chapter eight;

It Has To Be You

"This is so weird." Jisuk said letting out a little laugh. She was at a fancy restaurant with Dongwoo.  She was so used to going to these places with ChangJo. 

"Yeah, this is weird for me too." He let out a laugh that was a little too loud. People gave them looks to shut up. 
"Look, I know you might have pulled a lot of strings to get us here, but it's not really my thing. I'm so sorry. I've tried to get reservations here but the list is like a year." She looked down.
"Nah, my friend kind of owns the place. You know, Nam Woohyun? Yeah, I didn't know what you would like so I chose this place. But well this place isn't really my scene either. You want to get out of here?" Dongwoo began to sit up.
"Thank goodness." She was about to get up but Dongwoo came around and pulled her chair out. ChangJo never had done that.
"Thank you. But you didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to." He wrapped his arm around her waist.  
"Leaving so soon?" Woohyun asked as he approached the two. He looked over at Jisuk, smiling over at her. "Nice seeing you again." He pulled her from Dongwoo's grasp and hugged her. 
"Yes, it was Woohyun-sshi." She smiled. She went back to Dongwoo's side. She couldn't help but feel a tad bit awkward. 
"We are going out. I love Woohyun, but this place just isn't us." He shrugged as if it were nothing. 
"Okay, be safe." He waved them off, giving them another glance. As if the sentence had a double meaning. 
"Where do you want to go? Honestly, I kind of want to go home." Dongwoo sighed, Jisuk looked away. Kind of embarrassed, was she that boring?
"Wait, let me rephrase that. Go home and change, then make a good home cooked meal. Sure, Woohyun may have a four star restaurant, but at the ed of the day nothing is better than a home cooked meal which I will make for you." Jisuk was a little surprised, ChangJo had never cooked for her, and if he did bring food home it was usually fast food. "Would you like that idea." He pulled her in slightly closer. 
"I would love it." She leaned into him. 
They arrived at his apartment which was surprisingly clean, she was expecting him to be a little messy. 
"I'm not going to lie, I cleaned up a little, or well a lot." He rubbed the back of his neck. 
"Well you clean up very well. Probably better than me." She giggled.
"Sweats or shorts?" Dongwoo yelled as he went down the hall to his bedroom." 
"Sweats!" She yelled back, going around the living room. She saw he had a love seat and a large couch. A worn out coffee table with a good amount of books. There was a medium sized TV, shelves surrounding it as well, ranging from books, CDs, and DVDs.
"What would you like? I have some curry mix. Do you like curry?" Dongwoo handed her a folded pair of black sweats and a white v-neck. 
"I never took you as a reader." She smiled holding a book that she randomly picked up from the table. 
"Only when I read something interesting. Plus I've been thinking about going back to school." 
"Really? Wow. I haven't really thought about it. ChangJo said it wouldn't be good to go to school after getting married."
"When was the last time you saw him?" Dongwoo just had to ask.
"Nearly a month ago, I sent the divorce papers, but he hasn't sent them back." She sighed going to the bathroom to change. 
She had texted him a week ago, the first time since the meetings at the dorms. He would often pass by her room to see if she was coming in or going out at the same time. He stood outside the door at times wanting so badly to knock. But couldn't bring himself to. 
"Need some help?" She pulled up near him. He had the ingredients laid out on the counter. 
"No, go and sit down. Watch TV." He put his hands on her shoulders and led her into the living room. He handed her the remote, making sure she was comfortable by herself. But she couldn't this was too weird. Having someone cook for her, rather than it being the other way around. 
"Are you sure you don't need any help?" She called out. Looking at how loose the clothing was on her.
"Yes!" He replied, quickly after there was some pots clattering loudly. She laughed. 
She picked up her phone when she noticed she had a text, from ChangJo. 
'You should come home. I miss you. Things don't feel right without you here.' 
"What amazing timing." She whispered. She closed her eyes tightly, as if the action would erase the thoughts of that text. 
"The food is done!" He called out, coming into the living room and grasping ahold of her hand and leading her to the dining room. 
"This is great." Jisuk smiled as she took a bite. 
"It's nothing compared to Woohyun..." Dongwoo looked down. 
"I could care less about Woohyun's cooking right now. I just want to think about us." She emphasized on the us. 
They talked and enjoyed their dinner, skipping dessert mostly due to Dongwoo not being stocked up on sweets. They decided to just watch some TV. 
She had felt her phone vibrate, looking over at her phone seeing she had two texts messages. She excused herself to the kitchen to look at them. 
'Don't act like you didn't see my text. I'm coming over.' ChangJo had texted an hour ago. She sighed before looking at the other text from Seohyun. 
'Please come by unnie. ChangJo-sshi is here and he's drunk.' Jisuk looked over at Dongwoo, who was laughing about something. 
'I'll be home soon, let him in. Calm him down. Tell him I'm at my parents.' She replied, putting her cellphone on the counter an going back to Dongwoo. 
"What happened?" Dongwoo wrapped an arm around her shoulder pulling her close. 
"Nothing." She looked over at him. Taking in everything his smile, his eyes, and she kissed him. 
Dongwoo was afraid. Honestly, she had never initiated the kiss before. Well this was their second kiss, he was keeping track of course. 
She moved closer to him, he pulled her in so she was sitting on his lap. She moved to her legs so they were on either side of him. He lightly grabbed ahold of her waist. She kissed him harder as if she were pressuring herself. 
"Wait." He pulled away, but her lips met his once again. "Jisuk." He said with a stern voice when he pulled away again. 
"Whatever you read on your phone, it's bothering you. Do you want to talk to me about it?" He removed himself from under her. 
"I think I'll just go. I'm sorry." Her lips formed a thin line. 
"Jisuk, I like you a lot. It's just that I want to take this, what we are slow." Dongwoo smiled, "I'm not rejecting you. We should just take our time." She picked up her clothes an began to leave. 
"Wait." Dongwoo reached out for her. He then pulled her into his arms. "I'll call you later okay?" He kissed her forehead before she left.
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Wow. You are amazing
Yay congrats
Congratulations for being featured as the story of the day =)
Congratulations on the feature ~~
Iminthezone #5
313 streak #7
jeonghae #9