
Doll House

     "The fact that you still haven't talked to him after this long is so....." Sehun stops trying to find the right word to use. "Pathetic." He kicks back in his seat next to Jongin in the auditorium where they're getting instructions for the graduation rehearsal. Some teachers are running around crazily, trying to find students to stand in line to give off their speeches and Jongin and Sehun are in the far back where even the bright stage lights don't reach. 

     "I've been busy," Jongin mumbles, looking down at his nails as he picks at one. "Besides, what am I going to say? 'Oh, hey Kyungsoo, hope you're not still angry with me because I just wanted to come back into your life even though I've been out of it for a little over half a year'."

     Sehun purses his lips. "Yeah, something like that," he agrees, nodding his head. Jongin lets out a groan and throws his head back to rest on the chair. 

     "I doubt it'll pass. Besides, I doubt I'll even get close enough to say that. Baekhyun and Jongdae are too protective of him to let me near him." Jongin stares up at the bottom of the balcony and at the cobwebs blowing around from small bursts of air here and there. 

     "Look man," Sehun says, pushing himself up in his chair and looking at his friend, "I didn't act like an to you so you could be miserable without any friends. I acted like an to you so you would realize that we were just dicking around. It wasn't anything serious, but you and Kyungsoo?" Sehun whistles low, sliding back down in his chair. "I saw how you two looked at each other before went down and if I actually cared about anything, I might have been jealous."

     Jongin rolls his eyes, propping his foot up on the chair in front of him. "Yeah but that was then. This is now. He hates me now."

     "Hate is a strong word," Sehun says. "I'd say strongly dislikes."

     "I'm not sure if you're trying to help or what." Sehun lets out a sigh and mimics Jongin by kicking his feet up as well.

     "At least give it a chance. What's the worst that could happen? He dump you?" Sehun starts laughing and Jongin hits him in the stomach. 

     "What are you two doing back here?" a teacher asks, spotting them. "You're supposed to be in your rows. We're getting ready to start." 

     "Oh, is it that time already? I'm sorry, my friend doesn't speak Korean, so I was trying to help him understand what was going on," Sehun explains, standing up. "We'll be there in a minute."

     The teacher gives them a suspicious stare but finds that he doesn't have the time to deal with them anymore and speeds off towards the stage. Jongin and Sehun watch before making their way down to where the rest of their class is. "All I'm saying is you should give it a try. Worse case scenario, he says no. It's not like you're going to see him after tomorrow anyway."

     Jongin nods, knowing it's true before separating from Sehun and sitting with his name group. As he stares up at the stage and the students starting to make their fake walk across the stage, he realizes that this is it. It's his last day as a student and by tomorrow, he'll be thought of as an actual adult. It feels as if just yesterday he was getting his schedule and laughing away with all of his friends. The only friend that's still at his side is Sehun. Yifan doesn't talk to them anymore, Yixing is in China preparing for his own graduation, Kyungsoo hates Jongin, and Baekhyun and Jongdae left with Kyungsoo. 

     Kyungsoo makes his way across the stage, laughing as he watches Baekhyun trip on a step down the stage. He misses hearing that laugh. Sehun is right, Jongin was a lot better with Kyungsoo around. He didn't do stupid like he does with Sehun. So why did he have to it all up?

     As he crosses the stage, he looks down and catches eyes with Kyungsoo for a second before the Kyungsoo looks away and starts talking to the student next to him. 

     He's got to make things better.




     "Mom, I think that's enough pictures," Jongin says, blinking a few times to try and get his eyesight back to normal. "I think I've gone blind," he says, putting his hand out to the side and hitting Sehun in the face. "Is that you, Sehun?" He pulls his hand away quickly when he feels his friend him and gives him a glare.

     "Okay, okay," his mother says, but quickly snaps another one. Jongin and Sehun groan and she tells them to hush. "It's the last time I can take your pictures as children." Her eyes start welling with water and Jongin's father has to comfort her as Sehun's grandma walks over to them and slips them some cash.

     "Have fun tonight," she whispers and puts a finger to her lips. Sehun rolls his eyes, but Jongin bows in thanks. 

     "All right, let's go now or else we're going to be late," Jongin says, waving his hand for his parents to follow along. They nod and start grabbing various items around the house including a whole tissue box and follows the boys and the elder out of the house. 

      When they arrive, Sehun and Jongin are rushed by teachers to their seats and are told to stay put for the rest of their night until their names have been called. It's a long ceremony, Jongin finds out. Especially when you're the one who's waiting for your name to be called. There's a slide show with class memories that Jongin doesn't recognize, but then again, he and Sehun were skipping half the time. There's a lot of speeches from high ranking students, teachers, and some faculty members and it isn't until an hour in until names start being called. Jongin, of course, cheers for all of his friends, and when it's his time to go up, he's surprised when he gets cheers as well.

      The ceremony wraps up and when it ends, students are rushing to hug each other, family is making their way down to congratulate their children. Sehun finds Jongin and they congratulate some other students that they know as they pass by. It isn't until Jongin sees Kyungsoo make his way towards a hall that he leaves his parents and Sehun and follows after him. 

     He doesn't see Baekhyun or Jongdae anywhere and he's grateful. Kyungsoo is getting a drink of water and the hallway is thankfully pretty much void of all traffic, with the exception of a few students going to use the restroom. 

     "Hyung," Jongin says, standing a few feet away from where Kyungsoo is drinking. He stops and looks up at Jongin before deciding to ignore him and continue drinking. "Kyungsoo, can we talk?"

     "Haven't I heard those words before?" Kyungso asks, standing up straight. "Oh right, a few weeks ago when you ran out on me."

     Jongin remembers it too well and looks down at his shoes. "Look, I'm really sorry. I got scared and didn't know how to handle it and-"

     "And you thought the best idea was to make things worse?" Kyungsoo asks, crossing his arms. "You've really got a thing for screwing things over, don't you?"

     "Kyungsoo, please just listen, okay?" Jongin asks. Kyugnsoo goes quiet, but motions for Jongin to go on. "Look, I'm really sorry about what I've done. I've been an to you and I should have handled all of this better. But I'm not good in thesee situations and the easiest thing was just run away. It's made things so much worse, though, and I really want to make it up to you."

      Kyungsoo lets out a sigh and wipes his mouth. "I don't know if I want to take that chance again, Jongin," Kyungsoo says quietly. "I'm not sure that I can take that chance again."

     "Please. I'll be better. I'll treat you so much better than before. Please," Jongin begs with hopeful eyes.

     "I want to believe that, Jongin, I really do," Kyungsoo says, rubbing his forehead, "but I just don't think I can try and go back to the way things were after everything that's happened. Maybe in another li-"

     Jongin clears his throat and holds out his hand. "Hi, I'm Kim Jongin. It's nice to meet you."

     Kyungsoo looks at Jongin with a skeptical face. "Jongin, what are you-"

     "What's your name?" Jongin asks, giving a boyish smile.

     Kyungsoo looks at Jongin's hand before making his way to his face. His smile is contagious and Kyungsoo can feel his own lips turning up. He hesitantly takes Jongin's hand and shakes it. "I'm Do Kyungsoo. It's nice to meet you, too."

a/n: so it's finished! woo

yes yes i know basically all of you didn't want them to get back together but i've been looking at kaisoo gifs all week and i'm like i need this ok.

so holy it took forever to finish this and there were a lot of times where i'm like wtf am i even doing but it's fine because it all turned out in the end and kaisoo still makes me happy and sehun still makes me cry so it's perf.

this one goes out to all the people who have put up with my and for actually reading this train wreck. you guys are true stars.

bless your souls tbh

so if you guys ever want to contact me (idk why you'd want to tbh) but here's my tumblr that i spend most of my time on (that and tiny tower and league)

i've been thinking about writing a vampire story because i've been binge watching being human but idk yet. stuff like that goes well in my head and is hideous when i actually go to write it down




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sorry about this lack of updates. my computer had a virus and completely died


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Chapter 20: That's all?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
DreamyGirl21 #2
Isn't there a sekai version of this? It would be pretty cool
DreamyGirl21 #3
Chapter 20: I ing hate you for breaking my sekai be sure of this , but you've done a nice work there ~
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 20: Wow. What a story. Great and amazing stuff to read. Friendship goes nd comes, relationships the same but in the end so sweet and sad at the same time. Xing made me sad, Kai soo trying to solve everything is good. Sehun getting treatment was very good, I thought he never would. Wow.. don't know what to say
Chapter 20: I don't think I can express how amazing this story was in words. IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I am a little sad that it didn't end with Sekai BUT THE KAISOO WAS AMAZING TOO!!! So, yea, love the story, you're an awesome writer, um, Bye. ^_^
MuzukashiiKEY #6
Chapter 9: Aww! Omg!! Sehunnie don't blame yourself. It's not your fault
Chapter 20: Im soo happy with the ending...All For KAISOO...i hope there will be sequel
lalaleelee #8
Chapter 20: For the first time im glad Kai ended up with kyungsoo and not Sehun. Sekai is just such a mess and everything *sighs*
Rikasan #9
I wanted to cry. Multiple times. I can understand why Jongin wanted to be the one to fix Sehun, but...boy! get your head on straight! Great fic :-)
Chapter 20: Eventho i hate kaisoo and i hate the ending,but i love every bittersweet relationship between sekai in here ...thanks for this beautiful story author-nim >\< (tho i skip almost half of the ending coz i think kai is not consistant) xD