try and go out together? Somewhere quaint. And I know a back route from this hotel and we’ll just get the chauffer to drive a taxi instead of the huge and sleek black limo. That’ll be too obvious.” Jessica tried to convince him; though the many times before she’d been rejected this idea, because he didn’t want to try it. Because of that, she called him a stubborn dinosaur.

“Okay fine. But just this once, and if we don’t catch any attention, we’ll do that again. But if we do –” “We’ll never try it again.” Jessica finished for him, laughing; because sometimes, Jonghyun seemed to pick up some of Key’s nagging. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, because Jessica was a really daring and brave girl, sometime she had to be tied back to the ground once in a while to tame the beast in her. Jonghyun picked up Jessica’s bag for her while she went to grab some of their disguises – a turtleneck for Jonghyun over his singlet and glasses and a black wig for Jessica. Over the days they found that sunglasses wasn't enough for Jessica because she was easily recognized by anyone. Jessica returned from her closet and they took the back elevator down. Jonghyun texted the chauffer to get there (the back exit) in five minutes.

Jessica fixed her hair in the mirror while Jonghyun watched her intently. “Jonghyun, why are you looking at me like that?” She asked, continuing to attempt pushing her fringe back to stay in place.

“Because…” He muttered, before pulling a pin out of his pocket, grab her shoulders gently and faced her towards him. He took the fringe, pushed it behind her ear, and pinned it so it stayed.

“Thanks.” Jessica knew that Jonghyun was a caring guy and he did things like that all the time, but she still felt her heart flutter when he did that. She would kill herself rather than lose Jonghyun.

Jonghyun led her out of the elevator as soon as they finished putting on their disguises. Jessica looked different with black hair, very different actually, but Jonghyun would be able to spot her from afar, and Jonghyun hid himself with his turtleneck. No one was at the back exit, apart from the few cleaners and workers, but they were ajusshis and ajummas that really didn’t care much about idols. They looked at each other and nodded before making their way out. The taxi had arrived. The chauffer didn’t know about any relationship, but he didn’t tell anybody about anything so it was fine to speak intimately in front of him.  

“Take us to… somewhere quiet and quaint.” Jonghyun decided and added, “Oh, and make sure nobody’s there. Not a soul.” Jessica smiled and reached to buckle her seatbelt, but Jonghyun reached over and did it for her, and in the process moving over her forehead and kissing it lightly. Jessica did the same for him, but instead she kissed his lips. Their relationship as such that there was a lot of skinship and flirting, but nothing too serious or passionate. They didn’t do much tongue action though Jonghyun would love to. He considered Jessica’s views on it, and she wasn’t too comfortable.

Jonghyun placed his hand over Jessica’s and smiled reassuringly.

“Jonghyun, promise me something. You can’t break it.”

“Alright, say it, dear.” Jonghyun looked at her briefly.

“Promise me that you’ll never change and you’ll love me no matter what. Okay?” She said.

“That’s not a question. And plus, you know the answer. If you do need further clarification – I promise.” Jonghyun squeezed her hand. She looked worried somehow, and that worried Jonghyun. “Don’t worry. If you’re not convinced, you should be after this.” Jonghyun reached and hugged Jessica closely and tightly, his muscular arms wrapping around her slim waist. She leaned onto his shoulder and they stayed there, however tight the seatbelt was pulling at them.

“Are you now?” He asked. “If by am I convinced then yes, yes I am.” “Good, ‘cos I was about to get waist-strangled by the seatbelt.” He moved back and massaged his waist. “Jonghyun!” She called playfully, messing his hair up and laughing.


“I know what we should do! We should watch the sky. It’s so beautiful now, like this, especially in summer.” Jessica admired the sky.

“Aren’t you hungry? Plus, it’s not like we’re in a meadow right now. We’re by some quaint village in the middle of Paris. Or wait no, we’reoutside of it.” Jonghyun replied with his question.

“Yeah, I guess I am hungry. Why, you going to make a sandwich appear?” Jessica asked, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Hurtful! But even better, I’ve got a whole picnic prepared.” Jonghyun snapped his fingers and the chauffer came out with a huge picnic basket and left discreetly. Jessica didn’t even have time to respond!

Jonghyun flapped the top of the basket and lay out the food. He prepared Jessica’s favourite snacks: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, lemonade, potato salad, cookies (chocolate and pecan nuts), egg rolls and just for the fun of it, some sushi to make it seem oriental. Of course, he didn’t pack too much per dish, just enough to fill both of them.

“You sure know how to up to your girlfriend don’t you?” Jessica smirked. “Yes, yes I do. Now, ahhhhh!” He opened his mouth wide, indicating to Jessica to mimic him too.

“Ahhhhh!” Jonghyun fed her a tiny cookie and laughed at . He found it funny that was so small even though she was a singer. Jessica laughed too, but she didn’t know what he was laughing about.

Jessica proposed an idea that she knew Jonghyun would love. The egg rolls were really long, so she took one and bit one side of it, and motioned for Jonghyun to take the other. He immediately knew what she was hinting at, and he obliged. Though, right before their lips touched, he bit off his end and left the other side hanging from awkwardly.

“Haha!” He yelled, laughing and pointing at her. Jessica’s face turned a dark shade of red, and he knew what she was going to do, so he quickly turned and escaped from her grip. Jessica got up and chased after him. “Kim Jonghyun! Get back here!” She shouted with all her might. She decided that two could play at his game. She crouched down to the ground and held her stomach, feigning pain. “Ow… sto-stomach c-c-c-ramp…”

“Jessica! Don’t be playing with me now…” His voice got less confident as her acting became more serious. He had a frown on his face as he ran towards her, supporting her by her neck. “Jessica, are you okay?” Jessica giggled and let go of her stomach. It finally dawned on Jonghyun that it was a joke, and said, “Grr… Jessica!” He tackled her to the ground (which honestly wasn’t tackling because it was so easy) and trapped her. Her head was between his two strong arms and she couldn’t move. He smiled and moved closer to her, so close that he could feel her breath. He watched her eyes flutter open, and close. He shifted and placed his lips on hers carefully, his heart banging against his chest every time.

When they broke apart, Jessica took a breath and said, “Kim Jonghyun, I love you.” He smiled, and replied, “I love you too, Jung Sooyeon.”


“Thanks Jonghyun. For a great day spent together, thank you very much.” Jessica smiled. “I have to return to my group mates now, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Arasso. I’ll see you around.” Jonghyun hugged her and kissed the top of her head softly. “I love you.” He whispered before leaving.

Jessica saw his back fade into the corridor and mouthed I love you too, and shut the door.

It wasn’t very early, about eleven already, and the members were sleeping by then. She tiptoed into her room – everyone had their own since it was hotel. Jessica cleaned up quickly and changed into a nightgown. Putting her clothes in the laundry basket, she headed off to her bed and plugged in her iPod. Something buzzed.

-// Hey baby, you awake? Get a good night’s sleep and I’ll see you in the morning okay? xoxo, Jonghyun. PS: I love you! //-

Jessica smiled – she’d reply in the morning – and tried to catch some sleep.

“Jessica, Jessica, wake up.” Taeyeon gently shook her. Jessica aroused slightly and supported herself up, messing her hair and pushing her fringe backwards.

“Wae? Waeyo?” Jessica replied in her monotonous voice. It was her morning voice, according to her.

“You might want to see this.” “Wait, why are you guess all dressed?” Jessica asked, because all of SNSD were dressed and ready to go. “After you see this, you’ll understand. We’ve told manager that you’re sick. If he asks, say cramps. We’ll be going now.” Taeyeon passed a newspaper to her, and before Jessica could say anything, they were out of the door.

“Yah! Yah! Wait –” she started to shout, but they weren’t there. “Aish.” She muttered, and picked up the newspaper. She took one look at it, threw it aside, and then immediately went back to it.

The headlines stated: Kim Jonghyun and Shin Sekyung officially dating! Jessica didn’t need to read any further. Her eyes teared up and her thin lips forced into a straight line while quivering a bit. She bit her lip. All she could think in her head was, Jonghyun betrayed me. Jonghyun was two-timing me with Sekyung. Jonghyun… Jonghyun… Jonghyun. She almost went crazy. She didn’t speak – she couldn’t speak.

She trudged across the floor and carried out her usual morning activities, crying as she did so. After she was done, she looked in the mirror. Sure, any girl would say she was pretty, but her eyes were puffy and red, and though she looked freshened up, she was feeling horrid. When she returned to her room, she picked up the newspaper, fell hard on the bed, and lay down. With one hand she threw the newspaper aside to who-knows-where, and sobbed. She didn’t care if she’d ruined her clothes.

Knock. Knock.

Jessica didn’t answer. She knew who it was. She took a deep breath, and stood up, wiping her tears with the back of her hand.

“Jess –”

“I ing trusted you, you bastard!” Jessica swore at him. She never swore, not even when one of her group mates made her eat cucumber sandwiches as a trick. Without any more words, she exited through the door, slamming it on her way out.

“What?” Jonghyun was confused. He noticed the newspaper and spotted the headlines. Before he did anything else, he opened the door and yelled down the hallway, “Jessica!” But she was long gone, and he closed the door back, slid down the back of the door and sat, putting his head in between his knees.


Jessica ran, and ran. She didn’t stop, not for anything. Then she crashed into someone. It was Donghae. Tears already stained her ashen pale face. She looked down, unwilling to meet his eyes. “I’m s-s-s-sorry.” Jessica tried to get past him, but it was too late. He held out his hand and pushed her back. “Don’t be. Now tell me what’s wrong, before I force it out of you.” Donghae was Jessica’s ex-boyfriend. It didn’t really work out between them but then they continued their relationship as friends.

Jessica didn’t say anything. Donghae rolled his eyes.

“It’s about Jonghyun and Sekyung isn’t it?” Jessica nodded. Donghae grimaced. “Let’s go somewhere more private. Follow me.” Donghae took her by the hand and brought her to his room. It was empty, all the other members had gone out, but Donghae stayed back to settle some things with his co-ordinator noona. Jessica followed, and he locked the door behind him.

“Make yourself comfortable.” He said, pouring two cups of water for the two of them. She sat on the couch. Donghae sat beside her, watching her drink. “Jessica, listen to me. I might be your ex-boyfriend, but I’m the next best person, okay? Please listen. Tell me what you’re – wait, no. Just cry. Just cry it out, okay Sica? Trust me, you’ll feel better.” He said, pulling her close to him, so that her head fell onto his chest. The silence went on for a while. Then she cried. Her little sobs escalated into full-blown wails. Donghae didn’t flinch at all. “Oh, love.” He said. They sat there for a whole fifteen minutes. Only then did Jessica calm down. Donghae stood up and took a towel from the bathroom.

“Here.” He lifted her chin with one hand and dabbed at her eyes. “I’m sorry I got your shirt wet.” She mumbled, an incoherent string of words, but Donghae seemed to get it. “It’s alright, Jessica, it’s alright.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled. “Better?” He asked. Jessica nodded.

“Now, can you tell me?” Jessica nodded again.

“You already know the back story, don’t you? And so Jonghyun and I recently have been dating and then last night he went out with me on a date – a picnic and we also went for a walk and then he sent me home and texted me before I slept telling me to get a good night sleep then in the morning when I woke up Taeyeon unnie showed me Korean news – you know we get them in the morning because we can’t read Paris news – and it stated that him and … Sekyung unnie were… dating and so he came in and I went berserk I called him a ing bastard and I left the room and I cried and now I’m here.” She sniffed. Donghae had a dazed expression.

When he finally snapped out of it, he offered his shoulder and Jessica leaned against it. “It’s been so long since we last did this, right, Jess?” He called Jessica by her English nickname that only she allowed him to. Everyone else called her Sica. “Yeah. It has.” Jessica sighed and sniffed again.

“Well, you listen to me, Jessica.” He grabbed her shoulders and they were face-to-face. “If he really did date Sekyung, he doesn’t deserve a girl like you. But, as much as I’d like to say yes he did, because of course, it’s to my advantage, I have a strong gut feeling that Jonghyun didn’t. Trust me, he wouldn’t two-time a girl like you Jess. You are a special one. And if I hadn’t gone along and dated Tiffany, well – sort of date – I would have dated you. And also if things had worked out between us, that was a big reason too wasn’t it? But my point is, Jessica Jung Sooyeon, you should try to work things out between you and Jonghyun. I’m sure, quite sure that Jonghyun didn’t mean to do this.” Donghae finished, and let go of her shoulders.

“You really think so?” Jessica asked. He nodded, and she instantly hugged him.


“Mr. Lee!” Jonghyun yelled, furiously knocking the room door.

“Come in.” Lee Soo Man replied curtly.

Why did you publicly announce that Sekyung and I are dating? I don’t even like Sekyung like that, and she… you… even used our pictures! We were just… It’s not like that! But the main thing is, why in the world did you say that we are dating!

“Oh,” he smirked, “That. I see, I see. See, Jonghyun, my boy, you don’t understand. If this isn’t announced, how do I explain you and Sekyung’s relationship? The press conference and the reporters… they would pester you! And you know your fans will hate you. You know that right Jonghyun? For not telling them that you were – are – dating her. And I did this for SHINee’s popularity! If Sekyung and you were dating, SHINee would be followed for so many more days, weeks, months… a whole year even! Besides, all I need to do is cancel the CF!”

“You don’t understand anything, Lee Soo Man, anything. SHINee is already popular enough and by doing this my fans will hate me even more because I’m dating someone they aren’t even familiar with. And do you see anyone accusing me of dating Sekyung? NO! Do yousee anyone uploading photos of the CF filming? NO! Do you see me not earning enough for the company? NO! Do you see SHINee growing less popular? NO! So don’t throw this kind of crap at me, especially when you don’t know a thing.” Jonghyun burst out; throwing the newspaper that had been thoroughly crumpled in his hands to the table and stormed out. “Good day, Sir.”

Jonghyun pulled at his hair, venting out his frustrations and returned to his room. He walked along the corridors. It seemed that everyone had gone for schedules and left without him. What friends, Jonghyun thought. A pair of petite shoes was sitting in front of his door. Someone had entered the room. He took off his shoes quietly and opened the door.

A small figure stood at the balcony, looking out into the distance. Her silhouette casted against the wall made her seem exceptionally long and thin. One look and he knew who it was. The blonde long hair, the small frame, forever-straight back, and lean calves. But what gave it away was the girl’s stance.

“Jessica.” He breathed. She her heel, glaring at Jonghyun. He noticed that her eyes were puffy and she had cried a lot, and it was his entire fault. He smiled thinly. “Jessica – look I can explain.”

“You have three minutes.” Jessica said, in a barely audible voice.

Three minutes? He didn’t have time to think about it. What words would he say? How would he say it? Would Jessica believe him? Time was ticking. “It starts… now.”

“Jessica, first off I’m extremely sorry about everything. You know that I’m just a fool for not explaining to you on the spot. This was my entire fault, but Lee Soo Man played a part in this, because he used Sekyung and my photos when we were acting for a CF! He’s going to cancel it and it’s all a plot to make SHINee more popular and Jessica you know… You know that I love you; this foolish pabo really loves you. Those scenes were for an initial CF… And Jessica, don’t be jealous okay? Sekyung and I aren’t dating. We’re just friends! Nothing more. Really, you can trust me. And Jessica, I truly love you so I don’t want you to break up with me over this trivial matter. Forgive me, for this stupid mistake of not telling you… You can, not forgive me for this, and if – I don’t even know what I’m saying now. Jessica, the main thing is that I’m sorry and –” His lines were cut off, Jessica ran towards him and cupped his face with her hands, looked at him, and kissed him.

“Pabo… I’m sorry; it’s my fault for mistaking you. I don’t want us to stop this relationship. It’s my fault…” Jessica mumbled between the kiss. Jonghyun broke it intentionally and engulfed her with his strong arms, smiling. A tear slipped down his cheek without him knowing.

“Kim Jonghyun! Jessica Jung!” Lee Soo Man yelled from the door.

We are so dead. Jessica thought. “Come to my room right now!” He moved off, quickly entering his room and sitting down.

“Close the door, Jonghyun.” Jonghyun obliged – he didn’t want to get into the man’s bad nerves. He knew that he didn’t permit relationships between label mates and that’s why he didn’t tell him that they had anything to do with each other. “Explain, Ms. Jung.” Lee Soo Man said.

“There’s not much to explain. You just saw it…” Jessica muttered.

“Both of you know that you are not allowed to date each other. Dating between label mates is strictly prohibited, and being in SM for years now, both of you should know that. And here both of you are, dating? What is this? And Jonghyun, what were you doing just now? Trying to make me feel bad? Right! That’s not working. It’s never going to work. Both of you are to end this relationship, immediately, or you will face consequences.”

“What consequences?” Jonghyun asked.

“End the relationship, or quit the company. It’s your choice.”

STOP!” Someone yelled from behind. Or rather, a few voices. “Who is it? Hurry up and come in!” Lee Soo Man was furious, and his whole face had turned red. Jonghyun took Jessica’s hand and scooted closer to her, using the last of his ability to comfort her.

In came Donghae and Tiffany, Minho and Yoona, and Taemin and Sulli. They were three widely known couples. Then in came Taeyeon and Leeteuk, and Onew and Victoria.

How did you guys know about this?Jessica mouthed to Tiffany.

We overheard! Sorry!Tiffany mouthed back, smiling at her friend.

“Mr. Lee Soo Man with all due respect, please let them date.” Donghae said. Jessica was shocked. She was stunned out of her wits.

“Give me ten good reasons why.” He replied.

“First, they sing amazingly together. Haven’t you heard they’re duet, Mr. Soo Man, Sir? Ryeowook told me.” Donghae said.

“Second, Their heights go well together! See how Jonghyun’s short but Jessica’s shorter?” Tiffany knew this would get on Jessica’s nerves – she didn’t like being a danshin, but it was a good reason.

“Third, Jonghyun helped Jessica out even at the expense of us losing points – you know, on SGB! I’m sure you’ve seen that episode before. And I hate to lose – and Jonghyun knows that.” Minho smirked.

“Even the PDs think they look good together, so how can you not? Why did they put Jonghyun and Jessica together for the Genie dance collaboration and Juliette one too?” Yoona added, and smiled at Minho. It was a pity she didn’t get to dance with Minho during those two.

“Fifth, Jonghyun hyung likes to stare at Jessica noona a lot. I think he creeps her.” Taemin shuddered, and laughed a little.

“Sixth, Jessica’s a very heavy sleeper but Jonghyun can get up and wake up others easily, I can thank Krystal for that information and Taemin for the second piece, go ask them for proof.” Sulli winked at Taemin.

“Seventh, Mr. Lee Soo Man is that Jessica’s a bad cook, but Jonghyun will eat anything.” Taeyeon wasn’t afraid to state that fact, because both of them knew it was true.

“Eighth, you guys, SM Entertainment, are afraid of them causing a scandal and so, they’re never on the same shows anymore. Admit it.” Leeteuk smiled.

“Ninth, they both cry very easily.” Onew chuckled, and thought of Jessica crying at the end-of-year win and Jonghyun at almost everyperformance.

“And lastly, Jessica’s favourite movie is Romeo and Juliette, and Jonghyun wrote the lyrics to Juliette, with influences from the movie. Fishy coincidence? I think not.” Victoria grinned, completing their ‘performance’.

“Now, Mr. Lee Soo Man, will you let them date?” Donghae asked. Lee Soo Man furrowed his brows and was deep in thought. “We could give you many more reasons why, Sir.” Donghae smiled knowingly at the pair. Everyone held his or her breath. It was the final moment.

“Yes –” The moment he said it, everyone cheered, but then he cleared his throat, “But both of you must be committed to each other and I want both of you to be at the press conference tomorrow morning at eight thirty sharp. And all of the rest of you too.” Lee Soo Man hurried them out of the room. “Now shoo! All of you. I need to make a few calls.”

Everyone hurried out of the room.

“You guys are the best people in the world!” Jessica squealed.

“Thank you so much! But how did you guys know…?”

“Thank Taeyeon for that. She tipped us off today morning!” Leeteuk smiled. “And also thank Donghae! Because his sixth sense told us that something would happen with you too careless freaks.” Taeyeon laughed.

“Now if only we could date, hyung.” Minho sighed.

Jonghyun laughed and turned to look at Jessica.

“We don’t have to hide anymore…” Jonghyun whispered in a low voice happily, while the rest of them cheered. The whole world seemed to be frozen, only the two of them were there.

“Yes, yes Jonghyun, I guess we don’t.” Jessica smiled and hugged him. Jonghyun lifted the girl with his two arms and twirled her around.

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How gorgeous.<br />
You know I don't ship HaeSica but gosh, this. <33333
Awww Sica... Maybe this is the reason behind her 'ice princess' attitude. Maybe it's a mask. <br />
This is completely beautiful. &hearts;
:(<br />
How heart hurts. The ending especially just really got at me. Gosh, I don't know why I'm crying it just seems to be coming more easily nowadays with all this beautiful writing. That was stunning. So beautiful and sorrowful <3
Poor Haesica. LSM is a stupid ! I seriously hate him to the core right now. Why is it that every couple that is really in love always have to be separated? What's the big deal really, I mean, about idols dating? What's the freaking big deal?! Okay, sorry DX<br />
Beautiful oneshot, beautiful song, beautiful yet heartbreaking Haesica <3
What a sad drabble...I loved it <3 Being a TaeTeuk shipper and all, this really made me feel so many things. Aww...I feel like crying. Wonderful drabble :)
OMG i totally understand how u feel. I am also upset about TeukSora, I really wanted the TaeTeuk couple to be on the show instead. I was really dissapointed when I first heard the news. I was all like, who the hell is the lee sora? why is it tat she is getting marry to Leetuek and not Taeyeon. It's obvious they have more chemistry together n go better together, I mean, come on, they have so many ppl supporting TaeTeuk. ....sorry 4 spouting all this. i was just really angry, guess the frustration got over me. teehee~
This is so damn realistic I could bawl my eyes out.<br />
My poor OTP. T^T I can imagine this.<br />
Leeteuk seriously IS overworking himself with a billion things.<br />
I mean, he left Sukira for his busy schedule! SUKIRA! After five years of being a DJ, he leaves...<br />
<br />
Oh TaeTeuk. <3<br />
This was perfect!
byunqrins_ #8
taeteuk <3<br />
i don't really like teuksora...<br />
i miss taeteuk ;~;
Don't remind me of TeukSora...<br />
It's so upseting..<br />
Taengoo is right in a way though, and she's being jealous as well.<br />
Why Leeteuk of all the people? Why why why?!<br />
poor Jessica D:<br />
Gosh you really studied all the JongSica moments, didn't you? <br />
I could imagine all of this...<br />
And oh, the edit is just beautiful <3<br />
I don't like Shin Sekyung even more now, seriously.<br />
Of all people, she had to pick Kim Jonghyun. <br />
GEEZ .____.<br />
Great oneshot <3