Chapter 8: Falling

Donghae’s POV

“Mr Donghae, Mr and Mrs Lee are waiting for you downstairs for dinner,” someone knocked my room’s door and informed me. I immediately woke up from my sleep. I still felt sleepy after had a sleep for 2 hours. I walked out from my room lazily.

“Hi, mom,dad!” I greeted my parents. I yawned and walked to my place. I heard my mom and dad were trying to hold back their laugh. I wondered why. Then, Yeojin came out from the kitchen with aunt Sora. They were smiling at me.

'What’s wrong with them? Why are they look so happy this evening? Any good news??'

“Donghae, did you go to bathroom just now?” my mom asked me.

“No, but why?” I shook my head and asked her back. I saw my dad was smiling widely.

“You better go now,” my dad said to me.

I'm curious. What’s wrong with me?'

I exhaled to smell my breath.

'CHECK. IT’S FINE. So, what’s the problem? Maybe I better brush my teeth.

I slowly walked to the bathroom and took my toothbrush. As I want to rinse my mouth, I looked in the mirror. My eyes were getting bigger. I was so surprised.

'OMG, what has happened to my face? Who has done this to my handsome face? My face is full of drawing. MOUSTACHE, BEARD, EVEN A THICK EYEBROWS. DAMN!!!

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHO’S DARE DOING THIS TO MY LOVELY FACE?” I shouted loudly. I can hear my parents were laughing hard from outside.

'This is so embarrassing.'

 I washed my face but then my face's colour slowly  turned into black because of the ink probably. I tried again and it was almost success to disappear. But then I just ignored it, too tired to rub my face. My face was getting red and pain. I came out from the bathroom and then joined my parents. They looked at me and burst into laughing again. Not only them, but also aunt Sora and YEOJIN!

I know it! I know who has done this to me. JUST WAIT YEOJIN.

I looked angrily at her while biting my lips but she was just smiling to me. My parents still can’t stop laughing.    

“Mom, dad, can you both stop laughing?” I asked them. They were really annoying me.

“Dear, this is the first time I saw you like this. I wonder who’s the brave person that did it to my handsome son,” my mom said to me. I stared at Yeojin. She stopped smiling and looked away from me. Then, she walked away to the kitchen.


I lost my appetite because of Yeojin but I still felt hungry. So, I decided to just have dinner with my parents. Aunt Sora and Yeojin were busy serving us. As Yeojin was coming closer to serve me, I glanced at her. She looked down and tried to act cool.

Aish!!! She really got my nerves.

After finished eating, I quickly walked to my room and looked my face again in the mirror. I released a huge sigh.

She’s really BRAVE! I really want to strangle her.

Then, someone knocked the door.

Yeojin’s POV

'I couldn’t hold back my laugh anymore as I heard Donghae is screaming loudly in the bathroom. He might has noticed the changes of his “handsome” face. 

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, WHO’S DARE DOING THIS TO MY LOVELY FACE?”  he screamed. All of us were burst of laughing when we heard his epic screaming. He was so funny. I could see tears were formed in Donghae’s parents’ eyes. They looked really excited.

Donghae walked out from the bathroom and sat back at his place. I thought he’ll lose his appetite this evening. I was worried if he did that. Thank God he still wanted to eat. I noticed he was looking at me. I tried to smile to him but his eyes were full of anger.

OMG, I’M DEAD. I need to be more careful around him after this.'

But I suddenly felt sorry to see him like that. His face was red, perhaps he rubbed his face too hard.

It must be hurt. I should apologise to him later. Even I know he's the one who starts this “war” first.

 After Lee’s family finished eating, everyone did their own work. I can saw Mr and Mrs Lee were slowly talking about Donghae. I could hear they were laughing quietly, probably they didn’t want Donghae to hear it and then feel hurt. Donghae walked to his room without saying anything. He looked really angry. I just looked at him.

After finished tidying up the dining table, I excused myself from aunt Sora. She just nodded her head.

I knocked the door. But I heard no voice from inside. I knocked again.

“Come in,” he said lazily. I walked in slowly.

What will he do to me if I come in? Kill me? Oh No!!!

I prayed so hard, hoping that he wouldn’t do anything bad to me.

“Sir,” I called him. I didn’t dare to call him by name. He was still busy looking at his face in the mirror. He then turned back. He looked at me sharply.

“You!!! How dare you do that to me,” he said while walking closer to me.

 I'm really afraid right now.

“I’m...I’m sorry. I don’t mean that. I just feel eager to you. You started it first right?” I asked him. He looked into my eyes deeply and then walked away. He sat on his bed and looked down to the floor. He just kept silent.

Is he sulking? OMG, DONGHAE IS SULKING!!! SUCH A SPOILED BRAT! But he looks so cute, pouting his mouth like that.

I really want to laugh but I don’t want him gets hurt again.

I walked closer to him and sat in front of him. I brought first aid with me to treat him. I tried to wipe his face but he seemed so shocked with my sudden action. I ignored him and just did it until done. He looked at me without blinking.

BE COOL, YEOJIN!!!  THIS IS NOTHING!!! But my heart keep beating so fast.

Donghae’s POV

It's Yeojin who has knocked my door. I'm really mad but then I immediately stop nagging at her after hearing she's asking for my forgiveness.

“I’m...I’m sorry. I don’t mean that. I just feel eager to you. You started it first right?” she asked me.

I'm speechless and It is true. I started it first and then why must I get so angry. But she’s really no need to “destroy” my face. 

I walked away from her and sat on my bed. I looked down to the floor.


I pouted my mouth.

Yeojin came and sat in front of me. I didn’t notice that she brought first aid together with her just now. She tried to wipe my face. I was surprised with her action. She touched my face. I felt comfort when she did that.

She seems care about me. Even my other girlfriends are not like her. They're just loving me because of my look and money. Include Jessica. I KNOW THAT!!! But Yeojin is totally different. She knows her fault and immediately apologises to me. Why does my heart beat rapidly now? DOES SOMETHING NEW HAPPENS TO ME??







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Chapter 21: This Story can be relationatied with the Jessica Story, but I lost the Fan-Fic Blog D:
Chapter 19: WTH with the father¿??
Chapter 16: he proposes her marry with him with an Ice-Cream??? ¬¬¿¿??
Chapter 15: where's the green color in the speeches?
Chapter 13: Jessica’s POV¡¡¡¡ Finally!! I was waiting for a Sica's View aout the situation... Eunhyuk appareared
Chapter 10: Jessicsa! ♥ I hates Donghae.. he has to clarifies the things with Sica before dating with Yeojin
Chapter 5: Obviously all the credits are going to you. I forgot to mentioned in thew last post.
Chapter 5: I really enjoy how you put all the chgaracters' views, I wanna translate to Spanish version this fan-fic, if you leave me do it please let me know sending me a MP

we see.
Chapter 1: Who is Yeojin?.. I can't remember if there someone I know...
littlehoe #10