Chapter 13: Justice

Yeojin’s POV

As I was walking slowly to school, someone pulled my hair from the back.

OUCH, IT'S SO HURT!!! My leg is still not recovered yet, and what’s now?

The person grabbed my hair strongly.  I could feel my eyes were tearing because of the pain. I then fell on the ground as my legs were too weak to control my body. I turned back and saw Jessica with three of her friends. They surrounded me and they looked so fierce.

What are they going to do to me?

“How dare you take my Donghae from me. You’re nothing to him. He’s mine. Don’t you realise it?” she asked me.

She is really annoying me. No wonder Donghae couldn’t stand with her. WHATEVER, JESSICA AND I DON’T CARE WHAT DO YOU WANT TOSAY!!

I just kept quiet and tried hard to stand up. Finally I could make it. I then slowly walked away from them but one of her friends grabbed my hand harshly. I stopped my steps and turned back.

“Where do you want to go?” she asked me.

“Of course to my class, don’t you have yours too?” I asked her back, innocently. She looked dumb hearing my answer.

SERVE HER RIGHT!!! I’m not a coward girl like you see, girls.

“You guys better go now,” I advised them. They looked surprised with my words.

“Who are you to teach us?” Jessica asked me. I grinned to her and just walked from there again but she quickly grabbed my hand and slapped my face.

I never expect this "thing" will happen to me. HOW DARE YOU, JESSICA!!!

Then, they ran away from me.

What a coward person you all are!!! This is too much and they really pissed me off. No one dare to raise their hand up on my face. You’re lucky Jessica because my leg is hurt. I have no energy to fight you back. You’re forgiven today but not for the next time, I'm sure about this.

I continued walking to my class but then I saw Donghae was running towards me. I was just smiling to him.

He’s my Boss, of course I need to show my respect. Good job, Yeojin!!! You could cover your feeling well.

“Yeojin, why don’t you wait for me? I thought we’ll go to school together,” he asked me while panting so hard. I looked at him and his face showed disappointment.

It’s not my fault because you didn’t say that you want to go with me. So, I decided to go first. But different words came out from my mouth.

“I’m sorry OPPA,” I apologised to him.

Looks like I'm used to call him OPPA now. I couldn’t feel awkward anymore.

He smiled at me but then he looked at me curiously.

What’s wrong with him?

I rolled my eyes.

“What happen to your face?” he asked me while touching my cheek. I didn’t notice that till his hand touched it.

My face has bruise, probably due to Jessica’s slap just now.

“Ouch,” I whined as his hand pressed slightly my cheek.

“I’m sorry, Yeojin but who did this to you? Tell me,” he asked me.

It is really touching, he seems concern about me.

I smiled to him. 

“No... No one. I fell just now. I bet my leg was trapped on something. Excuse me, I’ve to go now. See you later,”  I excused and walked away to my class. He just looked at me weirdly.

Donghae’s POV

As I was walking to my class, I saw Yeojin was on her way to her class. I ran to her. She smiled to me as she saw me.

I'm really happy seeing her smile. 

“Yeojin, why don’t you wait for me? I thought we’ll go to school together,”  I asked her, pretending that I was angry to her. But I felt really disappointed as she left my house early this morning.

She apologised to me and I just smiled to her. But I noticed something red on her cheek.

IT IS A BRUISE. What has happened to her? It looks terrible. My face turns serious.

I carefully touched her face. She whined as my hand touched her skin.

“I’m sorry, Yeojin but who did this to you? Tell me,” I asked her.

I'm curious about what has happened to her.

She kept silent for a while and then spoke. 

“No... No one. I fell just now. I bet my leg was trapped on something. Excuse me, I’ve to go now. See you later,”  she answered me and walked away. I looked at her walking away from me.

Why is she stuttering? I bet she's hiding something from me. Her excuse seems unrealistic. That's not just a small bruise. It looks like someone’s fingerprint, likes someone had slapped her face just now. I thought for second. Aha, I know who did that to her. 

“Hyukkie, would you help me?”  I called my best friend, Eunhyuk as I saw he was walking to our class.

"No problem, but what do you want me to do?” he asked me back. I grinned and whispered something to him. We both nodded our heads and laughed soundlessly.

Jessica’s POV

I walked out from the toilet and walked back to my class. The school will begin soon but my mind kept playing this morning incident.  

That girl really pissed me off. But who is she? I never see her before but why she's with Donghae?? What’s her name?


I thought for a while. I reminded yesterday incident. I heard Donghae called her Yeojin.

That's must be her name. But I don’t really care. Yeojin? Whatever!!! She really made me mad today. How dare she talked back to me this morning. 

“Okay guys, please take out your book, page 99,”  Miss Lim’s order woke me up from my thought. I opened my bag and took out the book.

Where’s my pencil case?

I tried to search for it as I didn’t look into my bag.

Yes, there it is. But why it’s so big and cold? I could feel it's so slimy and moist. IT IS MOVING TOO!!! This is not my pencil case, I bet. My face turns pale.

I slowly peeked into my bag.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh,” I screamed loudly and jumped out from my place. Everyone in the class looked at me weirdly. Then, they saw a green frog came out from my bag. All the girls were screaming and some of them stood on their chair. The boys were just laughing seeing that. I could hear they were laughing loudly at me and shouted my name.

OMG, THIS IS SO EMBARASSING!!! Who put that animal in my bag?

I looked at Donghae and he was laughing as others.

“Oppa, please help me. I’m scared,” I said to him, asking for sympathy and I grabbed his hand. Eunhyuk who sat beside him just smiling widely. 

“I don’t think I could help you. That must be you “prince”. Why don’t you kiss him?”  he teased me and pulled off his hand from mine. All my classmates laughed again after hearing his words.

This time is louder than just now. THIS IS REALLY HUMILIATING!!!

I quickly walked out from the class. Miss Lim called me for a few times but I just ignored her calling.

I feel really embarrassed and I don’t think I could face this “shameful thing” in a short time. I wonder who did this to me.


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Chapter 21: This Story can be relationatied with the Jessica Story, but I lost the Fan-Fic Blog D:
Chapter 19: WTH with the father¿??
Chapter 16: he proposes her marry with him with an Ice-Cream??? ¬¬¿¿??
Chapter 15: where's the green color in the speeches?
Chapter 13: Jessica’s POV¡¡¡¡ Finally!! I was waiting for a Sica's View aout the situation... Eunhyuk appareared
Chapter 10: Jessicsa! ♥ I hates Donghae.. he has to clarifies the things with Sica before dating with Yeojin
Chapter 5: Obviously all the credits are going to you. I forgot to mentioned in thew last post.
Chapter 5: I really enjoy how you put all the chgaracters' views, I wanna translate to Spanish version this fan-fic, if you leave me do it please let me know sending me a MP

we see.
Chapter 1: Who is Yeojin?.. I can't remember if there someone I know...
littlehoe #10