Chapter 8

Friends, Lovers or Nothing


[Jiyong’s POV]


I can’t believe I’m sitting here eating an ice cream… wait! Let me rephrase that… I can’t believe that I’m here sitting and ‘sharing’ an ice cream with my brother!


Our Dara here just had a brilliant idea of how to fix this sort of awkward atmosphere between me and Seunghyun hyung. Though we said we’re friends, we really didn’t get to live up with that. It’s been a while since I get to eat together with hyung and we don’t know how to act around each other. And that didn’t escape from Dara’s eyes. So she ended up treating us some ice cream and she insisted that hyung and I should share just like what Dara and I did when we were in a middle of a fight.


I really can’t believe the way of her thinking. Please tell me she’s not 27 so I can still put up with her antics… I think I just aged the same as hers with what she’s doing to me today…


“I’m full” I heard hyung said putting down his spoon…


“Psssh, better.. I can have this to my own. I don’t like sharing anyway.” I said rolling an eye on him.


“Yah! Jiyong you shared so you can fix the thing between you and your friend!” with that, I earn a smack on the head. Just look how this girl can be barbaric sometimes!


“Dara, ice cream won’t fix this.” I sighed trying to explain and enlighten her that whatever it is between me and hyung, it won’t be fixed by mere sharing an ice cream.


“But it worked on us~~~” She said pouting, disappointed.


“But we have a different case Dara. Its not easy.” I said to her.


“Yeah. We’re not in love with each other.”


“Bwo?!” “What the heck hyung!” me and Dara said in unison and I saw him smirk and glint of amazement can be seen in his eyes…


“No! w-we’re not…” Dara is stuttering…


“We’re just best friend hyung. I thought I told you that already earlier?” I glare at him.


What’s hard with saying we’re best friend… Aigoo~ our Dara is still not used to teasing… I shook my head at the thought while looking at Dara… She just looks so lost and shy… Ahhh I wish I have my camera with me.. That face will add up to the ‘100 faces of Dara Park’ project I’m working on…


“I don’t know.. maybe you guys are just hiding it from me..” hyung said nonchalant.


Urrrgh~ wait til I get my hands on you Senghyun hyung.. You’ll regret crossing path with us..


“Jiyong! Stop glaring at Seunghyun-ssi!” Dara reprimanded me and I did as what I was told.


“Oh by the way. Ji, your birthday is coming up. What’s your plan? You should join us Seunghyun-ssi! It’ll be fun..” Dara asked me.


Yeah, my birthday is like a week from now… What am I planning to do with that day? I always make sure to Nana that she needs to clear my schedule on that day. I’m turning 24 ahhh~ What should a 24 year old guy do for fun? One night stand? Been there, done that. Get a girlfriend? I think even God forbid me to have one right now within the situation I’m into… my life


“I have no idea… I think I’ll just let the day pass then?” I said to Dara.


“Yah! You can’t do that! We’ll celebrate it… Leave it all to me! It’ll be the best 24th birthday party you’ll ever have Ji! I promise you that…” Dara said enthusiastically. And this is why I’m always thankful for her existence… For their existence – she and Bom, in my life. They make me feel special though I know I’m not. They make me feel like I’m worth of those efforts where in truth I’m not. Not will all the things I’m hiding from her…


I felt someone nudge me, bringing me back from my trance.


“Hey Ji, Dara went to the restroom. Stop day dreaming.” Yeah, its my good for nothing brother who nudge me.


“Aish! You’re really annoying hyung! Go away now.” I said to him.


“She’s a nice girl Ji. I think I understand now why you want to keep this life.” He said.


“You know what hyung? I think this is the first time for a while that we agreed on the same thing. Yes she is. She’s really a good person. She and Bom. Oh you should meet Bom, I don’t think you can put up with her. She’s like Dara 8.0.” I said to him with a smile.


Seriously, I think hyung wouldn’t last a day with Bom… If Dara can pull of weird antics… She’s even weirder!


“I doubt that.. I can tolerate you, I lasted this long with Dara, so… I think I can tolerate your other best friend.” Hyung said to me with confidence.


I feel like we’re back in those days. Those days before we became CEOs of each of our Father’s businesses. That time, me, Youngbae and hyung usually sneak out from each of our business classes whenever we find it boring. And we will just go to some random club and spend the day till night there.


“Let’s see about that…” I challenged him.


“Looks like you two are patching it up bit by bit.” Dara said coming back from the restroom.


“Shut up D… Enough with that patching up things between us.” I said to her tiredly.


“You see Dara… Me and Jiyong, we didn’t fought each other. It’s just that things happens and you know, friends grew apart. Something like that. We’ll come around in no time I guess.” Seunghyun hyung explained it to Dara. I guess he too is hoping that Dara should stop teasing us coz it’s really getting awkward.


It’s true, we didn’t fight about anything, its just that business came and things happened. We became busy with our own schedule.. All three of us are pressured to please our father that’s why maybe we didn’t notice that with each day passing by we’re slowly drifting apart. And I’m getting so ing sentimental here… Geez I should stop.


“You know what, this mall seriously needs to do something. I mean, people usually hangs around here. I miss seeing this place so crowded. I wonder what happened? Did the management change or something? This mall could use a little gig you know. Entertainment to attract people. This place is huge it can even have a stage at the middle of it!” Dara said as she eyed the people passing by the ice cream parlor they’re eating at.


Hyung and I looked at each other then turned to Dara. Seems like he’s getting an advice from a newbie boss herself. I can’t help but be proud of her. Even though she’s childish, you can’t deny the fact that she’s so observant and always have something to suggest and say.


“Wow, Dara-ssi… You have great suggestion there.” Seunghyun hyung nodded. I think he’s considering her suggestion.


“I know right? I’m so great!” Dara said cheerfully.


Mind you, when I said Dara is good and always have something to suggest, that means she really credited herself for it.


“Very well, I have fun with you two… Though all we did is talk and eat… But I’m glad you already fix—“


“Stop!” Me and hyung said in unison which earned a giggle from Dara.


“See! You’re even—“


“Stop it!” We both said again.


“Urgh! Hyung~ Stop talking!” I whined.


“Stop being childish Jiyong.” He said while standing up.


“I’m glad I met you Dara-ssi.. I hope we could see each other again.” He added.


“You will! Don’t forget on Jiyong’s birthday!” Dara said cheerfully.


“Why are you inviting some random people like it’s your birthday that will be held?” I said sarcastically.


“Well first, he’s not random. Second, he’s your friend!”


“I’ll take my leave now, I’ll see you soon Dara-ssi, Jiyong.” Seunghyun hyung said while letting out a laugh. I think he find our petty argument funny.


“You take care Seunghyun-ssi!” Dara yelled as hyung is almost at the door way out.


“Save me from the embarrassment and stop yelling. So where do you wanna go next?” I asked her as she glare at me.


“Are you embarrass to be with me huh Kwon Jiyong?!” She said pretending to be angry. Cute.


“Yes I am, that’s why we need to get out of here soon.” I jokingly said.


“Jerk as always!” She laughed and hit me with her bag while heading out.


“Let’s just stroll around the park.” She added.



“Ji, do you remember we used to go here at the park whenever I’m so ed up with my work?” She said while eyeing the children who’s playing. The sun is about to set and after we walked for like an hour, we settled ourselves in a bench.


“Yeah, and I remember how my ears are suffering from all your complaints.” I said with a laugh.


“Oh come on! Don’t ruin the mood.” She complained as she stomped her feet on the ground while sitting.


“Aigoo~ Such a baby…” I turned her to me and pinch both of her cheeks.


She swatted my hands and pout. Ahhhh Dara, don’t do that. I thought to myself while staring at her.


“What?” She asked and pouted more.


“What what?”


“Why are you smiling like a fool~~~” She whined.


That’s when I realize I’ve been smiling while staring at her. And with that I just smirked at her and turned to look at the playground again.


“Whatever Ji. You’re so hard to read.” She said.


“The more you’ll appreciate what’s inside once you get to understand it.”


“I guess it’ll take a while.”


“Don’t take too long though.”


“Why is that?” She asked now confused.


“Nothing. I’m not a very patient person.” I just said dismissing the topic.


I felt the weight of her head on my shoulder. We both sat in silent which is very comforting but with Dara, it won’t last long.


“Don’t you wish everyday will be like this?” I heard her speak.


“You mean, you wanna be with me everyday?” I teased.


“Silly! No of course not!”


“Wow, I appreciated the honesty Dara-ssi. I’m totally hurt.” I jokingly said.


“Of course I want to be with you, but we can’t be together everyday.” She said smiles visible in her voice.


“And why is that?”


Somehow this is just another round of randomness with her.


“How can we miss each other if we are together everyday?” She said.


“Oh! So you’re saying now that you want to miss me?”


“Urgh! Ji stop messing with me~~ like for example now, I miss Bom coz she’s not with us.”


“Yeah, I miss her too.” I agree. We should really hang out soon. The three of us.


“I know you’ll miss me when I’m gone.” She whispered at me, her chin on my shoulders then went back to leaning her head again.


“You’re so conceited… I’m quite amazed.”


“What I get hanging out with you.” Now this time I felt her hooking her arms with mine.


“You sleepy now D?” I asked her. I just knew these moves of her. She’ll end up falling asleep.


“Ani~ Let’s just stay like this for a while.”


I nodded as if she can see me.


Yeah, just for a while more I thought to myself while leaning my head on hers.





I tried my best~~~ I guess I'm lacking with the "romantic" department

And I'm truly sorry for that...

I'll do my best in the near future...

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(FLN) guys I'm sorry I haven't been updating my stories.. I've been very busy w/stuffs.. But I promise I won't abandon my fic.. please be patient with me :)


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Marymaebuendia2006 12 streak #1
Chapter 9: Update pls 🙏 authornim ❤️❤️❤️
jennypish2012 #2
Chapter 9: Update please..
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 9: oopps there it is hehe next button please
paofi07 #4
pls update soon..
findingfishy #5
i really like your story keep up the good work
Chapter 9: Everything just went to waste if Jiyong doesn't appear
maria4smith #7
Chapter 9: Aww I really like Seungri wit CL, they're so cute. Aww poor dara, her surprise is wasted. :( Thanks for the update :)
pandavaw #8
Chapter 9: How disappointing to hold a birthday party and the celebrant isn't around... Hmmm i wish CL will be smitten with Seungri in this story.. Thanks authornim
Nicoletan0000 #9
Chapter 8: Interesting kkkk update soon yo
joreenmae #10
Chapter 8: waaahhhhh will seunghyun and bom meet here??? im excitedd