
Be My Sunday

HyunAe's day was Friday and she planned to have him for the whole day, no EunMi, not anyone. She was hugging his arm while they walked down the hall. EunMi, stilling wanting her phone back, was looking for Chunji but whenever she saw him HyunAe dragged him away.

"Is there a reason why you're dragging me everywhere?" Chunji asked

HyunAe shook her head "I just miss you so much oppa"

Chunji smiled at her "That's sweet of you but we have to go to class soon"

"Walk me there then?" HyunAe asked

Chunji nodded

The two of them walked to her class. HyunAe gave him a thank you kiss on his cheek and walked into the classroom. Chunji walked away and headed to his class, happily holding EunMi's phone.

When lunch came HyunAe was again all over him, sitting at Chunji's table with his friends around. EunMi wanted her phone back but she was disguested in how HyunAe was all over him.

"Are you jealous?" SoYoung asked

EunMi gave her a look "Are you serious right now? Of course I'm not jealous!"

SoYoung laughed "You didn't have to be so offended by it."

"I'm not" EunMi stated

"Okay~ But it is disguesting how girls are always all over him" SoYoung said

"You don't have to say that again" EunMi said, continuing to eat her lunch

Lunch passed by and so did the rest of the day. Chunji was forced to be at HyunAe's side while EunMi was working like always.

Finally, Saturday came and there was no school. Chunji got up and got ready but suddenly he got a phone call, correction, EunMi got a phone call. He looked at the caller ID and read 'Oppa'. He raised his eyebrow to the name but didn't pick up. He then listened to the voice mail that was left behind.

"EunMi-ah~ You didn't call me like you promised. Anyways, I'll be coming by your town tomorrow. I hope that you're not busy. Call me back, araso? Bye" He hung up

He glared at the phone wondering who this oppa person could be but he snapped out of it when he got a phone call from MiKyong. He looked at the ID and smiled.

"Hello?" Chunji answered

"Oppa~ Are we going on a date today?" MiKyong asked

"Of course. Let me finish getting ready then I'll pick you up" Chunji said

"Alrighty~ Bye." MiKyong made a kissing sound then hung up.

Chunji was a little relaxed, thanks to her call, but he was still abit fired up. He deleted 'Oppa' from the call history and deleted his message. Putting the phone on his nightstand he left the house to go pick up MiKyong. That day they went to watch a movie, ate ice cream, took a walk in the park and had dinner but nothing got his mind off of EunMi and her 'Oppa' and MiKyong was able to notice.

"What's wrong oppa?" she placed a hand on his

Chunji shook his head "It's nothing"

MiKyong frowned "I don't like being lied to"

"I know" Chunji lightly pinched her nose

"So will you tell me?" MiKyong asked

"Maybe~" Chunji said

"It's that EunMi girl isn't it?" MiKyong asked

He was surprised that she was able to know without him telling her but he stayed quiet. Her face was serious but she wasn't angry. She was very understanding, something Chunji loved about her.

"You can tell me you know" MiKyong informed him

Chunji smiled "This is why you're my favorite"

She smiled back "I know"

"Well it is about EunMi but you have nothing to worry about. I can take care of it" Chunji said

"Okay, can we just enjoy our date then?" MiKyong asked

Chunji nodded "Of course"

After the dinner they went for another walk in the park, holidng hands and MiKyong resting her head on his arm. She really loved being with him but he only enjoys being with her every once in awhile, though she didn't mind.

"I wish we could be like this all of the time" MiKyong frowned

"I'm sorry babe" Chunji patter her head

MiKyong then looked up at him "How about you sleep over tonight and spend tomorrow with me?"

The word tomorrow repeated in his head. Soon the message that the 'Oppa' left on EunMi's phone started to replay as well. Chunji stayed quiet and MiKyong looked at him, confused.

"Oppa, is there something wrong?" MiKyong asked

Chunji shook his head "Nothing wrong"

"So about the question?" MiKyong asked

"No, I'm sorry but I have plans tomorrow" Chunji told her

MiKyong pouted "Okay"

Chunji laughed at her cuteness "I'll walk you home now"

"But I wanna stay with you"MiKyong whined

"But it's getting late. Do you really want to be grounded so you can't see me next Saturday?" Chunji brought up

"No" MiKyong pouted again

The two of them began walking to MiKyong's house, talking and laughing like they always do. When they reached the house Chunji gave her a goodbye kiss and hug then left.


Finally back and feeling a lot better~ Having a for day weekend soon so I'll update so much as I can! But since I have school, band, school activies and babysitting I can't update as much but I'll try my hardest to update! And I didn't get my poster yet TT^TT But I can wait! keke

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha