Forgive me?

Be My Sunday

The whole day Mrs. Lee was cleaning up the shop while EunMi was standing at the counter, waiting for customers. There were a few here and there but not many and the ones that came where girls so Chunji hitted on them right away.

"So where are you from?" Chunji asked with a sly smile

The girl giggled "Seoul High"

"Chinja? I never see you around" Chunji said

EunMi rolled her eyes *Such a pig*

"Maybe because I'm a senior while you're a junior" the girl pointed out

"That can be it. So what's your name?" Chunji asked

"AeSook" She answered

Chunji smiled "Such a beautiful name"

She blushed

"I'm Chunji by the way" He said

She smiled "I know. You're the school's cutie but I also heard that you're a player"

"Oh did you?" He asked

The two of them continued to do whatever they were doing while EunMi helped clean a little in the front. Soon enough Chunji got her number and she left.

"That was a lot eaiser then I thought it would be" Chunji pointed out

EunMi gave him a look "You're such a pig"

Chunji smiled at her "But I'm your piggy~"

EunMi said nothing and had a serious face, telling him that she was still angry about the job. He frowned and rested his head on the counter looking at her. Mrs. Lee smiled at this but didn't say anything. Suddenly SunHee walked into the shop.

"Oppa! There you are!" SunHee said and walked over to him

"Do you need something babe?" Chunji asked

She nodded "I wanted to spend time with you! Today is my day remember?"

Chunji simply nodded "That's right. I'll inform my umma about this"

He walked to the back and told his mom that he was leaving. Like the understanding person she is she let him go. Chunji that wrapped his arm around SunHee's shoulders and walked to the door. He then looked back at EunMi but since she was still angry at him he continued to walk out. Mrs. Lee then walked next to her.

"Isn't he something?" Mrs Lee asked

EunMi nodded "Something alright"

Mrs Lee sighed "If only he was like normal boys bringing a mother one girlfriend instead of six"

"Why don't you tell him or something?" EunMi asked, curious

Mrs Lee smiled "I think that he should learn that on his own"

*I don't think he's ever going to learn that* EunMi thought

Once the end of the day came EunMi bowed goodbye and left to her house. When she got there she prepared dinner and began to eat until the door bell suddenly rang. She got up and answered it. EunMi was surprised to see a teddy bear holding a real orchid at the foot of the door.

EunMi smiled "I wonder who this could be from"

She brought the bear inside the house and placed the orchid into a vase on her nightstand. Suddenly she noticed that she got a text message.

Sorry about making you lose your job. I hope you like the new job, teddy bear and flower makes it better. . . Forgive me?

*Wait! It's from him?! Ew. . . but it was nice of him to care this much. . .though his stupid girlfriend made me lose my job. . . But I can't throw these gifts out or quit* EunMi sighed *I guess I'll forgive him. . . But that doesn't mean I have to like him*

EunMi then walked back to her dinner and finsih eating. She washed the dishes and went to her room to finish any homework that she didn't do. Soon she got another text.

Hope that you forgive me. Sweet dreams EunMi-ah

Seeing this text put a smile onto her face but she shook her head and lightly slapped her cheeks as soon as she realized what was going on.

*No! I can't be smiling. . .but this is the first time he actually used my name. . .* A smiled slowly came onto her face again but she stopped her self *No! Stop it!*


The seventh comment have been posted~ keke I think that me posting this will get slower and slower since school is ruining my writing time =.= But I'll try my best to continue this! ^^

Remeber! SEVEN COMMENTS! keke

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha