The Truth

Can I Love You?

Your POV:

"I need to talk to you, its really important that you hear this." I nodded at her statement. She walked over to the door and locked it. When she turned to me, she looked nervous. I knew this wasn't going to be good.

My heart was racing. Why did she need to lock the door? Why did she have to look so nervous? Why couldn't it wait until later?

Sarah POV:

______ looked so afraid. I felt bad, but I didn't want to wait to tell her the truth. I took a deep breath, hoping that my voice wouldn't reveal the happiness that I felt.

"Do you want to know why I treat you so nicely?" Her face dropped. Whatever went through her mind, was not good, because at that moment, she backed up and nearly made a hole in the wall. Then it hit me.

Could she be thinking that I like her? I laughed, hard. Then I realized she was probably waiting for me to say something. I looked at her,her nervousness replaced with confusion.

"You have a birthmark, on the inside of your right arm, you are allergic to nuts, you are afraid of the dark, you-"

"Sarah, stop, how do you know all of that? I have never told anybody any of that." I smiled and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to me. She approached cautiously, but she sat and watched me closely. I took a deep breath and I said it.

"I am your older sister. _______, this is why I am nice to you. We are both suffering at the hands of our parents, but nobody even knows. I want to be free, but I can't and I won't go without taking you with me because, well you are the only person who might understand what I have gone through. I need you just as much as you need me. And by the way, you were right, I waslying about the trip, somewhat. My mother has a gay brother who was sent away because of his uallity. He agreed to care for us. He works for SM Entertain-"


"Why what?"

"Why would you tell me all of this right now? Why all at once? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Your POV:

Don't get me wrong, I felt a little relieved that I could leave America and all of the horrors that I faced while living there, but I felt betrayed and hurt by the fact that the only person that I trusted at all, had lied to me about who she was to me.

"If you knew a person who was going through some very difficult things in life, a person who already had a lot of stress, a person who was already drowning in their problems, would you tell them something like this when you don't even know how they would react, how they would feel." Sarah looked genuinely sad and afraid. She stood up and walked towards the door, unlocking it and opening it. She stood for a moment, then she turned again and came to me. She s her arms around my shoulders and held me tight. The action felt uncomfortable, not because it hurt or anything like that, but because I wasn't used to being hugged. This kind of hug was probably the most alien to me because I swear I could almost feel her love radiating off of her body. She really cared for me, she wasn't lying.

That day we decided to sleep together. I felt like a little kid who was sick and being pampered by their parents. She brought breakfast up the next morning and we ate in a comfortable silence. She broke the silence when she stated that we would go shopping for some clothes so that I would have something to call my own. We left soon after breakfast and headed to the nearby mall. The mall was not full of people like it should have been. Then I remembered it was Wednesday.

"Sarah, shouldn't we be in school?" I asked in a hushed tone. She smiled brightly, and giggled slightly.

"Why would we go there? We are about to start new lives. Getting ready to start over is more important than continuing what is going to suddenly end, right?"

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Lukookie #1
Would u like a poster for this story too unnie? I'd be happy to do another one for u. :)