The Dinner

Dream Boy


The Dinner

 You ran for the exit of the plane while pulling your luggage.

 "I told you, you didn't have to bring anything," your father said as he saw your struggle with your items.

 Ignoring what your father just stated, you let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, we are here, my legs are killing me," you complained as you went to the food court to find food. Your dad followed along, and he ordered a hamburger.

 "Would you like anything?" your father asked. 

 "Um.." stopping your trail of thought, "I'm good." You couldn't believe your father was being nice. Your father gave a strange look, because he knew you were hungry. 

@ Father's Place 12:00PM

 "Excuse me Miss Seo," one of the maids said as she carried your luggage upstairs, "please follow me." You slowly followed the maid upstairs. You saw a picture of your father, and a boy. He must be my brother. As you enter your room, you couldn't believe how big it was. 

  "This is your room, Miss Seo," the maid said while placing your items near your walk in closet. 

  "You can call me Lila," you said to the maid since you weren't use to being called Miss. The maid nodded her head and walked out the the room. You started to unpack your things. The things you brought weren't clothes, but pictures, toys, and things you needed to remember home. You decided to take a shower, before supper. When you were drying your hair, you heard the door bell ring.

  "Welcome home, Mr. Lu," the maid welcomed. You heard footsteps coming upstairs, so you quickly turned off your blow dryer.

  "Is someone in there?" the voice asked, " I think I'm just starting to hear things." Slowly the footsteps faded away. You quickly put on a nice top and pj bottoms. You ran downstairs to the dining room.  As you approached the table, you didn't know where to sit.

  "Sit in this seat, Miss Seo," a maid said as she pointed you in the direction of the seat. Soon after, the boy appear from the corner of the room. You analyze his face. Is he suppose to be my brother. He looks like mom. He slowly walked closer and took a seat right across from you.

   "Say hi to your little sister, Luhan," your father firmly commanded.

   "Hello, I'm Luhan," Luhan said as looked at you. Is she my sister? She looks prettier. The rest of dinner was quiet even though your father tried to start a conversation.

  "Good night, Baba. Good night, Gege," you stated as you left the room. I need to call Kris. You ran upstairs to your room to talk to Kris.

Luhan looked at his father and asked, "Why is she here? Isn't she with mom."

Your father gave a sad look and answered, "She passed away..."

Luhan's eyes grew wide, and tears started to form. Saddness has taken over him. Why did I leave with father? I never got to see my mother. 

 "I need to go to sleep," Luhan stated as he left.

Luhan ran to his room, and laid on his bed. Mom, I miss you. Tears started to form rapidly. 

Calling Kris..

"Hello, Lila!" Kris said with a happy voice.

"Hello Giant," your responded.

"Why didn't you call me?" Kris asked.

"Sorry, but I was tired," your responded.

"How about we hang our tomorrow?" Kris asked.

"Of course! But where do we meet?" you answered.

"How about Hongdae?" he responded.

"Ok, I'll ask one of the maids," you said. You heard sobbing coming from the other room. 

"Gotta go, Kris, I'll call you tomorrow," you said as you hung up. You slowly went closer and closer to the crying. You peek through the door, and saw Luhan kneeing down crying. His room was filled with items on the floor. You walked closer and closer to him, and he didn't notice you.You touched his shoulder, and hugged him.

"It's ok Gege, I know how it feels to lose mom," you said with a comforting tone. You could hear his heartbeat slowing down. 


Why! Luhan started to throw things. Books flied off the walls, and all his clothes were on the floor. He heard footsteps getting closer to his room. But, Luhan was to sad to care about who was in his room. Then he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. The person hugged him and said, "It's ok Gege, I know how it feels to lose mom." It's Lila. She must have been throught a lot. Your touch gave him a lot of comfort. 


You slowly pulled the blankets on Luhan. He looks like a deer. It's ok gege You walked backed to your room, and texted Kris good night. You decided to sleep after watching a marathon of To the Beautiful You.


A tall boy was in front of you. "Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Chanyeol," the tall boy introduce. You introduced yourself to him. 




Here is Chapter 5. I hope you like it. Lila finally meets Luhan. :D I hope this is a longer update. Well, I gotta go! Please Subscribe. Kamsamida, bye bye - Galaxy1





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I just read the foreword and it seems really interesting! Guess I have reading material hahaha!!!
Gaojingyi #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon! This is awesome XD
Chapter 6: Nice plot!
I love it <3 Exo is the best !! Luhan gif though his eyeliner !!! ^O^ haha Fighting !!!