
The Only Exception

(Ha Na's POV)

"Ha Na, Mr. Yang wants you in his office. Now." 

I was just given the notice twenty minutes ago, and here I am on the way to YG's main building, and I have never been there before, except for the time I signed my trainee contract. It's all fuzzy now as it happened years back, when I was still an innocent 14-year-old. 

The car doors slid open, and I slowly stepped out. Woah, just got real. I stared at the building. The staff opened the doors for me and I gazed around the building in awe. I felt as if I was Cinderella at the ball. Everything was so new, so fascinating. She brought me up and I entered his room.

"Hello sajang," I bowed respectfully.

"Ah, my girl Ha Na, you're finally here," he always calls me 'his girl', and it was pretty endearing. "Come, take a seat." I nodded stiffly and sat down. 

"Why are you so nervous?" he let out a laugh and I smiled nervously.

"It's... kinda my first time here," I said honestly. 

"Now, you've been training for quite a long time, haven't you?" I nodded.

"Five years."

"Have you ever thought about debuting?" Debuting? Am I hearing him right?

He must have seen the look of shock on my face, and he smiled. "Yes, debuting."

"This isn't a dream right?" I gasped. He laughed heartily and shook his head.

"It's all real, Ha Na." I jumped out of my seat, a wide goofy smile plastered on my face. I'm not hearing things!

"Oh my god sajang, oh my ing god!" I screamed hysterically, until I realised I had cursed in front of my CEO. Uh-oh. I mentally slapped myself. Gosh, how dumb can I get? "I'm so, so sorry for that sajang, I didn't mean to, it was a slip of the tongue! I... I'm so stupid, stupid me!" I slapped myself repeatedly, only to earn more laughter from him. 

"It's ok Ha Na yah, it's just a swear word, I say it all the time." 

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" I bowed and bowed. He dismissed it with a wave of his hand. 

"Enough of cursing, let's talk about debuting. Now, you have to sign a contract. I've contacted your parents already, and they're really happy, or should I say, delighted?" My eyes lit up as soon as I heard the word 'parents'.

"You've contacted my mother? Sajang, you contacted my mother?" 

His face immediately darkened. "Not your mother, I'm sorry Ha Na. I mean't - I mean't your father." My smile faded. "I'm sorry Ha Na." 

I put on a small smile, "It's ok, I understand. She'll never return, will she?" I let out a sad laugh, and I could feel the tears prickling my eyes, but I held them back. "Let's just talk about my debut, sajang. Where's the contract? I'm ready to sign it." 

He passed me a file of papers, and it was thick. I read through a few pages, and a few rules caught my eye.

"Rules the mentioned artiste should follow:

Should the mentioned artiste break any of the below rules, it will be taken as a breach of contract, and appropriate actions will be taken against the artiste. 

Rule 1) There will be a dating ban of three years. The mentioned artiste should not have any relationships or any attachments to any person in a period of three years, counting from the day the contract is signed. "

No dating? That sounds easy. Unless they consider my fake relationship with Jin Woo as a relationship, which technically it really isn't. No true feelings are involved in this relationship, no attachments that they are talking about. I should probably inform Jin Woo about this though. I can't risk both our careers. But wait, if he is already signed as an artiste, shouldn't he have a dating ban too? Is that fool really risking his contract for one girl? Oh gosh.

"Rule 7) No surgical procedures to enhance your facial features are allowed. YG Entertainment fully believes in natural beauty, and that talent and hardwork ranks over anything else. Unless a medical reason is produced, any form of cosmetic surgery is not allowed."

Seems like YG really doesn't allow plastic surgery. I nodded in approval. Talent and hardwork over anything else. That's the way things should work in the music industry. People shouldn't look perfect to be successful. Sweat and blood over anything else. 

I skimmed through the papers before signing at the bottom of a few pages and handing the file back to sajang. He shook my hand firmly. "To many good days ahead, my dearest Ha Na!" 

"To many good days ahead, sajang!" 

(Jin Woo's POV) 

We were in the studio again, recording our third last song, a song called 'Miracle'. It was written by Tae Hyun and was supposed to be his solo song, but sajang decided to use it as our group song. Tae Hyun didn't object. He said he was happy that he could contribute to the group. 

Apparently, a mystery singer was supposed to feature in our song. Sajang refused to tell us who it is. "It's a secret." 

Just as that moment, the doorknob unlocked, revealing someone I never expected. "Annyeonghasaeyo, Yoon Ha Na here," she smiled, revealing her pearly white teeth. My eyes widened as soon as I heard her voice. What the heck is she doing here? 

"Hello, so you're the mystery singer that sajang was talking about?" Seung Yoon immediately stood up to welcome her, showing his gentleman side. He took her handbag from her. Damn, she looks really nice even she is bare-faced. Hold on, did I just compliment her? 

"Hello, nice to meet all of you," she bowed to every one of us, even me. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth. She smiled at me. 

"I'm here to record a song with WINNER." I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm asking why you? Why can't it be the 2NE1 sunbaes, Lee Hi, Soo Hyun? Why you out of everybody?" 

"You should ask sajang that question. Honestly, I don't know why I'm here too," she shrugged her shoulders and walked away. 

"How old are you Ha Na?" Seung Hoon came to stand in between Ha Na and I and I glared at him. 

"I'm a '95 liner. What about you?" 

"I'm three years older than you! Call me oppa," he and she laughed. 

"Oppa!" she called out and burst out into laughter. "Oh gosh, what am I doing," she said in between bursts of laughter, fanning her reddened face. 

"Oppa's going in to record, see you later!" he waved to her and winked while she waved back. Seung Hoon was definitely attracted to her, and there was good reason to. She looked absolutely adorable in her pikachu pullover. 

"Fighting!" she exclaimed and turned her attention back to me. 

"So... how are you?" she fiddled with her hoodie. 

"Fine," I crossed my arms and leaned back against the chair. 

"Can I sit next to you?" she asked. I nodded and she sat next to me. She smelt really good. There was an awkward silence between us and I played with my hair.

"Are you jealous?" she broke the silence, "we're fake, you know." She whispered the last four words into my ear. 

"NO!" I said almost too loudly. "I mean, no." I put on a poker face. "Why would I be?" 

"I don't know, but you seem like you are," she shrugged her shoulders and another awkward silence followed. 

"Ha Na, it's your turn!" Seung Yoon called out and she stood up to leave, her hair brushing my face. Damn, even her hair smells heavenly. Oh god Kim Jin Woo, what's wrong with you today? I shook my head. She sashayed to the recording room, a bounce in her steps. 

(Ha Na's POV)

I walked towards the recording room, towards my first official recording of my life. Excitement coursed through my every vein. I had practiced my part at least twenty times already. It was a rap. In English. Thankfully, I had taken English when I was in high school. Let's just say that my English is still passable. 

As soon as I was in the recording room, all was silent. I put on the headphones and warmed my vocals up. "Check, check, can you hear me?" I spoke into the microphone and could hear myself through the headphones. Seung Yoon gave me an 'ok' sign and I nodded. Clearing my throat, I positioned the microphone near my lips and gave him an 'ok' sign too. 

Music started playing, and as soon as it reached the third bar, I opened my lips. Here goes. 

"I turn my back against you // hiding my lonely tears // the tears I'm too proud to shed in front of you // oh boy you don't know my reasons for leaving // it was just days ago we were kissing // but now it seems lifetimes away // my heart seems to die with every step I take // let's just take a break // I'm done" 

I emerged from the recording room with a huge smile on my face. "That was great, Ha Na. Good job!" Seung Yoon patted my back and I thanked him. "Jin Woo, it's your turn."

He stood up from the sofa and shuffled towards the recording room. As he walked past me, he muttered, "I didn't know you could rap so well," and a smile crept on his face. I smiled at his compliment. 

"Fighting!" I called out behind him and he gave me a thumbs up. I watched as he prepared himself in the recording room and then he started singing. His voice was really unique, and he was good too. 

The recording went late into the night, and it was already 11:34pm when I excused myself as I had a concept meeting the next day. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave now as I have a meeting tomorrow. Sorry," I said as I bowed. 

"It's ok, we're sorry for dragging this too!" Min Ho said. I bowed once more and grabbed my stuff before leaving. 

"Ha Na!" somebody called me from behind. I turned around and saw that it was Seung Hoon. 


"Do you need me to give you a ride home? It's so late now and it's not safe for a girl like you to go home," he scratched his head and gave me a small expectant smile.

"Alright," I grinned and he walked over. 

We walked alongside each other in awkward silence. "So Ha Na, you're going to debut soon right?" he asked me suddenly.

'Ye-yeah," I nodded profusely. 

"How did you get into YG?"

"I was scouted by Ji Yong sunbae when I was 14. I was at a singing competition and Ji Yong sunbae was one of the judges, so yeah, he brought me to YG after the competition." He nodded. 

"You're really talented, you rap really good in English," he smiled. 

"Th-thank you," I stuttered. I'm not! We reached his vehicle and I lost all strength in my legs when I saw what it was.

"Wait for me Ha Na!" he shouted from across the street as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I had to get the last copy available of Naruto before it was sold out! 

"Hurry up Jong Su, I need to get it!" 

"This girl!" he was panting furiously as he tried to catch up with me. I dashed across the street without looking twice, the manga store just before me. Just then, a blinding light shone into my eyes as well as a loud screech. I screamed, rooted to the ground. I felt a strong impact pushing me, and I continued screaming. 

Bang! I waited, and waited, and waited for the pain to sink in,  but there was none. I only felt a sharp pain on my right arm, and slowly parted my eyes. Jong Su was sprawled on the road in front of me, a motorcyclist tending to him. His limbs were twisted in the most grotesque ways, and he was in pain. 

"Jong... Jong Su!" I screamed and scampered to him, ignoring the scrapes and cuts on my legs. I kneeled next to him, clutching his hand tightly. "Jong Su.." tears were starting to pour out from my eyes. He slowly opened his eyes.

"You bad, bad girl... I told you to wait for me..." he smiled weakly, and a single stream of blood trickled from his nose. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I hugged his icy cold body and buried my face into his chest. "You have to hang in there Jong Su, please..." I begged him. My breath started hitching as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"Tell mum I love her, tell noona that I love her too. Sorry... sorry for leaving all of you behind. I... I love you too Ha Na..."

"Stop it! Stop it!" I screamed hysterically, my face wet with tears. He loosened his grip on my hand, and his hand fell to his side. 

"I'm sorry, I have something else on. I... I have to go." I walked away from Seung Hoon before I could crumble in front of him. It took everything in me not to break down on the spot. 

"Ha Na, what's wrong?" he held onto my wrist. I tugged away from him and tore down the street, ignoring his yells for me. The tears that I had kept back started trickling down my cheeks.

Until now, the memories are still too painful.

*note: I'm back! Hope you liked this chapter, and please comment! I don't know if my chapters are too short or not, please tell me if they are and I will improve. And a disclaimer: the YG contract mentioned above is just a figment of my imagination, it does not represent the real thing :) 

And I heard about the news. I just want to say: Stay strong EXO. I'm not an EXO fan, so I'm in no position to comment about anything. I just hope the storm passes. 

Stay tuned ~



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I made this for funxD it's a YG Edition of 2048:


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Chapter 18: Thank you for this story, I really loved it
DreamSparkStar #2
Chapter 18: Aaaw yees EPILOGUE~ <3 <3 <3
Smiley for you :D
Thank you for sharing this story! ^^
Chapter 16: Go up suddenly played on my iPod while reading this. Stay strong Ha Na. #StayStrongLadiesCode
DreamSparkStar #4
Chapter 16: Noooooo *tears forming* All that... scary how one unexpected moment can change everything.
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 16: I cried for Hana ...her losses coming so suddenly into her life. Yep, we don't know what's around the corner. We just have to follow our own light.
jellybearred #6
Chapter 16: Andwee~
What will Jinwoo do if Hana died? Or what if Jinwoo do if Hana stay alive but lost her legs.. I think this will be a sad fanfic on the next update :(
jellybearred #7
Chapter 15: An update! Yay!
I hope to see more 'bad' taehyun again in here kekeke~
DreamSparkStar #8
Chapter 15: Are you flipping serious?! Glad to see a new chappie but... did you have to have that happen at the end? *sigh* You better give us fluffy fluffiness later on or I'll come after you! (Haha jk jk~ <3)

So proud of WINNER~ I couldn't believe it when they won their first trophy. (Of course this month just ripped me like three different ways because of WINNER, BTS, and Taemin... WHY DID THEY DO THIS???)

Good luck with your studies~ Hope you do well on your finals! ^^
Clatomere001 #9
Chapter 15: t_T and I thought they'd be okay