Chapter 21: Happy

Yeojin’s POV

Donghae and I went to school happily and our hand was twisted to each other. He looked at me while smiling sweetly. DONGHAE, DIDN’T YOU KNOW THAT YOUR SMILE IS REALLY ADDICTIVE? I couldn’t resist myself from giggling every time you smile at me. Looks like I’m one of your fan girls. Thinking about it made me remind our first meeting. You accused me as your stalker. It was RIDICULOUS. Since that, I never expect myself to fall in love with you. I WONDER WHY YOU LOVE ME.

“Yeojin, do you want to know what I feel right now? I feel like this world is mine when you accepted my love yesterday. I’m really happy, seriously happy and thanks Yeojin for giving me this opportunity to love you,” he said and looked deep into my eyes. I could feel his sincerity through his eyes. I smiled to him. His words really melt my heart. THAT WAS SO SWEET, LEE DONGHAE. The sweetest statement I’ve ever heard in my entire life. Thanks to you too for accepting me even I’M JUST YOUR MAID AND YOU’RE MY BOSS!!!      

“Me too, Oppa. But....,” I hesitate to continue my words.

“But why Yeojin?” he asked me worriedly. I took a deep breath before spoke again.

“But I just wonder why do you choose me? I mean what make you fall in love with me. I’m nothing, just your ma....” but before I finished it, Donghae hushed me and put his index finger on my lips. I looked at him and he just smiled to me.

“You’re really talkative now, Yeojin,” he said. I pouted. He chuckled seeing me doing that.

“You’re really different than any girls I’ve ever known, Yeojin. I don’t know why I could feel jealous easily when I saw you with another guy. It makes me want you to be mine, and also your kindness. You’re so nice to everybody include me even I’ve bullied you. But it looks so fun back then when I thought about it. Maybe I should tease you more in the future,” he started to laugh.

“What are you saying, Oppa?” I asked him and tried to pinch his arms. He quickly hugged me to avoid myself from continue pinching him. I was locked in his arms and it felt so good. He put his chin on my head and kissed my hair. I just closed my eyes. I felt so calm and safe with him.

We then continued to our school. As we arrived, I looked every students were looking at us weirdly. They seem curious on what happened to me and Donghae. Maybe they didn’t expect Donghae went to school with just an ordinary girl LIKE ME. I knew who I am.

“Yeojin, what’s wrong?” Donghae asked me suddenly.

“Nothing,” I replied while shaking my head. I smiled to him.

“Hi, Yeojin!” Jae greeted me as he appeared from nowhere. He came closer to me and Donghae. I could feel the grip of Donghae’s hand on my wrist became tighter. DONGHAE GOT JEALOUS EASILY!!! I smiled happily deep inside my heart. Jealousy means he loves you so much.

“Hi, Jae! How are you today?” I asked Jae.

“I’m good. But you look so “beautiful” today, any good news?” he asked me cheerfully and then looked at Donghae. Donghae just smiled sheepishly to him. I felt shy to tell him about our “officially relationship”.

“We...we’re,” I stuttered. I looked at Donghae, asking him for help. PLEASE TELL HIM, DONGHAE. I’M EMBARRASSING. Donghae seems understand what I mean.

“We’re officially lovers,” Donghae said. Jae looks shocked.

“But... but I thought you both are already...” he didn’t finish his words but just pointed his index finger in front of our faces a few times. I just looked down and smiled shyly. I nodded slightly, confirming what Donghae just said.

“Yeojin, Donghae, CONGRATULATIONS. I’m happy for both of you,” he congratulated us and then just walked away from there with a wide smile. He waved his hand to us.

We then continued walking to my class. Suddenly I saw two friends of Jessica who have bullied me before were whispering to each other. They stared at me. Ah, I should ignore them as Donghae was beside me. I knew they can do nothing. But where is Jessica? Why she’s not with them? 

Donghae’s POV

Mom and dad are really the best!!! I knew they’re nice but I didn’t expect they’ll approve us easily. By the way, I really appreciate it. YAHOOOO!!!!

I held Yeojin’s hand as we were walking to our school. I could feel the happiness and love as our hand touched to each other. I can’t stop myself from smiling. I look like a crazy boy at this morning. BUT WHO CARES!!!

I felt relieved as I told Yeojin my feeling to her. She was blushing at first but then her face slowly turns sour. She wanted to say something but suddenly stopped without finished her words. Now I wonder. PLEASE DON’T DO THIS, YEOJIN. YOU REALLY MAKE ME NERVOUS. Please just say it, Yeojin.

“But I just wonder why do you choose me? I mean what make you fall in love with me. I’m nothing, just your ma....” before she could finish her words, I hushed her and put my index finger on her lips. Her eyes were getting bigger, maybe she was surprised with my sudden action. I already knew what you want to say Yeojin. You might be a maid in my house but NOT IN MY HEART. Believe me Yeojin. I love you and I believe no one can replace your place.

Our first meeting was the best moment I’ve ever had in my life. I didn’t expect to meet such a nice girl like you. You’re different with the girls I’ve known before. They just want my money, not the real love. I realised I was bad to you before, but you could make me change. Change into someone better. Someone who knows what true love is. Thanks Yeojin.

I used to bully and tease you before. But it was really fun. Maybe I should continue my “evil” plan on you.

“...Maybe I should tease you more in the future,” I joked. She seems surprised and pretended to be angry on me. She tried to pinch my arms but I quickly hugged her. I put my chin on her head and kissed her hair. Her scent really makes me calm and soothe. What have you done to me Yeojin till I’m craving for your love? TELL ME!!!

As we were walking to school, I saw Yeojin was not in her mood. What’s wrong with her? I asked her but she just smiled at me like there’s nothing happened. I knew what she was thinking about. Just ignore them, Yeojin. They knew nothing about us.

Suddenly Jae appeared and greeted Yeojin. Aish, why must I feel jealous every time Jae came to meet Yeojin? COOL MAN. YOU MUST BE PROFESSIONAL!!! I held Yeojin’s hand tighter, refused to let her go. Now I believe what people said: LOVE IS WAR!!! And they’re RIGHT!!!

“I’m good. But you look so “beautiful” today, any good news?” Jae answered as Yeojin greeted him back.

“We...we’re,” she stuttered and her face slowly turns red. She was blushing. She looked at me, asking for help. I smiled seeing her behave like this. She’s so cute. Why must you be this shy, Yeojin? Just tell him I’m your man, the most handsome and richest in this school. I laughed evilly in my heart. LEE DONGHAE, YOU’RE TOO PROUD WITH YOURSELF!!!

“We’re officially lovers,” I answered for Yeojin. She just bowed her head. I could feel she was still blushing. I looked at Jae. He was so shocked with the news but then smiled happily and congratulated us. He’s not bad at all. Now I believe he has no feeling on Yeojin. I’M SAVE!!! NO MORE RIVALS!!!

We walked quietly towards Yeojin’s class. Then we saw Jessica’s best friends were whispering to each other. I knew what you guys were talking about but I don’t care. I looked at Yeojin. She looks relax and calm. That was good. I thought she was still afraid of them. THAT’S MY GIRL!!! DON’T WORRY YEOJIN, I’LL PROTECT YOU.  

“Oppa, where’s Jessica?” Yeojin suddenly spoke. I just lifted my shoulder, not know how to answer. I also didn’t know where she went after the “frog incident”. I smiled when thinking about that. Serve her right for slapping my girl. Thanks Hyukkie for help me. I owe you.

“Wow, don’t you think both of them look good together?” we heard a girl talked about us. I looked at Yeojin and then she smiled to me.

“Thank God Jessica has been moved to another school after the incident,” we heard another girl spoke. Yeojin’s eyes were getting bigger. She looked at me surprisingly.

“Jessica moved? Why? What incident?” she asked me. I just grinned to her.

“I don’t know and I don’t care,” I replied. She looked at me seriously.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Just forget about her. The most important thing now is, I just want you to know that the only person  I do really care and  love the most is YOU,” I leaned closer to her face and kissed her soft lips. She slowly kissed me back. YEOJIN, I MIGHT BE YOUR BOSS IN THIS WORLD, BUT YOU’RE THE ONLY MAID IN MY HEART.   


p/s: Thanks a lot guys for keep reading, supporting and subscribing YOU'RE MY BOSS!!! It's finally complete. I wish all of you are enjoy reading this fanfic.












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Chapter 21: This Story can be relationatied with the Jessica Story, but I lost the Fan-Fic Blog D:
Chapter 19: WTH with the father¿??
Chapter 16: he proposes her marry with him with an Ice-Cream??? ¬¬¿¿??
Chapter 15: where's the green color in the speeches?
Chapter 13: Jessica’s POV¡¡¡¡ Finally!! I was waiting for a Sica's View aout the situation... Eunhyuk appareared
Chapter 10: Jessicsa! ♥ I hates Donghae.. he has to clarifies the things with Sica before dating with Yeojin
Chapter 5: Obviously all the credits are going to you. I forgot to mentioned in thew last post.
Chapter 5: I really enjoy how you put all the chgaracters' views, I wanna translate to Spanish version this fan-fic, if you leave me do it please let me know sending me a MP

we see.
Chapter 1: Who is Yeojin?.. I can't remember if there someone I know...
littlehoe #10