Brother & Sister Pt.1

Dream Boy

Key: Luhan's Thoughts

       Kris's Thoughts

       Lila's Thoughts


Brother & Sister Part I

"Um, mei mei, it's time to wake up and eat breakfast," Luhan said as he slowly opens your door. You were still asleep with your headphones on. What have you been doing Lila. You heard the door close shut. Your rubbed your eyes and headed to the bathroom. You looked at the mirror, I look like a zombie, then you just remembered you are going to meet Kris today. I should bring Luhan, he needs to be my tour guide. You started to sing Peter Pan, while you were preparing to pick out an outfit. Hm, should I wear a dress or a causal outfit. You were searching through your luagge, and found a gray t-shirt with and "x" over it. You put on a pair of skinny jeans and putted on your converse. You headed downstairs to the living room to see what was for breakfast. 

While you were happily eating your dinner, your father suggested, "Luhan, you should your little sister around Korea for the weekend."

"Sure, where would you like to go?" Luhan asked while glazing into your eyes.

"May I go to Hongdae to meet one of my friends?" you questioned. Luhan accepted the request, so after dinner you both took the train to Hongdae.

"Wow," you stated as you looked at the busy streets. I need to text Kris.

@LilaS: Hey Giant, I'm in hongdae now. Where are you?

@Galaxy_00: Oh, I'm at this cafe. One once you get off the train.

You search the area to see if you can find the cafe. Once you found it, you saw Kris sitting next to the window. As you walked towards it, Luhan followed a long.

"Hey Kris!" you greeting while smiling like the happiest girl on earth. Wait. What. KRIS? Luhan turns towards Kris with a surpised look. Kris saw Luhan with a shock.

"Luhan..." Kris said with a concerned tone.

"Kris? Your her best friend?" Luhan questioned.

"Yeah, and so who are you?" Kris replied giving a confused look.

"Oh, I'm her brother," Luhan stated. Kris was in shock, because he never knew you had a brother at all. You shrugged at Kris when he gaved a questioning stare. Luhan is her brother? 


"I would like 2 slices of fresh cream cheese cake and one bottle of orange juice please," you said with a cute voice to the cashier. The cashier gave you a weird look, then you remembered that you weren't in Canada anymore. Kris ordered all the food you wanted in Korean.

"You need to teach me Korean," you complained as you saw so many Korean signs everywhere.

When the food arrived, Kris came over to the table and said, "Here you go princess." You blushed at the sound of Kris calling you princess. Luhan rolled his eyes at the sight. After eating, you all went to the movies. 

"Hm, what movie should we watch?" you asked while looking at the pictures of the movies, "how about Frozen?" Both Kris and Luhan agreed with the movie. While Luhan was ordering the food, you and Kris were hanging out on all the things the movie theater had, Luhan didn't want to do it, because he isn't close to you anymore when he wants to. I want to protect Lila, because I never protect mom.  

"Come on Luhan it's time to watch the movie," you stated as you pulled his hand and Kris's. Luhan saw your amusement with the movie that he couldn't help but smile. When it came to the part where Elsa just ran away, you heart sanked. Just what Luhan did. Then you saw Anna protect Elsa from being killed. Tears formed in your eyes on such love towards it. Luhan saw your crying and was about to give you a napkin.

"Here princess, no need to cry," Kris said with his husky voice while he handed you a tissue.

"Thank you sir Giant," you replied while concetrating on the movie again. 

"So, where would you like to go next, princess?" Kris asked while he bowed. You laughed at the sight how Kris was acting. 

"Can we go shopping for clothes gege?" you said while looking at Luhan with the brightest smile. Luhan nodded in reply as Kris and you ran to the bus stop.

While you walked down the street, you couldn't believe how beautiful clothing there are.

"Sir Giant, you shall be my fashionista for the day," you demanded while Kris and Luhan chuckled.

Kris picked out a casual statement t- shirt with a pair of jeans and a hoodie. 

"How does it look?" you asked while you spinned around.

"It's looks perfect, how about we pick out some more clothes?" Kris suggested. After all the shopping, you bought 15 t-shirts, 7 skirts, 6 shorts, 10 jackets,10 jeans, and 10 pairs of shoes. Good thing this didn't come out of my pocket. Luhan couldn't believe how much clothing you just bought. This girl, does she have to buy this much. Kris invited some of his friends over to eat BBQ with us.

"Woah," you said as you entered the restaurant, "it smells yummy." Soon after a storm of boys flooded in. Wow, Kris must be popular.

"These are the rest of the Exo members," Kris explained. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Lila Seo," you introduced. The boys stuggled who shoudl be introduced first.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Xiumin," one boy introduced with a cute cheeks.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Sehun," another boy introduced.

"My name is Kai," another one introduced while starting to blush.

"My name is Chen," one boy next to Kai introduced.

"My name is Suho," the boy next to Chen.

"My name it Lay," after Suho said.

"My name is Baekhyun," another boy said with a cute smile.

"My name is D.O," the boy with cute eyes introduced.

"My name is Tao," the last boy said while he bowed. 

"Nice to meet you all," you replied. Everyone started to order food, but you let Kris choose for you.

"Where is Chanyeol?" Kris asked with concern after orderig the food.

"Oh, he was sick so he went home," Suho replied. Once the food arrived, everyone was hyped up to eat. 

"AH TAO, STOP TAKING ALL THE BUNS," Xiumin yelled at Tao who tried to grab another piece of bun.

"But I'm hungry after our 5 hour dance practice, hyung," Tao whined while giving his puppy face. 

Xiumin stare at Tao's face then replied, "Fine." Everyone started to laugh at such a scene. After dinner, Luhan had to take you home. 

"Bye Kris," you said while waving good bye.

"Bye Princess, we should eat dinner tomorrow, okay?" Kris suggested.

"Ok," you replied while looking into Luhan's eyes for an answer. 

"Fine," Luhan said while rolling his eyes.

"I never got to hang out with you enough gege," you said while giving him a hug, " how about we go to the amusment park next weekend?" Luhan nodded in agreement. 

"Let's go home before father get's mad," Luhan said while giving his jacket to you. Thank you... You both started to walk to the bus stop to go home.


Chanyeol's Dream...

"AH!," Chanyeol said. My head hurts. What is happening?  AHHH!!!!!!! ..... 

*RING RING* Chanyeol woke up and answered his phone. The sickness cause me to have nightmares.






Here is Chapter 6, hope you like it! Please Subscribe. Thank you for those who did. Sorry I didn't update, I was working on this chapter. Bye Bye - Galaxy1



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I just read the foreword and it seems really interesting! Guess I have reading material hahaha!!!
Gaojingyi #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon! This is awesome XD
Chapter 6: Nice plot!
I love it <3 Exo is the best !! Luhan gif though his eyeliner !!! ^O^ haha Fighting !!!