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Can I Love You?

Hey :D sorry about not updating :C im just so busy with school god how i wish i could destroy it i'll try to update more often

PS: this going to focus more on what Benjamin's life is like and how you and Sarah are planned to live but sometimes plans don't work ;)

Nani :)

Your POV:

After Kris introduced everyone, I learned that the doe eyed boy's name was Luhan. He was stuck in my mind even after we left to go "home" with our new family. He seemed to pay more attention to me after I stuck with Kris. He kept watching me, and while it felt weird, I sorta liked it. I thought he was cute.....well, all of them were, but there was just something about him. Maybe the fact that he tried to communicate with me, or the fact that he kept me company while Sarah was with her uncle, or -

"________, we are here. Are you coming?" Sarah's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I felt a soft blush crep onto my cheeks when I realized what I was thinking about. I nodded and pulled my bag along. The house was modest in size, but it was nice and felt welcoming. A short man opened the door, his bright smile blinding me slightly. His hair fell slightly over his eyes, which made him look young. His eyes were brown, like mine.

"Oh my gosh! I finally get the honor to meet the famous Sarah." At this Sarah giggled and put her hand out. He shook her hand before his eyes landed on me. I took a step to the right so that I would be behind Sarah, but she moved out of the way and she and Benjamin held my arms.

"Honey, this is __________. ___________, this is my partner, Yongsun. This is Sarah's little sister." Yongsun smiled gently and took my hand as well.

"You two must be tired, so why don't you come and eat some of the dinner that I made and then head off to bed. Right now, both of your rooms are the exact same except one is on the right and one is on the left." We nodded at the short man and entered the house. The interior was cozy. When you entered, the first thing that was seen was the living room. Then came the dinning room. To the right of the dinning room was a wall that hid what I think would be the kitchen. At the left was a modern styled staircase. Instead of the traditional railing, there was a thick glass wall. The decorations of the house were modern as well.

"Benji, set the table please, I am going to show the girls their rooms." Benjamin nodded and rolled his sleeves up while heading towards the dinning room. We followed Yongsun to the bottom of the stairs. The staircase itself was wide. Yongsun took both mine and Sarah's bags and started going up the stairs.

We followed close behind him. He stopped at the first door that was on the left.

"This is mine and Benjamin's room. You are both welcome to come to us at any time, but please, knock first. Your rooms are at the end of the hall. You can choose which room you want. Later, we will go shopping for some nicer furniture okay?" We both nodded our heads. He gave a tender smile and put our bags in between two doors at the end of the hallway.

"Leave the bags in your rooms. Get comfortable, and then come to eat. Oh, and take your time." I turned to Sarah, who was opening both doors.

"So........Luhan is pretty cute, huh?" She said in a teasing tone. I felt the blood rush to my face. "Or do you maybe like Kris a little more?" She turned and watched me, a toothy grin appearing on her face.

"Oh yeah, w-well what about Chanyeol?" At this her smile fadded and was replaced with her stuttering and blushing like mad. So she does like him.

"You know what _________, they are waiting for us. We should hurry." I nodded and picked up my bag, heading into the room on the right while Sarah went into the left one.

Your POV:

After dinner, we sat in the living room and discussed school. Since niether Sarah nor I are fluent in Korean, we are going to be homeschooled. I don't have a problem with it, but Sarah.......yeah.

Benjamin is a stylist for SM and Yongsun is a music teacher at a nearby highschool. This worked well since we all loved music, and we were all into fashion and makeup. The plan was that we would get used to the area for about a week. After that week, we would be enrolled into the homeschooling program. We would pretty much be living normal lives. They gave us permission to come with them to their jobs, which was very kind on their part.

Sarah and I went to our rooms. We both ended up sitting on her bed talking about the Exo boys.

"I admit that I like Chanyeol." She whispered to me. I smiled at her.

"You know, I think he likes you too." Her head shot up to look at me.

"Do you like them?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"Like who?"

"............Luhan and Kris." She whispered. I felt the blood rush to my face in a matter of seconds. I lowered my head. I felt weak. Young. Inexperienced.




























I felt butterflies in my chest.

;) you know what that means

Nani :)

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Lukookie #1
Would u like a poster for this story too unnie? I'd be happy to do another one for u. :)