
The Only Exception

"Recording for 'MIRACLE'

Kim Jin Woo ([email protected])

To: me ([email protected])

Hey there,

Here's the finished recording for 'MIRACLE'. There shouldn't be anymore changes. You sound great ^^ Love your rapping.

One attachment (8.3MB)

- Kim Jin Woo (WINNER) 

Sent May 24 2014, 21:50 KST +09:00"

(Ha Na's POV)

I shivered with excitement as I clicked open the link. My first feature in a song was finally done. The music started playing and one of the WINNER members started singing. I could not really recognise the voice, but it sounded like Tae Hyun. I waited for the 2 minute mark, because that was when my rap would start. 

And then the familiar lyrics started playing. 

"I turn my back against you // hiding my lonely tears // the tears I'm too proud to shed in front of you // oh boy you don't know my reasons for leaving // it was just days ago we were kissing // but now it seems lifetimes away // my heart seems to die with every step I take // let's just take a break // I'm done" 

By the time it ended, I was grinning like a fool. I can't believe it. I actually featured in a song. It was as if all my training and hardwork has boiled down to this, and honestly, I sounded good. Another email arrived. 



Yang Hyun Suk ([email protected])

To: me ([email protected])

Ha Na,

I heard the recording that Jin Woo sent me. You were fantastic, and I'm so proud of you. You're a real gem, Ha Na, keep it up. See you again for the second concept meeting two days later. Have a good rest. 

- Yang Hyun Suk (YG)

Sent May 24 2014, 21:57 KST +09:00"

I grinned madly at the computer screen. Even sajang complimented me. My heart sang with joy and I couldn't stop smiling. I decided to sleep early, so I went to brush my teeth and change into my pyjamas before settling into my bed. 

Just as I was getting comfortable in it, my phone rang. I picked it up. 


"Hey Ha Na, it's me, Jin Woo." I perked up.

"Oh, hi Jin Woo." 

"Can I come over tomorrow? You're free right?" 

"Wh-what?" I was slightly taken aback by what he said. Why in the world would he want to come over?

"You don't mind right?" 

"N-no, it's just that, my house is really messy, it's-it's not presentable at all," I stuttered. Ever since I moved into a dorm, nobody had visited us apart from sajang himself. I was not expecting him to want to come over. "I mean if you don't mind, then-then feel free to come over."

"Why are you stuttering? You sound really cute," he teased and laughed on the other end. 

I rolled my eyes. "Gosh, spare me that Kim Jin Woo." Although it felt good to be called cute. 

"Fine, I'll come over at 3 in the afternoon tomorrow. Good bam." 

"Good bam." I hung up and lay down on my pillow, slowly drifting away into dreamland. 

"And now introducing our girl, Yoon Ha Na!"

I step onto the stage, ready to start my first ever stage performance. Jin Woo looks at me assuringly. So many pairs of eyes are on me, and I take a deep breath. I can't disappoint anyone. 

"I turn my back against you // hiding my lonely tears"

I see my mother, standing amongst the crowd, a kind smile on her face. I feel a lump in my throat at the sight of her, and I gulp. How long has it been since she left us? Ten years? She looks so proud of me, and I feel a tear forming. I look away. I can't let her affect my performance. 

"The tears I'm too proud to shed in front of you // oh boy you don't know my reasons for leaving"

I see another familiar face in the crowd. My first love, my everything, my Jong Su oppa. He is smiling. His smile is so sweet, so surreal, the smile that made me fall in love with him. We make eye-contact, and he waves. It isn't a hello wave. It's a farewell wave. He mouths something.

'I'm proud of you.' 

I can't catch my breath.

"It was just days ago we were kissing // but now it seems lifetimes away"

I want to run over to him, to hug him, to tell him everything on my mind. I just want to be with him. I take my first step towards him, but every step I take, he seems to be a step further away.

'Jong Su, Jong Su!' I scream into the microphone, the tears breaking free from my frozen tear ducts. I sprint down the stage, but the audience is blocking my way. I try to push past them, but it's impossible. I can only watch as Jong Su slowly retreats, waving and waving with the same calm expression. He mouths something again.

'Take care. Forget me. Move on.' And then he vanishes.

I sit up, cold sweat dripping from my forehead. 

"Jong Su, Jong Su," I muttered repeatedly, almost losing all sanity in me. I took out something from my drawer, and ran my fingers over it. It was a polaroid of Jong Su and I at an amusement park. I gently touched his face, and my lips started quivering. I picked up my phone, and called him. The person that promised to make me forget my past. He picked up after five rings. 

"Yes?" he sounded sleepy.

"Jin-Jin Woo," I whispered, afraid that I would start bawling if I raised my voice. 

"Ha Na? What's wrong?" 

"Can-can we meet? Please," I pleaded with him. I really needed his company. 


"At the parking lot of my house, please, I'm begging you." 

"I'm coming over. Wait for me." He hung up and I buried myself in my blanket. I must not cry. 

Twenty minutes passed before my phone rang. "I'm there already." 

"Ok." I combed my hair quickly and rushed down. He was waiting for me by his car, arms folded and his hair was messy. He didn't even bother changing out of his pyjamas, just like me. I immediately felt sorry for begging him to come over when it was almost three in the morning when he must be getting some sleep. 

"Ha Na?" he greeted as soon as I walked over to him. I don't know what overcame me, but I hugged him tightly, almost squeezing him. He wrapped his arms around me, and patted my back. I broke down right in his arms, my body shaking with every sob. 

"Hush, hush, it's ok," he whispered as he continued patting me. 

"I dreamt of him, and it seemed so, so real. I was really scared, Jin Woo. He told me to take care, to move on and forget about him, but-but I can't," I gasped, catching my breath. 

"That's what I'm here for right? Guess what, I dreamt about her too." 


He nodded. "I dreamt that she was kissing another guy while I was tied to a chair, forced to watch them. It was terrible, Ha Na, and thank god you called me. You woke me up from this nightmare." I stopped sobbing and looked at him. 

"I'm-I'm so sorry Jin Woo." I was at a loss for words. 

"Don't be," he smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "we're here for each other, to help each other forget about our pasts right?" I nodded. 

"Give me your phone," he said suddenly. 


"Just give it to me." I handed him my phone obediently, eyeing him skeptically. He opened my photo album, and I got more suspicious. He found the album containing photos of Jong Su and I, and he started deleting every single photo in it. My eyes widened in horror. 

"KIM JIN WOO! What the are you doing?" I tried to snatch my phone away from him, but his reflexes were quick and he dodged me. I felt as if someone stabbed my heart with a knife repeatedly as I watched my memories with Jong Su being deleted one by one. Angry tears flooded my eyes. 

"Take mine, and start deleting every photo of Mi Hyun and I too." He passed me his phone, and it took everything in me not to smash it on the floor. I grabbed it, and started punching into his phone, erasing the photos with gritted teeth. We were done in ten minutes and he gave me my phone back while he took his. 

"What gave you the right to do that?" I screamed, staring daggers at him. If looks could kill, he would be dead and lying on the cold hard ground now.

"I did that for you to forget him. Without the photos, there'll be no more memories. Without the memories, the feelings will slowly fade away. I'm helping you, Ha Na.We're taking one step at a time," he looked at me so sincerely, I almost forgave him. 

"Well, you then." I stalked away with my phone in my hand, tears falling carelessly down my cheek.  that obnoxious bastard, what gives him the rights to delete all our photos? Just because I agreed to his dumb suggestion? him. 

I scrolled through my photo album, hoping that there was at least one photo left. But there was none. All of them were gone. All of our only memories left were gone. I sighed in frustration. I'm never going to forgive that bastard. But at least I did the same to him. At least he can't think of her too.

My phone rang with a text notification.

"Fake boyfriend: Hey, don't be angry with me."

I typed on my keyboard so forcefully I thought my screen was going to crack.

"Me: you."

Another text. 

"Fake boyfriend: I'm sorry, I just wanted to help you. Please forgive me, I know I went a little extreme. But at least I have no more memories left of her too. We're even now, right?"

"Me: No."

"Fake boyfriend: Don't be like this. Sorry."

I ignored his subsequent messages, and my phone stopped ringing after a few minutes. I guess he gave up and went to sleep. I climbed into my bed too, counting sheep to try to fall asleep, but it didn't help. I tossed and turned, and eventually, I gave in to exhaustion.

*note: Sorry for the late update, here's a longer chapter to make up for it. As usual, comment please!:) Thank you to everyone who subscribed too. I hope you like my story so far. 

Stay tuned ~ 



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I made this for funxD it's a YG Edition of 2048:


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Chapter 18: Thank you for this story, I really loved it
DreamSparkStar #2
Chapter 18: Aaaw yees EPILOGUE~ <3 <3 <3
Smiley for you :D
Thank you for sharing this story! ^^
Chapter 16: Go up suddenly played on my iPod while reading this. Stay strong Ha Na. #StayStrongLadiesCode
DreamSparkStar #4
Chapter 16: Noooooo *tears forming* All that... scary how one unexpected moment can change everything.
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 16: I cried for Hana ...her losses coming so suddenly into her life. Yep, we don't know what's around the corner. We just have to follow our own light.
jellybearred #6
Chapter 16: Andwee~
What will Jinwoo do if Hana died? Or what if Jinwoo do if Hana stay alive but lost her legs.. I think this will be a sad fanfic on the next update :(
jellybearred #7
Chapter 15: An update! Yay!
I hope to see more 'bad' taehyun again in here kekeke~
DreamSparkStar #8
Chapter 15: Are you flipping serious?! Glad to see a new chappie but... did you have to have that happen at the end? *sigh* You better give us fluffy fluffiness later on or I'll come after you! (Haha jk jk~ <3)

So proud of WINNER~ I couldn't believe it when they won their first trophy. (Of course this month just ripped me like three different ways because of WINNER, BTS, and Taemin... WHY DID THEY DO THIS???)

Good luck with your studies~ Hope you do well on your finals! ^^
Clatomere001 #9
Chapter 15: t_T and I thought they'd be okay