The Announcement...

Keeps On Pretending (JEONG MIN)

          When GIRLFRIENDS arrive at Kyung Hee University.They directly go inside the classroom and wait the others to come.Five minutes pass Hee Jin talk in front of her classmates.

     "Guyz,since our Acquaintance Party is now on Sunday and me and my-------"Hee Jin stop when the BOYFRIENDS came.

     "Good morning Hee Jin ..."the boyfriends great Hee Jin .And bow.

     "Good morning.."She replied.

Then the boyfriends went to their sits and sat.And Hee Jin continue.

     "Since the Acquaintance Party is now on Sunday Jeung Jin suggest to make a counting to have our partners.But I didn't say yes because I know it's depends to the boys if who wants them to be their partner on that day."Hee Jin said.

    "Hee Jin why did you say no ?" One of their calssmates ask.

    "because if do it by counting it's unfair for some of us that the person thay want to be their p[artner will be at the other guy...that's why I say no."

    "okey............."Their classmate said with a lonely face.

    "So since Ms.Seung is not here today so I'll give time to the boys to court the girls taht they want to be their partner on Acquaintance Party...after help us to continue preparing the things that we use on that day.


   So the boys started.And Hee Jin go back to her sit and wait for the boy that want her to be her partner on that day.

   Shin Yae just read the book she buy in the bookstore while waiting.A minutes pass he turn to her lift side where Jeong Min sit.She saw Jeong Min stare at her.Then she smile and Jeong Min smile her too.Then She go back what she do.Until one boy came to her and give flowers.But when she turn to watch the boy it was Jae Heun stare at her and bring a flower.

   "Shin Yae since your my girlfriend now ...So I'm already your partner and no one else...?" Jae Heun ask her.   

    I thought Jeong Min is the one but not..She said on her mind and face Jae Heun.

   "Huh?..........."She ask.

   "I said I'm already your partner on that event.. right?........"Jae Heun repeat his question.

   "Ahh.yeah.."she answer on a low voice.

   I thought Jeong Min is the one to come with to ofer me to be his partner on that event but I'm wrong ...I forgot that Jae Heun is now my new boyfriend..She said on her mind again and look to Jeong Min who is buzy to his cellphone.


As Jeong Min heared for what Jae heun said to Shin Yae a little pain enter on her heart.

   "Shin Yae i really thought that you will ignore Jae Heun's proposal but your not...And i don't have any right on you starting today."

To keep his self buzy and forget for what he heared from Jae Heun's mouth he play a games from his cellphone.But he can identify that there's someone  watching him.As he look to her side he saw Shin Yae looking at him.She felt a little happy but he know that it's hard for him to court Shin Yae because Shin Yae is now for Jae Heun and not for him.So just simply smile at her.

A few minutes pass Dong Hyun approach him. And sit at his side.

     "dude who is your partner is that Shin Yae?" Dong Hyun ask him.

     "Don't ask me I don't like to attend anymore.." He said angrily.

     "Why?" Dong Hyun ask and wondering.And look to Shin Yae who is with Jae Heun." I know Shin Yae have Jae Heun already?."

      "Not that Hyung she and Jae Heun are now.."

       "What ? you mean your not angry because Shin Yae is now with Jae Heun your angry because they are now?" Dong Hyun ask serouisly.


  A few minutes,the other boys came.

       "what happen hyung?"Min Woo ask them.

       "Will  Jeong Min can't came on on our Acquaintance Party ."Dong Hyun is the one who answer.

       "Why?" Jo twins, Min Woo and Hyun Seong ask.

       "is that because of Shin Yae?" Kwang Min Ask him.

       "Yes.."he answer honestly.

       "Why?" Young Min is the who ask him on these time.

       "Because he is JEALOUS. Why?"Dong Hyun is the one who answered again.And look to the rest of the boys."Ask me guyz..Why?"

       "Why?" the boys ask Dong Hyun.

       "Because Shin Yae and Jae Heun are now.."

        "What?"They all shock.

       "It's that true hyung?" Kwang Min ask him.

        "Yes..."He said sadly.

         "What a poor guy." Hyun Seong .


        "Shin Yae are you okay?" Jae Heun ask her.

        "H-huh?" Shin Yae surprise and feel a little nervous.Oh! my god did he saw me watching Jeong Min?.She ask to herself. Earlier while Jae Heun busy talking with him.She never heared it because she never listen for what Jae Heun talking about.Only Jeong Min is on her mind on that time.

        "yah.....Shin Yae what happen to you ..?Your not in yourself?" Jae Heun ask her again..

        "H-huh?."She nodded..."I'm so sorry/."She said and act like something hurt in her self.

        "What happen?"Jae Heun ask her with a little curios on his face.

        "My head is so hurt.."she said and .."Ouch.."

 A little while some of there classmates came to see them.

         "Yeah what happen to you...Shin  Yae?" Heechul as her.

         "My.." She answer.

          "Jae Heun bring her at the clinic." Hee Jin said.\

         "O-okey.." he said but when he about to carry Shin Yae, Jeong Min came.

         "I'll be the one to carry her..I know she's so heavy.."Jeong Min said seriously.

Shin Yae shock when she heared Jeong Min's voice above her.So she try to look but Jeong Min carry her along unti at the clinic.While the other boyfriends stop Jae Heun to disturb them.

        "Yeah.She's my girlfriend why did you all restrained me..?" Jae Heun ask to Dong hyun.

           "well nothing we need to do this...."Dong Hyun answer him.


Kyung Hee Clinic


                When Jeong Min carried Shin Yae he directly feel the nervous on his whole body.

     "What happen to her..?"Dr.Kim ask him.When he already put Shin Yae in the bed in that clinic.


See yah.............^_^heart

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KimMin #1
@TJKCPUI..:thank you for liking my story...^_^
update it :D
KimMin #3
........pls.continue reading<br />