Am I Saved?

Can I Love You?

Sarah POV:

I had a bad feeling in my gut. ________ was in trouble, I could feel it. I hoped back in my car, determined to help her. I knew she wouldn't want to, but we were bound from the beginning. ________ is my half sister. Her father was to marry my mother, but then she was born. He was forced to marry her mother, but he never stopped loving my mom. What I don't understand is why they beat her? Why they keep her? Why she hasn't left them? I arrive in front of the house and walk to the door, beating my frustration out. _______ answered the door after maybe five minutes of my banging.

"Are you alright." I said softly so that only she would hear. She nodded her head but her eyes, her eyes shone with fear and relief at the same time. I pushed past her and entered the house. She followed close behind me.

"Come on _______, go pack your bags. I'm going to take you to my house, that way you will be safe and sound." I shouted. A man, whom I presumed to be my father, emerged from around a corner in a dirty robe. The smell of alcohol floated around him, choking me a bit.

"Her?" He asked while pointing to ______. I nodded my head.

"You can have her, papers and all." He turned to leave, but he stoped. He stood at the end of the hall and stared straight ahead.

Your POV:

I knew what he was looking at once he stopped. Mother was there, most likely hold a weapon of some sort. I s my fingers around Sarah's wrist, squeezing slightly. She turned her head, looking questioningly at me. I simply looked towards the door and she understood.

"Good bye Mr.________, thank you for your time." I pulled her out of the house. Once the door was closed we heard the bang of a gun. The bang sent Sarah and me flying towards her car. She jumped in and started the car immediately, speeding away from the house of terrors.

Your POV:

Soon we were at Sarah's palace house. Her parents were both very kind to me, so kind I thought it was acting. Sarah led me to her room, which was the whole top floor.

"This is my room. It's the size of a small house because I work and I like to keep everything seperate. You can sleep in my room-"

"Wait we're going to share a room?" I asked in the middle of her sentence. As a reply, she nodded and led me there. It was spacey, but what caught my eye was the ladder that led to a nook that was practically outside. One wall was a window, while the rest seemed to slowly turn from wall to window.

"I need to talk to you, its really important that you hear this." I nodded at her statement. She walked over to the door and locked it. When she turned to me, she looked nervous. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

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Lukookie #1
Would u like a poster for this story too unnie? I'd be happy to do another one for u. :)