Doctor Appointments

Nothing Out of the Ordinary

Minho felt a little bit better that evening. He was still grumpy, a little warm and his stomach still felt like it was doing somersaults, but at least he wasn’t running to the bathroom as he was so many times. He was bundled up in one of Jinki’s oversize sweaters and one of the blankets from their bed on the couch. Disney movies and sappy love stories were on replay the entire day, and the smile and soft giggles from the younger man when everything worked out or something cute happened in the Disney movies even made Jinki not mind watching Tangled 4 times in a row.

"Hyung~" Minho whined. It had been forever since the man had called him Hyung, because Babe seemed more appropriate, but Jinki knelt before him all the same.

"Yes Minho?"

"Do you mind cuddling with me?" He didn’t have to answer him, and Minho should of known that he hadn’t needed to ask in the first place. Jinki gently pushed him onto his side to lay down, and climbed behind him on the couch. He allowed him to use his arm as a pillow as he hugged him close with the other.

"Are you comfy?" The man hummed contently and nuzzled his cheek into his arm. "Good. My little hot water bottle."

"Shh. Flynn is about to tell her his real name."

Jinki smiled and gently kissed his hair. “Okay I’m sorry.”

"Shh!" But it was so quiet that he knew Minho didn’t mind in the least.










It lasted 3 days more before Jinki finally got fed up with the younger man telling him no; Minho saying he was fine, and that it was getting better, and Jinki saying it was bull and that 3 days wasn’t getting better. No matter what he did the younger man would shake his head and refuse to go to the doctors. By that 3rd day Jinki was fed up with it. The morning of the 4th day he forced the man out of the bed, him groaning and complaining the entire time because he did just get back into bed and get comfy after spending all morning basically on the bathroom floor, and into the warm shower. Minho pouted for a while, but when Jinki came in to join him and gently washed his hair he was more than okay with taking a shower and going out. But then came actually getting dressed. Minho was never one for fashion, he just never had the time, but he did like to at least look presentable most of the time. It seemed that morning that the man wanted nothing more than to wear a giant sweater and sweat pants, but neither were available. Which left him grumbling as Jinki pressed a pair of freshly washed jeans in his hand.

"Just wear those and you can wear my sweater okay?"

He was happy after that. Especially when he got ice cream on the way to the doctors at 9 in the morning.

When they pulled up Minho had Jinki’s hand firmly held in his hand, his thumb moving softly over his skin as he gazed out the window and hummed along to the songs on the radio. It seemed that the nausea from earlier that morning was gone for the most part as they locked the doors and walked toward the office hand in hand, but as they neared the elevator to get out of the parking garage the distinct smell of pickles could be smelt. Minho’s nose scrunched up as he shook his head, making a noise as he looked for the source of the smell. He felt the nausea rolling through him again as he let go of Jinki’s hand and rushed toward the trash can he had seen not a moment before by the pillar beside them.

The older man looked over at him with wide eyes, and rushed over to hand the man a tissue from his pocket to wipe off his mouth. Minho frowned and smacked his tongue against the top of his mouth. “Ice cream isn’t as tasty the second time.”

Jinki laughed sadly as he wrapped his arm around the man’s waist and allowed him to lean on his shoulder as they boarded the elevator. “Poor baby.”

"And pickles ." Minho grumbled as he leaned in closer and closed his eyes.

"What number?"

Jinki smiled at the woman after looking up to see her and said sweetly. “5.” She smiled back and pushed it for them; settling against the wall as the elevator began to move.

When they walked toward the desk Jinki motioned for Minho to go sit down in the waiting room, but the man wanted nothing more than to stand near him and lean against him softly. He just squeezed the man’s hip a little tighter and smiled at the woman behind the desk. “How may I help you?”

"Appointment for Choi Minho. Believe it’s at 9:30."

The woman smiled. “You’re in luck. Doctor Kim just finished with his first patient. A nurse will be out to get you in a moment.”

"Thank you!" He then turned to Minho. "Come on. Let’s go find a magazine to read."

After they found a seat and they were both looking at the magazine in the elder’s lap, Minho mumbled. “She’s pretty.”

"Yeah, but so is all of Snsd."

"True." Minho shivered slightly against him. He ran his hand over the man’s arm and pulled him closer to try and provide a little more warmth to him, but before he could ask if it helped the door opened and a small petite woman stood there with a wide smile.

"Choi Minho?" Minho nodded. "Come on then sweetie."

"Do you want me to go with you?" Jinki asked softly before the man stood up. Minho just nodded his head as he stood up, and having not let go of the man’s hand pulled him after him.

He was weighed and his height was measured before they were both lead into an adjacent room; Jinki carrying the man’s shoes because he didn’t feel like putting them back on after having to take them off for his weight and height. He quietly sat in the chair provided across from Minho and watched everything that was going on.

As the nurse wrapped the fabric and velcroed it she asked, “What brings you in here today?”

"I just haven’t been feeling well for a while. I’m always tired, nausea, my stomach hurts." Minho answered softly as the woman gently pumped air into the device.

"Well I’m sure Dr. Kim can make you feel better in no time." She smiled before putting the device up. "He’ll be in shortly."

Jinki walked over and gently pushed the man’s hair back, knowing how much he loved it. “How’s the nausea?”

"Better than it was." Minho contented himself with twisting his fingers in the other man’s shirt. " I hate pickles now."

Jinki chuckled. “Why?”

The man’s bottom lip jutted out as he peered up at him. “One made me puke. It’s bad now.”

The door opened before Jinki could respond, and a tall man with light brown hair and a white lab coat on was standing there with an embarrassed look upon his face. “Oh.. I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

"No!" Jinki stepped back with a smile and returned to his seat.

The Doctor closed the door behind him and approached Minho with a smile. “I’m Doctor Kim, but you can call me Kibum if you want.”

"Okay.. Kibum." Minho said softly. His head hurt and these lights were doing everything but helping it.

"So I hear you’re experiencing nausea and a stomach ache?"

"I’ve been unusually tired too."

"Any fevers, headaches or abnormal draining of fluids?" He asked softly as he moved to listen to his heart.

"I had a fever a couple days ago, but it wasn’t that bad. I have a headache now if that counts, and no on the fluids."

The Doctor hummed before gently pushing his hand under the back of his sweater. “Take a couple of big deep breaths for me okay?” Minho did as he was told. “Well. I thought you may have the flu, but your lungs sound perfect.”

Jinki took that moment to cut in and ask, “So what do you think is wrong?”

He glanced over at the seated man, and after leaning against the counter and crossing his arm he responded, “It’s probably just a virus, but to be sure I’ll give him something for the nausea and the headaches. Just make sure to keep fluids in you and if this doesn’t go away come back. Also, to make sure this is just a virus I would like to take some blood. Would that be okay Mr. Choi?” Minho nodded slowly; even though he despised needles. “Okay then. I’ll go write the prescription and get someone in here to take the blood. I hope you feel better.” He squeezed Minho’s shoulder, smiled at Jinki and walked out of the room shortly after.

Minho looked over at him before hanging his head and sighing. Jinki walked over and took his hand before kissing his forehead. “I really hate needles.” He muttered.

"And I hate you being sick. It’ll be over soon Baby."

"Can I squeeze your hand?"


"You can do whatever you need to Minho." He replied with a soft kiss to his cheek.










As Tinsel was thrown in his face Jinki glared at the younger man. The silver shiny substance was still hanging off his glasses and he had to blow it off his lips, but Minho was giggling for the first time in days and he really didn’t mind it anymore.

Minho started to feel a little bit better after going to the doctors. He took his pill in the morning with breakfast, and it did help minimize the urge to puke, but it didn’t eliminate it entirely. The good thing was usually it only was bad in the morning right before they would usually get up, and around 8 in the evening. The rest of the time Minho felt okay, and even ventured to making out on the couch some afternoons like they used to.

But now they were finally putting up their Christmas tree. They usually put it up on Jinki’s birthday, but for some reason this year they put it off until winter break was there for the younger man. “Stop decorating me and actually put some on the tree.”

"But you look so much better than the tree!"

Jinki pulled the tinsel off his glasses and pulled the man into a hug, planting a wet sloppy kiss on his cheek. “It’s because I have you dear.”

Minho smiled widely and blew softly in his face. “Mmm I’m hungry.”


"A huge American style Burger."

Jinki chuckled as the younger man beamed in his arms. “Okay Baby. I’ll go get the keys.”











When they got the call from Doctor Kim neither thought much of it; maybe to just say everything was fine and it was just a virus, but when Jinki was asked to come speak to him he felt his stomach flip. “At your office?”

"No, if you don’t mind. Meet me at the hospital. 4th floor. The nurse at the desk will tell you where to go exactly."

At the mentioning of the hospital Jinki’s mind was going a million times a minute. “Do you mind telling me the jist of what’s wrong?”

"I would if I knew myself Mr. Lee."

The call was then ended, and Minho was still sitting on the couch holding his hand of cards. He glanced over as the older man walked back, and the look on Jinki’s face made his smile fall. “Who was that?”

"Dr. Kim with your test results." Jinki said quietly as he softly sat back on the couch.

"What did he-" He was cut off as Jinki suddenly wrapped his arms around him tightly and pressed his nose into his neck. "Jinki.. what.."

"I love you so much okay. Just.. remember that."

"Jinki you’re scaring me. What did the doctor say?"

Jinki just shook his head and held him tighter as he mumbled in his shoulder. “We have a meeting with him in a hour.”

Jinki didn’t let go for a moment, and the longer he held on the more Minho felt something was wrong.










Dr. Kim shook both their hands and offered them a seat. “I normally work at the clinic but most of the time I work here as head of the Obstetrics department in the hospital.”

"Obstetrics? Doesn’t that deal with pregnancies?" Minho asked confused.

"It does." The man folded his hands in front of him on the desk, "How often do you have ?"

Minho’s eyes bulged. “Excuse me?!”

"Okay let me rephrase this Mr. Choi." The man took a deep breath, "Your blood tests did come back, and they showed significant signs that you are pregnant."

"I think you’re a loon." He turned toward Jinki and pulled on his hand. "Come on lets go."

But something about the way the Doctor was looking at them, something in his eyes, made Jinki want to stay and hear him out. He gripped Minho’s knee, “Is that why we were called in?”

"You can’t honestly believe him. I’m a male. It’s biologically impossible for me to get pregnant."

Jinki turned toward him, eyes soft. “I thought the worst coming in here today. I want to know what’s wrong with you.”

Minho sighed and leaned back against the back of the chair. He looked at his hands as he listened to the two men talk. ” Thank you for hearing me out. Now can you tell me how often you two have ?”

"At least once a week.. sometimes more. Just depends really." Jinki answered hesitantly. Maybe he really didn’t believe Minho could be pregnant, but he really wanted to know what was wrong, and the doctor across from them was the only person with that answer.

"And does Mr. Choi, uh,…"

"Yes. More times than not." Jinki glanced over at Minho to find the man’s cheeks a deep red, and offered his hand to him. The man looked up at him and offered a small smile before taking it.

"The results may be wrong and the higher levels of hCG may be caused by something else entirely, but I would like to do an ultrasound to make sure. I looked into this, and there hasn’t been a case of male pregnancy at this hospital before, but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen. There’s a chromosomal abnormality that allows for male conception. It’s very rare, and the fact most males who have it aren’t in a relationship that would allow the fertilization of an egg the probability further decreases."

"Would the ultrasound really prove it as truth or not? I mean this early, if he’s pregnant."

The Doctor softly smiled. “If Mr. Choi is pregnant, and I’m saying this is a big if, I’m not saying that it will be easy. If he is pregnant he could be anywhere from a couple weeks along to a couple months. If he’s pregnant the pregnancy wouldn’t be like a stereotypical one and therefore all the previously put into place expectations are invalid. The ultrasound will show me how far along you really are if you are pregnant because we don’t have menstrual cycles to base it off of.”

"Can we just go do the ultrasound so this foolishness can stop?" Minho asked softly. He was way too tired. He wanted to be at home curled around Jinki, or sitting in a cool bath with him playing with the bubbles. Not here hearing this impossible reasoning of why he felt so icky lately. This was foolishness, and Jinki seemed to be believing it all.

"Of course Mr. Choi. I’ll be right back to get you." Dr. Kim stood up with a smile and closed the door behind him.

As soon as the door was closed Minho turned a little in his seat, bring his leg up. “You can’t honestly believe I’m pregnant Jinki.”

The older man shrugged. “The vomiting, but only in the morning. Sensitivity to certain smells. The mood swings. I don’t know what to believe Minho, but you being pregnant certainly explains all these.”

"But I can’t be pregnant Jinki." The tone in the man’s voice wasn’t one of disbelief, but of fear. He looked over at him to see Minho’s big eyes almost glossy as he bit his lip. He stood up and went to wrap his arms around him, because no matter how scared or confused he was Minho was even more so.

"Whatever happens I’m here okay?" Minho just gave a little nod and clung to his boyfriend’s shirt.










Usually Dr. Kim didn’t do the ultrasounds, but because of the situation he deemed it best if he did. He smiled warmly as Minho situated himself on the chair. “Just lean back and relax. Do you mind pulling up your shirt?” Minho shook his head and slowly pulled it up. “This may be a little cold.”

The clear substance was gently squirted onto his lower abdomen and he gently hissed at the already warned temperature. The Doctor smiled apologetically and gently smeared it, before moving his hand holding the device over it. Minho couldn’t bring himself to look at the computer screen so instead he looked up at Jinki. The older man always had a way of being calm in situations where normal people would freak the hell out, and right at that moment he was the only one of them that didn’t seem to be panicking. He may be believing this whole impossible pregnancy business, but to Minho Jinki was the most sane one of them all.

He heard the Doctor hum and he didn’t know whether or not that was a good thing. Jinki’s face didn’t show anything, but he could tell the man was searching the screen just as much as the Doctor was. Then Jinki was reaching over and pointing at the screen. “What’s that?”

"Let me see." Minho heard the clacking of keys on the keyboard, and he figured the man was trying to get a better look.

"Is that what I think it is Dr. Kim?" Jinki asked in a soft voice.

"Well, that would be your baby." After a moment he heard the Doctor cough. The man turned toward them and a smile was on his face. "Congratulations Mr.Choi. You’re pregnant."



A/N; Okay so I hope my explaination is logical enough >.<

And yay! another update in a short amount of time. The ways not having homework helps you!

Please tell me what you think :)


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Chapter 11: I love pregnant Minho so much ♡ Great story :)
jubongnim #2
Chapter 11: I actually cried a little during the delivery lol. i love the way you describe things in details makes it feels really real!! Good work! ♡
Chapter 11: Author-nim... I Love you... Thanks for finishing this wonderful story... I love.. Love .. love the OnHO feels from this story and I'm sooooo glad that the ending is a happy one... Thanks again and I do hope to read more wonderful stories.. :)
ricecake1878 #4
Chapter 11: Ahh I'm so glad it ended the way it did! My heart was hurting for Jinki so much. I loved this whole thing it was wonderful
Chapter 11: No no no... you have restored my faith in humanity!! Thank youuuuuuu! * wipes tears away before they drench keyboard*
Chapter 10: I just read through all of this again. I need closure... happy closure! xD