The Bargain

Dream Boy

The Bargain

You head to your room to cry. Your father arrived to Canda to take you to Korea with him. 

     "You don't have to bring anything. You will get everything in Korea, Lila," explained your father.      

     "Why do I have to go? This isn't making my life any easier." you shot back at your father with a glare of hate.

That's when you start to head to your room. Why do I have to go? Wait.... Isn't Kris in Korea? YEAH! After 5 years I can see Kris again.

 You walked backed into the living room where you father is at.

      "If I go with you, can I enroll in the school Kris' in, appa?" you replied.

      "If I enroll you there, will you improve your studies?" your father bargained. Your father knew you were going to ask that question, and he knew that Kris was the ultimate wish you wanted.

       "Yes... I will improve it.." you said. You were leaving at 6am the next day. 

 At 11:00pm

@LilaS: hey kris!


@Galaxy_00: what's up little girl? shouldn't you be sleeping? you have school tomorrow you know.

With a smile on your face, you were ready to give him the news

@LilaS: I'm going to Korea tomorrow at 6am!!!

@Galaxy_00: No WAY!! Jin ja!!

@LilaS: you better be there when i'm at you school kris wu.

@Galaxy_00: WHAT!! so, your going to be in my school too. How?

@LilaS: Yep, I promised to improve my studies when I'm there.

            - I need to sleep now...I'll call you in the morning k?

@Galaxy_00: Night. Call me when you get there too!



Well, here is the first chapter of this fan fic... It's kind of short but at least it's something. I hope you guys enjoy this story. I added some text messages. Bye Bye! -GalaxyStar1







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I just read the foreword and it seems really interesting! Guess I have reading material hahaha!!!
Gaojingyi #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon! This is awesome XD
Chapter 6: Nice plot!
I love it <3 Exo is the best !! Luhan gif though his eyeliner !!! ^O^ haha Fighting !!!