chapter 5

in your arms

"Wu yi fan..." Kai's eyes widened when he realized why this guy was familiar to him. "What's wrong Jongin? Do you know him?" Lay asked him and Kai nodded " I saw him the day when I went with Luhan to his house. He was there, waiting for Luhan. When he saw us, he came and Luhan was nervous. And the weird thing that happened was that Luhan left the next day..."

"So it's weird even more that Kris came at the same day that Luhan returned,  and now he is going to our school... I wonder if he is in love with Luhan or maybe he is his lover" Lay told him and Kai told him that they don't even seem like friends. " you should have seen Luhan's expression when he saw Kris.  It was really not him- he wasn't smiling, he talked coldly to him. The atmosphere was really awkward". Now, his eyes were looking for Luhan. When he found him, Kai saw that Luhan's expression was changed. his eyes looked so cold and dead and he tried to hold on his fists. 

" Finally,  it looks like a man came here" the coach got really excited "anyway,  today you are gonna play basketball". He divided the class into two groups and then he pointed at Luhan and Kris "You two are the head teams". Kai was really happy that he was in Luhan's team and he was with Baekhyun and Chanyeol,  but Lay and Suho were in Kris's team. Everyone got prepared for the game and when they finished,  both Luhan and Kris came to the center of the gym. " I'll kick your little " Kris grinned viciously. " Not before I'll kick yours" Luhan said and returned him a vicious smile. A ball was thrown to the air, a whistle was heard and the game had started. 

The class ended and everyone went to the showers before the next class. The coach also left the gym. Only Luhan and Kris stayed at the field. They looked like two wolves that are going to fight.

Kai started to worry when he didn't saw Luhan and Kris at the showers. He went back to the field and saw them there. He came closer to hear better what they are talking about.

" You didn't changed at all. you remained the same arrogant as always for 13 years. You can only talk, but not implement what you say". Kris tried to hold his anger "Oh really?  and what about you little deer? You won for the first time so you think that you're better than me? " Kris grinned " Let me tell you something, you'll never beat me! I'll never loose to you again". He threw the ball to Luhan and turned away. "Ya!" Luhan shouted and Kris turned to him. he threw back the ball to Kris " Stop talking nonsense! We both know that I always beat you.  Now, tell me why did you came here?" 

"You wanna know why?" he came closer to Luhan and whispered " I want to make your life miserable!  just like what you did to Xiumin and Chen". Then, he punched Luhan. Luhan couldn't keep his anger anymore so he punced Kris and made him fall to the ground. 


- 3 years ago-

Luhan and Xiumin were friends since kindergarten.  When they were 15 years old they were engaged. Their parents arranged it since both families were wealthy and they wanted to make business together. 

One day Luhan decided to leave because he felt that all of this - his parents,  the business and the engagement, it's not for him. Everyone knew him and he couldn't live a peaceful life like he wanted, so he decided to leave everything he had in China and move to Korea.  Of course that his parents was against it because all that was matter to them was their business. Luhan couldn't take it anymore so he wrote a letter to his parents, Xiumin, Chen and Kris.  

He couldn't talk with them and say goodbye so he just wrote the letters. He aranged all his necessary stuff in a suitcase, then he went to his parents' room and leave the letter.  After that, he left the house and went to his friends' houses.  He put each letter under the front door and when he was finished with the last letter, he went to the airport. He had to wait 2 hours for the next flight to Korea. He never thought that his friends will read the letters so fast and come after him. It was 10 minutes before he should get on the plane, when he heard someone calling his name. it was a familiar voice " Wu yi fan" .

"Yaa! where are you ?! I want to kill you!!" He heard Kris and then he heard another two voices calling his name. it was Xiumin and Chen. "No. Please go! don't make it harder for me" Luhan whispered.  They kept looking for him while he started to move forward to the plane.

"Stop right there!!!" Kris shouted and Luhan turned to see him. He saw that Kris was really angry and upset (he heven cried). Then he saw that Chen was the same. When he looked at Xiumin he saw only sadness ant tears and he knew that he broke Xiumin's heart.

"I'm so sorry guys" he mumbled before he left. He couldn't turn around because he knew that if he will do this, he will never could live the simple life that he wanted so badly.


- back to present-


"Remainder to myself: 'Never piss Luhan off' " Kai told to himself.  He was surprised to see Luhan like this. He always thought that Luhan is really gentle and fragile, and now Kai understood he was wrong.

 Kris stood up and his next punch made Luhan to fall and bleed.

Kai couldn't stop himself and came. " Leave him you ing , or I'll kick your !!" he shouted at Kris.  Kris started to laugh and looked at Luhan. " You left us for people like him? Is he your black knight or something? ". 

Luhan lookd at Kai and told him coldly to stay away. " It's none of your business.  You should stay out of this".

Before Kris left he told something to Luhan in Chinese " This is just the beginning. You have no idea what I'm planning for you". 

Kai helped him to stand up. " How long have you been here?" Luhan asked and Kai told him that he heard everything. Luhan told him that he should forget about everything he heard and saw a few minutes ago but Kai couldn't do it. "Hyung, you are bleeding" he said dramatically. Luhan touched his lip and saw blood on his finger " I'm fine" he said with a small smile " don't worry about me. Let's go to the showers before anyone starts to asking questions" . Kai agreed and they both went there.

After the shower they didn't talk. Luhan went home and Kai went to his next class- art. He was still worried,  but when he saw Lay he felt better.  He sat next to him and they talked a little before the teacher came in. 

"How was gym class?" he asked Kai and Kai told him everyting. 

Lay didn't know what to say. Suddenly,  someone entered the class. It was no one other than Kris. Kai tried to calm himself down. 

Kris didn't help so much when he grinned to him. Kris sat one table next to Lay. He greeted him in Chinese and greeted him back.

 "Don't talk with  him hyung.  He is a jerk and I really hate him" Kai told him and Lay chuckled. Before Kai could say something, the teacher came in and greeted everyone. She was young and very nice. She introduced hetsrlf and roght after that,  she gave everyone a simple task " I would like to see how can you introduce yourself and describe your personality through your drawing".

Everyone started to work. While they were working,  the teacher was working on her drawing too. After an hour she called each student to come in front off the class and introduce his drawing. 

"Omg hyung I'm so nervous.. I don't thimk that my drawing is so good" Kai whined and Lay tried to comfort him. " This drawing should describe your personality,  nothing else.  It doesn't supposed to show that you are Picasso ".

After a while the teacher called Kai. " Please tell us what did you draw and why do you think it describes you". Kai started to explain about his drawing.  He draw an angle  dancing in the sky. it was really good drawing and everyone,  including the teacher, was amazed. Kai continued with his explanation " I guess I drew this because I really like to dance and it became part of me. I choose to draw an angle becuse it's an innocent and pure creature, just like dance. When you dance, all your moves should according to the music, the moves should express the lyrics of the song and meaning of it" 

Everyone cheered him, except Kris. Now it was Lay's turn to show his drawing.  He stood in front of the class and explained about the unicorn that he drew."I decided to draw unicorn because I really like them. I think that they are really mysterious creatures and they are so enchanting and pure" . When he went back to hus sit, Kris whispered " Wow, it's really good! " .Lay smiled and said thanks. 

"We have one more student. Come here and show us what did you draw" the teacher said and Kris stood up.

He presented his drawing. "I draw a dragon because I really like dragons.  I think they are really describe me the best - They are really strong, and mysterious and free. Just like me" . After he finished to talk he went back to his sit, next to Lay. Lay turned to him " It was really good. Your drawing and your explanation.  I think it's really describe you, even though I don't know so much about you". Kris gave him a teasing smile " If we'll be friends then you can know me better". Both of them laughed.  Kai was really angry at Lay because he didn't want his friend becomes a friend with a jerk like Kris. 

Finally, the class ended and school day was over. Kai put his stuff in his bag and quickly went out, because he didn't want to be late for work. Suddenly,  he heard someone call him. He turned around and saw Kris. "What the hell do you want?" . Kris smirked " You know, I think I really start to like your little Chinese friend. He is so cute and friendly". " You better stay away from him or I'll kill you" Kai warned him and Kris burst in laugh " You can't do anything to me. And you shouldn't mess with me, you can ask your little princess Luhan". Kai couldn't control his anger anymore and he punched Kris. Kris started to punch him back. After a while someone came and separated them. Kris told him that it's not over yet and this is just the beginning.  Kai cleaned his school uniform, wash his face from the blood and ran to the cafe. 

"What's wrong with your face?" Lay's friend asked him and Kai told him that he fell and got hurt from his table, while he was running at class. Lay's friend didn't ask him any other question and Kai went to change his uniform. He was thinking about Kris's words " it's not over yet" and " you can ask Luhan". "He knows something about Luhan, and this is something that makes Luhan really angry. Well, if Luhan doesn't want to talk about him I should respect his decision right?" Kai was wondering to himself. 

He was really happy that he is working now, so at least he cohld forget about everything for the next few hours. While he was working, he was listening to the songs that was played in the cafe. 


"I lost my mind, the moment I saw you

 Except you, everything get in slow motion

 Tell me, if this is love

 Sharing and learning countless emotions everyday with you

 Fighting, crying and hugging

 Tell me, if this is love

..... "

When Kai heard these words, he suddenly remembered what Lay told him about his (Kai's) feelings for Luhan. Kai tried to deny it again. He was really busy that he didn't even notice that Luhan came in. Kai went to his place and ask nicely " Good evening sir, what do you want to order?"


Kai was surprised when he saw Luhan. "Oh, umm hi hyung...." 

" Are you working here? since when? ohhh... what happened to your face?" Luhan was surprised.  Kai told him that it's nothing, he just fell but Luhan didn't believe him. "Who did this to you?" he asked the younger and then realized. " It was Kris right?" Luhan had this killing look and Kai tried to calm him down. " I'll tell you this later. I promise. Now,  please tell me what would you like to order". Luhan ordered his usual coffee. He wated for Kai because he wanted to know what happened to him. He was really worried.  After an hour Kai finished his shift. He saw that Luhan sit quietly at his sit so he went to him. " I finished with work" . Luhan smiled at him and then he grabbed Kai's hand  " Let's go". Kai didn't ask him questions and followed him and enjoy to feel the warmth of Luhan's hand. When he realized where they were going he smiled " Why are we going to your house?".

"Because we need to talk and my house is closer to the cafe. Besides, it's really late now and I don't want you to go alone in the darkness.  I don't want something bad will happen to you"

Kai laughed " I'm a big boy mom, no one can hurt me".

" Yeah yeah we heard about you...  stop protesting and listen to me. Today you will sleep at my house!"

" Fine mom! Just please stop nagging". They started to laugh.

When they entered Luhan's house the only thing that Kai could think about was " Omg!! I'm going to sleep with him! well, not literally with him, but I'm sleeping at his house.  Okay.. I have to stop this girly behavior right now O_o ".

Luhan told him to wait at the kitchen. After a moment Luhan came with a box and took out a medicine and a band - aid.  When his finger touched Kai's lips, Kai froze. He never felt like this before. Luhan put the medicine and then put the band - aid.  He also put a medicine on Kai's cheek because it was hurt too. Suddenly,  Kai hold Luhan's hand. "Did I hurt you?" Luhan asked and Kai didn't say a word. He wanted to feel Luhan's warmth forever. "Hey, are you okay?" Luhan sounded really worried but he relaxed when Kai smiled at him. When Kai realized what he was doing, he let go of the older's hand. "I'm sorry" he said and he blushed a little.  

" It's fine," Luhan laughed but then he became more serious " now please tell me why did you fight with Kris?"

Kai explained him that Kris really annoyed him and he wanted to mess with Lay now. "I don't want him to get near my best friend and play with him because he is so innocent.  And I don't want him to hurt you too".

" Didn't I tell you to forget about this? Please Jongin-ssi, don't mess with him. This is my problem. Listen, you shouldn't worry about me. We are from different worlds, and we are even not friends right? So don't get in troubles because of me. If Kris is messing around with your friend, I can't stop you..."

They didn't talk for the next 5 minutes. "You can sleep in my room. It's the 2nd floor, the first left door" Kai nodded and before he went upstairs, he asked Luhan where he is going to sleep." I'll take the couch" Luhan smiled at him " good night Jongin-ssi " 

"Stop calling me like that. I told you, you can call me Jongin. We can become friends if you want" 

"But what about your rules?  Everyone knows that you never broke them and you never will..." Luhan said and Kai smiled " You should know that rules are meant to be broken sometimes, each rule has an exceptions right?" Luhan didn't say anything because it was true. " Good night hyung " He said and went. 

Around 2:30 a.m he woke uo and went downstairs.  He saw Luhan sleeping in the couch and felt something wired in his heart. He came closer and observed Luhan's face. "He looks like a little angle . He shines even in his sleep". Kai couldn't resist his urge to kiss Luhan (for some reasone it felt the right thing to do). Softly, he pressed his lips on Luhan's forehead.

After that he went back to Luhan's room and fell asleep.  Today, his dreams became really weird- first, he dreamt about Suho and Luhan wearing a dress and dancing " Single Ladies". Then , the second dream was even weirder. He dreamt that he and his friends were sitting in the cafeteria and Chanyeol said  that he wants to marry to a jar of 'Nutella'. " Can I do this?  It's legal right?" He asked them and Suho told him that it's really weird but it's not impossible.  Chanyeol was really happy. "Do you know that if you will put a blond-gray wig on it, then it looks like our Jongin? " Lay say and laughed. " Hey!! this is not funny" Kai protested but it was useless. 

The third dream was like the usual dreams he had about Luhan as an angle, but this time he could touch him and talk with him. Even the angle touched Kai's face and hand.


In the morning he woke up to the sound of Luhan's singing in the shower. He listened to the lyrics :

I lost my self and my one and only soul in your deep image. 

 Completely drunk in your body movements, that I forgot to even  breathe


 Lead me, to the place you live.

 Take me with you, I'll follow you even if it's the end of the world..."

Kai was amazed. He forgot how much he liked to heae Luhan's voice. When he went out of Luhan's bedroom, Luhan saw him and told him to take a shower if he wants,  but Kai was distracted by Luhan's wet hair and the fact that he was shirtless.   

"Are you listening to me?" he asked the younger,  and Kai nodded.

 " I put some clothes there for you. I really hope that they will suit you. If you need something I'll be in the kitchen".

Kai entered the shower. He took the soap and the shampoo and smell them " This is Luhan's smell ...". He was really happy and he didn't knew why. He took a quick shower, put Luhans clothes and went down to the kitchen. "Wow! it smells really good". Luhan smiled and told him to sit. Kai asked him if he has plans for today and Luhan told him that he doesn't have. "Good! so today we will work on our friendship! ohh, and today I want to sleep here to if you don't mind. I need you to help me with homework ㅠㅠ"

Luhan nodded. 

well, the weekend seemed so happy and nice since both of them got really closed to each other, but on Monday something made things worse....

A/N : I'm really sorry it took me so much to upload the chapter.

I felt really bad after I heard what happened with Kris lately and I hope everything will be better soon <3

I really happy to see that many people read my fic and I really hope you enjoy it. I especially want to thank to my best friend Shimrit for helping me a lot with the English (love you so much Unnie♥♥♥) 




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allsmiles #1
Chapter 8: That was really sweet!!!!
tagz88 #2
Chapter 7: Kailu do sweet! Glad that everything worked out really well.
Thanks for the update.
Chapter 6: hi, I'm new reader :D
btw, I like your story; it just had little drama and wasn't excessive.
but, it was a short time for jongin stayed only one day in hospital due to his accident (especially for head, moreover there was a surgery). overall, it was interesting enough author-nim. I'v subsribe this story :)
tagz88 #4
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update. This helped to steer my mind off the chaos that is happening right now.
CreepyApple #5
i cannot see it. i tried though.
so i cannot read ;;; /bricks.
love u.
u know who i'm ;)
CreepyApple #6
because you already know who i am ;)
read the whole fic as i promised, my pal :)
you're an ahjjushi potato.
(do not hit me please)
tagz88 #7
Chapter 3: Oh wow! Luhan is rich?
Well i hope his father will get well so he could return to korea.
Thanks for this update! :)
tagz88 #8
Chapter 2: Wow! Kai's in denial but i think he's whipped! LOL
Thanks for the update!:)
LOVE IT ! please update soon *-*
MaryLea #10
Chapter 1: I'm sure I'll love it!! *^*