History Repeating Itself

Be My Sunday

                The whole school was in complete chaos, being filled with gossip, girls’ sobbing and whiney, and guys complaining. SoYoung and EunMi didn’t know what was going on until they listened to everyone around them.

“I thought that I would get my chance with him, but it’s too late!” a girl cried

“He’s stealing every girl in this school!” a boy yelled

“Why couldn’t be pick me?!” another girl whined

A boy sobbed “My girlfriend left me just so that she could try going for him”

                Putting all of the pieces together SoYoung and EunMi understood that Chunji had returned back to school, but they thought that their reaction would have been more excited or wanting to throw a party to welcome him back. They continued to think about it as they walked down the hall the two girls ran into Ricky.

“Oh sorry Ricky-ah” SoYoung said

Ricky shook his head “It’s okay”

“Hey Ricky, do you know what the fuss is about?” EunMi questioned

“Yeah, Chunji is back of course” Ricky explained “Also he just created his new week”

SoYoung raised an eyebrow “His new week?”

Ricky nodded “Seems like he’s becoming his old self again.”

                Ricky faked a smile at the two girls as SoYoung frown hearing the behavior that Chunji had returned to. They looked over at EunMi’s face to see her reaction to it, but she didn’t give off much besides a shrug.

“He’s as piggy as ever” EunMi said

                SoYoung and Ricky’s shoulders deflated from hearing her words, but EunMi didn’t seem to care and continued to her classroom. Before reaching to her class she noticed a group of girls seemed to be surrounding a particular girl.

“How did you get to be in his week?!” the girls questioned

“Simple, I’m just better than anyone else” she chuckled

EunMi raised an eyebrow *She can’t be serious*

                Someone suddenly bumped shoulders with EunMi as she blocked the doorway leading into the room. When she looked up to the person, she saw that it was Chunji. Completely shocked by seeing him there she gave a blank face.

“What are you doing here?” EunMi asked

Chunji laughed “Well this is my class”

                EunMi jumped back due to the surprising news. As she looked at the surroundings of the class she suddenly remembers that it was the class that she stormed in the day he have given her balloons. Finally realizing that he was right she puffed her cheeks from embarrassment, causing him to laugh even more.

“I’ll see you around” Chunji winked

                As Chunji turned and started to walk away EunMi noticed that the smile that covered his face slowly faded away, transforming into a slight frown. Her eyebrows frowned to the fact until SoYoung appeared next to her, reminding her that they should head to class.

                Even when they time passed into lunch, Chunji and his new week was still the hot topic that filled the campus. When SoYoung and EunMi took their seats someone else had joined them. Looking up at the figure they saw that it was Niel. He plopped next to SoYoung and released a long sigh.

SoYoung raised an eyebrow “What’s wrong?”

Niel pointed in the general direction that he normally sits “Our table is filled with girls waiting to talk to Chunji”

“Where is everyone else?” EunMi questioned

“I don’t know” Niel moped

                EunMi and SoYoung kept an eye out for the others and spotted them heading over to their direction. All of them sat side by side at the table and let out a long sigh.

“I thought that it would have been great when Chunji was back” CAP frowned

L.Joe nodded “I couldn’t even talk to him; we’re even in the same class!”

Changjo angrily puffed his cheeks “What is the big deal about him having one spot open?!”

SoYoung raised an eyebrow “A spot opened?”

Changjo nodded “He didn’t declare anyone as his Saturday yet”

“Maybe he doesn’t want a Saturday” EunMi suggested

“If that was the case then he would have told the other girls about it” Ricky sighed

“Maybe he likes the attention” EunMi shrugged

                All of them froze in thought about the idea. Suddenly, the group of girls was starting to whine and complain as two figures started to make their way over to the table. The seven of them looked up to see a smiley Chunji and his Monday girl holding onto his arm.

“What are you all doing over here?” Chunji asked

CAP raised an eyebrow “Did you really think that he could have fit in that crowd?”

Chunji chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head “Sorry about that”

“Why haven’t you picked a Saturday girl anyway?” Changjo bluntly asked

“EunMi thinks that you wanted the attention” Ricky mentioned

                Slightly shocked, Chunji widened his eyes a bit then looked at the ground. A couple and seconds have passed; he then looked back up at them with a smile.

“I didn’t realize that they wanted to fill that position. I’ll go tell them now” Chunji said

L.Joe pursed his lips and mumbled “You seem a bit off to me”

“I’ll see you all after school, alright? We can catch up then” Chunji told them

                Everyone gave him a nod then Chunji and his girl walked away to inform the others that he was uninterested in someone filling his Saturday girl. Although they were all disappointed in his announcement they all smiled and informed him that they were willing to wait for him. Meanwhile, L.Joe thought to himself in how odd Chunji was acting. He was becoming more distant from everyone and seemed to be a little colder to them.

                When school was dismissed SoYoung and EunMi made their way to the gate until they were interfered by the girl that Chunji was with during lunch. She asked to speak to EunMi alone. SoYoung wasn’t sure about the requested and looked at EunMi, who nodded in agreement to talk. SoYoung walked off as the two of them stood there.

“Is there something that you need?” EunMi questioned

The girl nodded “I was wondering what your feelings toward Chunji are”

EunMi raised an eyebrow to her “I guess we’re just friends”

“Doesn’t seem like it to me” She thought aloud “He seems to have change a lot because of you”

“What do you mean?” EunMi asked

The girl giggled “Well it’s quite obvious, is it not?”

EunMi shook her head

“Seems as though you scarred him for life, traumatizing him from love” she pointed out

“That’s not true” EunMi frowned

“There’s an agreement with his whole weeks to never call him oppa. Also he wanted the ones that he can’t easy get attach or the ones that would be attached to him. He’s living in complete fear” she brought up

EunMi stared at the ground, feeling awful about everything

“I’ve been in his class the whole year and I note the difference in how he acts. I’m not insecure about myself so I know that I won’t lose him to you or anyone else. I’m completely fine with you two hanging out or talking. I’m not here to threaten you, but to inform you how damaged he is.” She mischievously smiled

                Guilt ran through EunMi’s body and thoughts until a familiar voice snapped her out of it. She looked up to see Chunji wrapping his arm around the girl’s shoulder and raised an eyebrow to her.

“You okay, EunMi?” Chunji questioned

EunMi slightly nodded

The girl smiled sweetly at him “I just wanted to get to know a few of your friends”

“That’s nice of you” Chunji pulled a false smile on his face

“Nice meeting you EunMi” the girl smiled

EunMi nodded “Nice meeting you too”

“We’ll be going now, see you later” Chunji told her

                The two turned away from EunMi as Chunji threw up a peace sign to her, stating that they were parting ways now. EunMi bite her bottom lip as she frown her eyebrows to what the girl had said. SoYoung walked over to her with a curious face, but didn’t say a word knowing that EunMi was in deep thought. Suddenly CAP popped up from behind them.

“I don’t like that girl” he stated

SoYoung and EunMi jumped in shock “Omo!”

“What are you doing here?!” SoYoung yelled

CAP chuckled “I was talking to a teacher. When I was leaving school I saw EunMi and SuBin”

“Why don’t you like her?” EunMi questioned

“She’s just mischievous. I can’t trust her” CAP said

                EunMi nodded, understanding what he meant. Although SoYoung didn’t know the girl very well, she also has a sense of where CAP was coming from. The words that she spoke to EunMi replayed over repeatedly emphasizing “how damaged he is”. EunMi tried to shake off the thoughts, but still wasn’t able to.

*It’s not like Chunji really cared for me. Even if I did break his heart, he could recover. I’ve been through the same situation and still manage to get through it* EunMi tried to persuade herself but it failed


Hello Hello~

Back with another chapter! Hope that everyone is enjoying it, I tried my best to making in longer. Please do remember to comment, subscribe and CLICK THAT ARROW THINGY UP THERE! I hope that you all with continue to show support and I will finish this story! I am running out of ideas too so if you have any, please share~ :3

Also, here's the bio for the new girls

Monday: SuBin

                Monday’s princess. She is very selfish and stuck up, but has the confidence that attracted Chunji’s eyes. Although she wants everything to herself, she’s very happy to be a part of Chunji’s week, just so that she is able to call him hers

Tuesday: SeoYeon

                Queenka, not only of the school but also for Chunji’s Tuesday. Her face may be a very beautiful cover, but her story is closed off to everybody. Chunji broke opened her heart and was completely interested in the things that no one else knew.

Wednesday: Bora

                y Wednesdays with his beautiful second year volleyball player. The typical party girl, but seeing how fun she can be Chunji wanted a piece of that. Always up to any kind of experience Chunji knew that she would make his life exciting.

Thursday: HyoJung

                This stunning beauty caught Chunji’s eyes with the way she demands things. Being very determined and upfront, Chunji knew that there is no games with her.

Friday: Lina

                Independent Fridays. She more mature then many girls and is more understanding as well. A quality that Chunji adores due to the fact that  his previous week was basically game players.

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha