Chanyeol and The Surprise

Can I Love You?

Your POV:

I was woken up by the soft knocking on my door. I sat up slowly and pushed my hair back so that I could see.

"Come in." I said in a confused tone. Yongsun's head poked in to my room, a phone in his hand.

"Its Kris. He says its important." Kris? What could be so important that he would call me? I took the phone and mouthed my thanks to Yongsun. He smiled and closed the door gently.

"Hello?" I said nervously.

"_________?" Kris asked, sounding just as nervous as I did.

"Yes?" I answered quietly. I heard Chanyeol speaking rapid Korean in the background and Kris answered him quickly.

"Are you busy today?" I held the phone away from my ear and looked at it in disbelief.

"No.....why?" I said, waiting anxiously for his answer.

"Is Sarah still sleeping?"


"I am going to be in front of your house in about an hour. If Sarah wakes up, don't tell her where you are going, and if you have to, say that you're going on a date with me. I can't explain right now, but when we get there we will." There were voices in the background that seemed to be rushing Kris.

"I have to go now. See you in an hour." Kris hung up right after he finished speaking.

Dressed in my favorite dress (the one mentioned in chapter 5, the white one with black polka dots), a jean vest, and a pair of sandals that I stole borrowed from Sarah, I waited for Kris in front of the house. I told Yongsun exactly what Kris had told me and he handed me a phone. An iPhone to be exact. It had four contacts in it, Sarah, Benjamin, Yongsun, and home. I waited for maybe two minutes before a car came to a halt right in front of me. The back door opened to reveal Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Luhan. They all motioned for me to get in, so I did. Kris drove off once the door was closed and I was seated.

"So.....why am I here." I said quietly. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Luhan eyed me curiously, then looked at Kris.

"Chanyeol likes Sarah. He wants to prepare a special date for her, so he asked me to get you to help. I have to come to translate, and Luhan and Baekhyun are good at decorating."

"Oh." I said quietly. Kris drove us to a secluded shop. We all exited the car, Baekhyun helping me step out.

"Gamsahabnida Baekyun sunbae-nim (Thank you Baekhyun)." All the boys turned to look at me in shock.

"Woah."Chanyeol said as his mouth hung agape.

"No, no, no.  Gomowayo Baekhyun oppa (Thank you Baekhyun)." Baekhyun said. I looked at Kris confused.

"You were using very polite language. He's telling you to use informal language."

"Oh. But, I only learned polite words and phrases." I replied quietly while looking to the ground.

"That's okay. We'll help you later. Kaja (Come on)." We all followed Kris into the shop, bowing slightly at the old woman at the register. Chanyeol grabbed my arm gently and pulled me along behind him. I was surprised at how gentle he could be even though he was so big.

He stopped abruptly and pointed at a chandelier with glass beads that hung over a simple glass table with two metal chairs. I walked to the chandelier and examined it. Sarah would definitly like it. I turned to talk to Kris, but noticed that it was only me and Chanyeol. I sighed before pointing at the chandelier and showing Chanyeol a thumbs up. He showed me a toothy grin before taking the removable tag off of the chandelier and grabbing my arm once again. This time, we looked at various chairs and tables before finding one that we both agreed upon. The table was a simple wooden one, that was round and had a deep mahogany color. The two chairs we chose were wooden and fabric, the wood being the same mahogany color, and the fabric being a soft beige tone. Bakhyun found us and motioned for us to follow him. We did and we found that he and Luhan had set up three different plate sets for us to chose from. Chanyeol motioned for me to choose, so I chose the plain glass plates that had a thin line of silver around the edges. Kris then came with a box of silver spoons, forks, and knives. We headed towards the cash register and they paid for the goods. We loaded everything into the car before they all heard my stomach growl loudly. I felt heat rush to my face, and they all laughed at me.

"baegoboya (I'm hungry)." I said defiantly. Chanyeol wiped his tears and crouched until his face was in mine.

"Cheeseburger?" He asked, his accent thick and clear. I nodded my head rapidly and they all laughed again. I sighed and looked at all of them. I couldn't help but smile.

This was more fun than I thought.

how have you all been? pretty fast update huh? trying my hardest to update as often as possible. school ends on the 23 so in about three weeks i will be able to update much more often

-Nani :)

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Lukookie #1
Would u like a poster for this story too unnie? I'd be happy to do another one for u. :)