The Seventh One

Be My Sunday

The next day at school Chunji was sitting around with Yun in the front of the school. When EunMi arrived at school she walked up to Chunji and his girl. Yun gave her a dirty look and when EunMi noticed she gave her a disguested look.

"You came up to me this time~" Chunji smiled

EunMi shot him a glared "Phone. Now!"

"That's no reason to be rude to my boyfriend" Yun shouted back

"He's not your boyfriend if he's messing around with five other girls" EunMi told her

"Six other girls" Chunji corrected

"Six?!" Yun asked

EunMi raised an eyebrow "Six?"

Chunji nodded then pointed at her "Six"

"Ew! No! Just give me back my phone!" EunMi demanded

Chunji shook his head. When EunMi was about to force him to give it back the bell rang so Chunji and Yun got up and walked to class. Yun looked back at her and stuck her tongue at EunMi, which caused her to grow angry.

"You better put that tongue back in your mouth before I cut it off and feed it to the dogs!" EunMi exploded

Yun turned back to the front in fear and Chunji kept hiself from laughing. EunMi walked off to her class and tried to calm down. When Yun and Chunji reached her classroom they stopped in the door way.

"She's so mean oppa! Why you do even mess with her?" Yun asked

Chunji thought about it "I'm not sure myself"

Yun frowned "I see nothing attractive about her. You should just stick to the normal six"

Chunji raised an eyebrow "Are you jealous?"

"Of course I am! She was using up my day to get her phone back and she was being rude to you oppa!" Yun said

Chunji chuckled and patted her head "No worries. Nothing will happen"

"Okay oppa. Be good in class, okay?" Yun said

He nodded and smiled at her. She smiled back. Chunji said goodbye to her with a kiss on the lips and he left to his class while she walked into her class room.

When lunch time came Chunji walked to Yun's class to walk with her to lunch but she wasn't there. He looked around the school and found her in the cafeteria talking to the other five girls of his week. He raised his eyebrow.

"What's going on here?" Chunji asked

Yun turned to him "Oh, we're talking. You can eat lunch with your friends right?"

Chunji nodded "Alright then I'll talk to you after school?"

She nodded

Chunji started to walk away but then he noticed that EunMi was walking as well so he ran up to her and placed his arm around her shoulder. As soon as he did that EunMi elbowed him in the stomach, which caused him to let go.

"See! Isn't she so mean to oppa?!" Yun pointed

All of them nodded

"Wait! That's the girl he was asking about on Monday. He told me that he wasn't interested in her" JinKyong frowned

SunHee raised an eyebrow "He's been chasing after her for four days and he's this close to her?"

JinAe frowned "He never spends that much time with us!"

"Well we'll have to make sure that he forgets about her" JiKyong smirked

Yun grew interested "How so?"

"Well I can try to hog him all tomorrow so that he doesn't think about her" HyunAe suggested

"And MiKyong can always make him forget everything when her day comes" SunHee pointed out

JinAe pouted "Lucky you!"

"How?!" MiKyong asked

"You're closest to him and he spends Sundays with you sometimes" JinAe pointed out

"Then we'll leave it up to you to make Chunji forget about her" HyunAe said

MiKyong nodded

Everyone then began to go back to their friends and acted like nothing happened. Meanwhile Chunji was still messing with EunMi while she was eating lunch with SoYoung.

"Can't you mess with someone else?!" EunMi yelled

Chunji shook his head "I like messing with you~"

EunMi frowned "What did I do to be this unlucky?"

"Probably locking him in a closet help that" SoYoung pointed out

Chunji nodded "And don't forget about your adorable face"

EunMi shot a glare at him while SoYoung laughed at how Chunji was able to make her so bitter whenever he's around. Chunji did nothing but smiled at her which made her even more angry.


Dude! I'm sick! D: So I won't be updating as much as I want to :( The next update will probably when I got my poster so please wait a little~ And remember to comment! Thanks ^^

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha