
Dream Boy



The Dream... 10 years ago...

 It was the end of school, and you started to take the bus home. On the bus, you decide to call your mom. 

  "I'm going to be late...." you mom mummbled as she drove home.

  *Ring* *RIng* Your mom looked at her phone. Lila Calling... Your mom's faced brighten up.      

   "Hey honey," you mom replied when she picked up her phone.

  "Hi mom, so are you coming home to take me to my graduation right?" you asked.

  "Of course honey, this is like the biggest moment. I'm driving home right now. Ok dear?" your mom explained.

  "Ok, drive safely. Bye mom, I love you," you answered back. 

Your mom was thinking about something else... then... *BOOM* a truck has just crashed into your mom's car. The car flipped and flipped until it hit another car. Everyone froze in shock of the scene. The guy from the truck sprinted to the car to see if the your mom was alright. He was shocked in fear... your mom's head was busted with blood.  He called the ambulance, and they arrived about 5 minutes later.

  As you were talking to you friend, you heard a siren going off ahead. The bus made a stop and waiting for the ambulance to pass. When the bus arrived at the intersection, you turn your head to see men coming from out of the ambulance and ran to the car crash. You were scared, and you were sad of whomever it was in the accident.

You arrived home and ate a quick snack. You started to get ready for your graduation which was at 6, and the time now is 3:45 pm. You took a shower and put on your gown. You looked at the mirror, and smiled. You know your mother is proud to see you graduate. 

It was 5:30, your mom should be home by now. You dialed your mom's number, and she didn't pick up. You dialed it several more times, yet she didn't pick up. You waited for her to come home. It was 6:30, she still hasn't arrived yet. *Ring* You quickly looked at your phone and anwer it.

    "Hello," you asked.

    "Are your Ms.Seo's daughter Lila?" the caller asked.

    "Um.. Yes.. Is something wrong?" your replied.

    "Your mom was in a car accident, and she is um... now gone." the caller responded. Your eyes were in fear. And you just cried.

When you heard the comotion of your brother and dad, you woke up from the scary dream. You saw your dad yank Luhan from your side...




Well, here is the 3rd Chapter. I hope you liked it. Please subscribe. Bye Bye - Galaxy1




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I just read the foreword and it seems really interesting! Guess I have reading material hahaha!!!
Gaojingyi #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon! This is awesome XD
Chapter 6: Nice plot!
I love it <3 Exo is the best !! Luhan gif though his eyeliner !!! ^O^ haha Fighting !!!