
Doll House

     "Wait!" a voice calls from behind Yixing. It's a familiar voice. A voice he used to be so used to hearing and now it's like a distant memory. He turns around in the busy airport to see the owner of the voice running after him.

     "Yifan?" he asks. His parents stop at this point, turning around as well. 

     "What does that bastard want," his mother mumbles, crossing her arms. Yixing gives them a sorry smile, telling them he'll catch up to them in a minute. They listen, walking off with unhappy faces as Yifan reaches Yixing.

     "What?" Yixing asks. It comes out harsher than he intends, yet he doesn't do anything to change it. 

     "I...." Yifan stops, staring at Yixing for a while before Yixing gets impatient. 

     "Do you have something to say? Or did you just come here to stare at my face and waste my time?" Yixing asks, crossing his arms. 

     Yifan shakes his head. "No, I just...I came because....I wanted you to....."

     "Is that all? Because I have a plane to catch," Yixing says, starting to turn around, but Yifan catches his wrist, stopping him.

     "I had this all planned out in my head and now that it's happening, I can't even come up with a sentence," Yifan says, giving a shy smile. Yixing doesn't like it, though.

     "Then how about this one? Goodbye." He yanks his hand out of Yifan's wrist and starts walking to his parents but Yifan is faster, grabbing his wrist again and pulling him into a hug. 

     If Yixing hadn't known what Yifan did behind his back for all those months, he would appreciate this moment, but he did know what went on and he isn't enjoying it. He pushes Yifan away from him, anger in his face. "You can't do the you've done and then expect to come back to open arms, Fan," Yixing scolds, smoothing out his shirt. "What the hell is your problem anyway?"

     "Please, Yixing," Yifan starts, getting down on the floor in a begging position.

     Yixing looks around shyly, wanting Yifan to not try and be the center of attention for once. But from the looks of bystanders walking past them, he still is. "Get up," he mumbles, blushing slightly when he makes eye contact with someone walking past him.

     "Yixing, please. I need you-"

     "I said get up," Yixing repeats, louder this time. Yifan shakes his head and Yixing lets out a breath before grabbing Yifan's arm and pulling him up.

     "Whatever this stunt is, it's not going to work, Yifan. So why don't you just go home and swap spit with Joonmyeon hyung or something, but stay out of my life," Yixing hisses, pushing Yifan away. The taller male looks hurt and Yixing wants to apologize for being rude, but he holds his ground.

     "Yixing, please. You can't do this to me," he whispers, reaching to Yixing's face. Before he can reach it, however, Yixing turns away. 

     "I'm not the one who did this, Yifan. You're the one who ruined my trust, broke our relationship, broke me! So don't you dare make me the villain here," he snaps. His jaw is clenched tight and his nails are digging into his palm. 

     "I'm not! But please, Yixing, give me a chance!"

     "I did!" Yixing yells. "I gave you so many chances, Yifan. Did you really think I was dumb enough to think that I didn't know what was going on behind my back? Did you really think you would be able to sneak around without me noticing something?"

      The voices around them grow louder with the silence engulfing the two of them. "How long did you know?" Yifan finally asks. 

     Yixing crosses his arms again and looks away at a woman carrying her child. "Since the beginning," Yixing answers.

     "And you never said anything about it?"

     "I didn't think I had to! I thought you loved me enough to know that what you were doing was going to hurt me! I thought that you were smart enough to know better!"

     "I wasn't smarter! I was confused! It was nothing, Yixing!"

     "I gave you so many chances to come clean. I was ready to take you back at any moment, but when you never did, I gave up on you, Yifan."

     "Please, Xing," Yifan chokes. "Please. I was stupid. It was dumb. A mistake."

     Yixing scoffs. "If you knew it was a mistake, then tell me something, Yifan. Why did it last for five months?" Yixing asks. A tear slips down Yifan's cheek and Yixing looks away. "Wipe your tears, Yifan. I'm not someone worth crying over."

     "But you are," Yifan says, taking a step closer but Yixing just takes a step back. 

     "Just," Yixing starts, letting out a breath, "try not to up this relationship, yeah?" he asks, looking up to meet Yifan's eyes. Yifan nods quickly and Yixing lets out a short laugh. "Take care of yourself, Fan."

     There's a voice on the overhead speaker calling out for Yixing's flight. Yixing fixes the bag on his shoulder and starts walking away when Yifan's voice stops him. 

     "I'll always love you," he calls. Yixing doesn't turn around, instead starting to walk again towards his parents. 


     "You are one lucky man, Mr. Oh," the doctor says, attaching some X-rays to the light board. "Your cancer hasn't spread and it still looks treatable."

     Jongin feels relieved and he grins, sitting in the corner of the office. "When can he start treatment?" Jongin asks hurriedly. Sehun gives him a look to calm down, but he ignores it.

     "It's isolated enough that treatment may not be necessary. There's a strong chance that we'll be able to remove it with surgery if things go well."

     "And if they don't?" Sehun questions.

     "Then we'll get you started on chemotherapy until it's all gone or isn't a threat any longer." The doctor clasps his hands around his clipboard and gives the three people in the room a smile. He looks over at Sehun's grandmother and begins discussing everything that will happen within the next few months, but Jongin can't hear. He's too busy grinning ear to ear.

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sorry about this lack of updates. my computer had a virus and completely died


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Chapter 20: That's all?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
DreamyGirl21 #2
Isn't there a sekai version of this? It would be pretty cool
DreamyGirl21 #3
Chapter 20: I ing hate you for breaking my sekai be sure of this , but you've done a nice work there ~
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 20: Wow. What a story. Great and amazing stuff to read. Friendship goes nd comes, relationships the same but in the end so sweet and sad at the same time. Xing made me sad, Kai soo trying to solve everything is good. Sehun getting treatment was very good, I thought he never would. Wow.. don't know what to say
Chapter 20: I don't think I can express how amazing this story was in words. IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I am a little sad that it didn't end with Sekai BUT THE KAISOO WAS AMAZING TOO!!! So, yea, love the story, you're an awesome writer, um, Bye. ^_^
MuzukashiiKEY #6
Chapter 9: Aww! Omg!! Sehunnie don't blame yourself. It's not your fault
Chapter 20: Im soo happy with the ending...All For KAISOO...i hope there will be sequel
lalaleelee #8
Chapter 20: For the first time im glad Kai ended up with kyungsoo and not Sehun. Sekai is just such a mess and everything *sighs*
Rikasan #9
I wanted to cry. Multiple times. I can understand why Jongin wanted to be the one to fix Sehun, but...boy! get your head on straight! Great fic :-)
Chapter 20: Eventho i hate kaisoo and i hate the ending,but i love every bittersweet relationship between sekai in here ...thanks for this beautiful story author-nim >\< (tho i skip almost half of the ending coz i think kai is not consistant) xD