Starting Over

Can I Love You?

Your POV:

We didn't shop for a very long time, mostly because I didn't really like shoping, so I agreed with everything that Sarah said I should buy. The only thing that I really wanted was this dress that's black and white.


After buying all of the clothes (which was only five pants, four shirts, two dresses, and two pairs of shoes), we went to eat ice cream.




"For what?"

"For helping me, for accepting me, for being my sister, for your existence." Sarah laughed, and I looked at her for a second. She looked so happy, so natural. I couldn't help but smile along with her. It was like her happiness was contagious.

"Hey, I was meaning to ask you, do you have a passport?" I shook my head. Only in my dreams have I ever left this country to go somewhere else. She pulled out her phone and started doing something.

"I heard of a place where you can get a passport made within twenty-four hours, but it costs twice as much as a regular passport."

"But don't we leave tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow night. We can pick up your passport before we go. Come on, lets head home. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"But Sarah, its not even four yet. Besides, we haven't done anything."

"Haha, that is true, but I think its best if we go back and rest so that tomorrow we have lots of energy to do everything."

Hi everyone! sorry i haven't posted in a while, and that it's a short chapter, but im hoping that you are all enjoying it so far :) please comment, subscribe, and all that good stuff. Just so you all know, im in highschool :'( so im not finishing school as soon as i want to, but i will try to update often and keep you all happy :)


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Lukookie #1
Would u like a poster for this story too unnie? I'd be happy to do another one for u. :)