
The Only Exception

(Ha Na's POV)

My sobs grew more and more intense. It was my first time crying in a long time, and I just had to vent it out. Suddenly, I felt somebody grab my waist and jerked up. 

"Yahhhh!" I screamed and hit the hand repeatedly. 

"Please don't do this miss, it's not worth it. I'm sure you have a bright future ahead of you, I'm sure you have friends and family that care about you. I will not let you end your life!" What the heck was this bastard talking about? 

"Let go!" I screamed, "I don't even know what you're talking about!" 

"You can't end your life, you can't." I let his words sink in. Ending my life? I laughed when I finally got what he meant. 

"Geez, I'm not ending my life, I was just sorting out my thoughts. You can let go of me now, I really don't have any intention to suicide." 


"Yes, please let go of me. I'm going to yell for help if you don't." I felt him loosening his grip around my waist and took the opportunity to jump off the railing. I almost tripped in the process and he grabbed me. 


"I'm fine," I smile and observe him. He was doe-eyed, with a refined nose and plump lips. He was good-looking and... familiar. 

"Who are you?" I asked him. 

He scratched his head. "Ah yes, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm..." 

"Jin Woo hyung!" another man barged through the doors. He was pretty hot too. 

He looked away. "What were you trying to do? And what's wrong with you?" the hottie nudged... Jin Woo? 

"Nothing, I'm fine. Let's go," he started leaving the place. 

The hottie noticed me and smiled. "You are...?" 

I smile back. "Yoon Ha Na." 

"I'm Song Min Ho, also known as Mino, the rapper of WINNER. Nice to meet you," he stretched out his hand and I took it immediately. So they're from WINNER. 

"Nice to meet you too." 

"Yah Min Ho, you can continue flirting there, I'm going back in. And you, please don't do silly things anymore. There won't be anybody to save you." He was referring to me.

"Bye, see you!" Min Ho waved and hurried away. "Hyung, wait for me!"

"I wasn't even trying to do silly things, but thanks!" I shouted towards his direction as I watched them stride away. I entered the building soon after. 

(Jin Woo's POV)

"Hyung, do you know her? That Ha Na girl?" Min Ho asked as soon as we were indoors. 

"First time seeing her around here, she should be a trainee. I was just being a hero and stopping her from plunging to her death when I saw her sitting on the railing." 

"Ah... I see... Hyung, why did you run out so angrily just now?" Min Ho is always so nosey. I ignored him and continued walking. 

"Yah Hyung!" he punched me playfully in the arm. 

"Stop pestering me." We entered the lift. 

"Hyung ~" he whined and I ignored him. "Fine then," he crossed his arms and pouted. 

"You're pretty childish." It was his turn to ignore me and I just shrugged. I pushed open the doors to the recording studio and was greeted with the stern faces of my members. 

"Why did you run away?" Seung Yoon was the first to speak up. "You interrupted a recording session that was going smoothly. If you're unhappy with my lyrics, you can tell me. I'm ready to accept criticism." 

"No, it's not like that, I just... I'm sorry," I lowered my gaze. 

"Hyung, are you ok?" Seung Hoon asked. 

"I'm... fine." My voice cracked, and tears pricked my eyes. Gosh Kim Jin Woo, why are you being such a ? 

"Hyung, about you and Mi Hyun... are things going well?" Tae Hyun's words reminded me of the cruel reality, and I reached my breaking point. Hot tears flooded my eyes and I covered my face. All four of them rushed up to me. 

"Hyung..." Min Ho placed his hand on my shoulder, "what's going on?" 

I fumbled with my phone and came to the message, then shoved it into his hands. "Read this." 

There were loud gasps from them. "She's a ," I exclaimed. 

"Hyung, you should've told us, I wouldn't force you to record... Sorry," Seung Yoon's voice was filled with remorse. 

"No, it's not your fault, I should have been more professional," my tears stopped flowing by then. 

"You have us, your buddies, and trust me, you'll get over her in no time. Let's go drinking and have fun!" Seung Hoon suggested. We all agreed and headed to the nearby club. 

"I don't like you to drink, Jin Woo. Will you promise me not to drink and club?" 

I still remember when she said this. Our third monthsary. I shook my head to clear the thoughts. 

I'll forget her. I'll forget everything about her. She'll be... history. 

Pushing open the doors, we entered one of the busiest clubs in this area. Music was blasting in the air and the place reeked of alchohol. People were screaming and shouting at the dance floor. 

"Let's get a room!" Tae Hyun raised his voice as the place was too noisy. 

And then I spotted a girl, dancing wildly under the lights, her black lustrous hair swinging from left to right, right to left. She was dressed skimpily, showing her cleavage and thighs. And her lips, her lips were interlocked with another guy's. My heart lurched at the sight. 

Is this really Mi Hyun? 

I stomped over to the dance floor, jealousy overriding all my thoughts. I squeezed through the crowd and yanked at her. She looked at me in shock. I pulled her away, leaving her partner yelling her name, but I couldn't care less. 

"What's happening here?" I screamed at her. She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. 

"So you haven't gotten over me. And I thought you totally forgot about us since you didn't reply my message." 

"Im Mi Hyun!" I shouted. "Do you treat my love for you as a joke? What do I mean to you? Tell me truthfully, did you cheat on me?" 

She glared at me. "Yes, yes I did. I went to bed with that guy there, because I realised that I don't love you anymore. Everytime I'm on a date with you, I feel like I'm forcing myself to be with you. I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore." 

"You could have told me honestly! Why did you have to mince your words?"

"Because I know that you will not let me go if I tell you the truth!" What she said was true. I would never let her go, never in a million years. I looked away. 

"You changed." 

"Get over it, get over me Jin Woo. People change, and I will never get back with you." My mind throbbed and it felt as if the walls of my heart were crumbling slowly. 

"All the best for your future endeavours, we're going separate ways from now on. I hope you find yourself a nicer girl too. Goodbye," she pecked me on the cheek and hurried away. That was all it took for me to break down on the spot. 

No, I will never let her go. What happened to forgetting her? How can I ever forget her? Maybe, maybe if I use a fake girlfriend, she'll get jealous and come back to me. I smirked. That's it. But who will be willing to help me? 

(Ha Na's POV)

I plunged onto the sofa and kicked off my shoes. "Aigoo! So tiring," I exclaimed and lay my head down onto a pillow. 

"Unnie, you look exhausted. Go take a shower and go to sleep!" my dorm mate, Park Ju Hee, also known as Zoe said. She was also a trainee under YG, and she was training to be in a girl group together with four other girls. She was musically talented, and she had a bright future, I could tell. Sajang really likes her. 

"I'm too lazy," I whined. 

"Get your up and go bathe! You stink," she pinched her nose and I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine, fine," I dragged my feet to the bathroom. As soon as the cold water hit my bare skin, I was feeling as energetic as a million nine volt batteries. What's sleep? 

I stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed and there was a bounce in my steps. "How was your day?" I chirped. 

"I had to compose three songs and train my vocals for three hours. I'm dead beat." 

"Aigoo, my poor dongsaeng." 

"How about you unnie?"

"I practiced the same dance for fifteen times, not once, twice but fifteen times! My muscles are wilting slowly, I can feel them dying," I moaned dramatically. 

"Have a good rest then unnie. I'm going to sleep, goodnight!" she yawned and stood up to go to her room. 

"Night!" I smile and watched as she disappeared into her room. She's such an adorable girl, so full of life. She's only fourteen, but mind you, she's more talented than some idols out there. I'm looking forward to her debut. 

I the television, and tuned in to a drama. It was a romance drama, and it received positive reviews from the audience, but I was cringing from the scenes. Seriously, people believe in all these bull? They actually believe that love like this exists in the world? The more I watched, the more disgusted I got, and I turned off the television after less than twenty minutes. 

Bull, bull, I chanted in my mind, there's no love, none at all. 

"Yoon Yonghyun, you bastard!" I heard my mother scream from the room. 

"You cheated on me, you ing cheated on me!" she continued yelling at the top of her lungs and I shivered in fear. 

"That's because you've changed! You're no longer the kind Moon Jinhee I used to know! You're always on my back and I had enough! You want a divorce? Fine, I'll give you a divorce. The divorce papers will be sent to you in a few days. Leave, and never come back. Ha Na will follow me.

At that time, I felt utter disgust for my father and started sobbing softly. How could he say that to my mother?

"You can take anything but Ha Na!" 


"I'll get Ha Na back!" 

The door opened and umma emerged. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Umma, don't go," I clung onto her arm. 

"I'm sorry Na Na, umma has to leave. But I promise to come back and visit you, ok?" she bent down and there was a small, sad smile on her face. 

"Umma..." I was tearing up at the thought of my beloved mother leaving. 

"Hush, don't cry Na Na, your father doesn't like seeing you crying," she wiped away my tears, "umma loves you." She placed a kiss on my forehead and hurried away. I was bawling my eyes out and screamed for her, but she didn't turn back. She walked out of the gates without turning back once. 

In the end, the court gave my custody to my father, only because he had a stable job and a house under his name. 

It has been twelve years, but the memory still remains fresh in my mind. How could I ever forget it? And I thought that my parents loved each other, that they would stay together 'til the end of time, just like the movies, that we'll stay as a happy family forever. Happy ever after, isn't that how fairy tales always end? Turns out, I was wrong. My father cheated on my mother. My father that I once regarded as the Superman of my life.

Love never exists. 


*note: Please leave a comment, I really want to hear from you! 

Stay tuned ~

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I made this for funxD it's a YG Edition of 2048:


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Chapter 18: Thank you for this story, I really loved it
DreamSparkStar #2
Chapter 18: Aaaw yees EPILOGUE~ <3 <3 <3
Smiley for you :D
Thank you for sharing this story! ^^
Chapter 16: Go up suddenly played on my iPod while reading this. Stay strong Ha Na. #StayStrongLadiesCode
DreamSparkStar #4
Chapter 16: Noooooo *tears forming* All that... scary how one unexpected moment can change everything.
Thekatsmeow #5
Chapter 16: I cried for Hana ...her losses coming so suddenly into her life. Yep, we don't know what's around the corner. We just have to follow our own light.
jellybearred #6
Chapter 16: Andwee~
What will Jinwoo do if Hana died? Or what if Jinwoo do if Hana stay alive but lost her legs.. I think this will be a sad fanfic on the next update :(
jellybearred #7
Chapter 15: An update! Yay!
I hope to see more 'bad' taehyun again in here kekeke~
DreamSparkStar #8
Chapter 15: Are you flipping serious?! Glad to see a new chappie but... did you have to have that happen at the end? *sigh* You better give us fluffy fluffiness later on or I'll come after you! (Haha jk jk~ <3)

So proud of WINNER~ I couldn't believe it when they won their first trophy. (Of course this month just ripped me like three different ways because of WINNER, BTS, and Taemin... WHY DID THEY DO THIS???)

Good luck with your studies~ Hope you do well on your finals! ^^
Clatomere001 #9
Chapter 15: t_T and I thought they'd be okay