Be My Sunday

"Oh~ Receiving things from a boy sure is interesting" Her dad said

EunMi gave him a look "Where are you going with this?"

He smiled "No where. . . But seems like something a boyfriend would do"

She gave him a serious face "Not my boyfriend"

EunMi then headed to the kitchen to get something to eat while her dad followed her. As she reached for some food she noticed that her dad was still smiling.

"I know he's not your boyfriend but I think that you should date him still" Her dad said, just putting it out there

She narrowed her eyes "I think that you're the only appa in the world that wants their daughter to date someone"

He smiled "I just want you to be happy"

"I'll be happen once we drop this topic and stop talking about that pig" She told him

With that she walked away from the kitchen leaving her dad in the kitchen. Even though he didn't follow her she still heard him talking.

"You should date him! Just do it! Come on! Do it!" Her dad yelled

"I don't give into dad pressure!" EunMi said and shut her door

He smiled at her stuburness and continued to do whatever he was doing before EunMi had came home. Meanwhile EunMi was sitting on her bed frowning.

*Appa has the worst imagination ever* She thought

The next day when EunMi arrived at school HyunAe was all over Chunji like last time but it didn't bother EunMi one bit. When lunch came along she was sitting with SoYoung, talking about what her dad said.

SoYoung's eyes widened "Your dad said that?!"

"I know right?! Maddness!" EunMi said

"Your dad is so cool!" SoYoung stated

EunMi gave her a look

"What? He thinks the same ways as me" SoYoung said

By the time she finish that sentence EunMi was completly shocked knowing that her friend had agreed to the crazyness her dad thought.

She then pointed in the direction of Chunji "You think that I should date that pig?!"

SoYoung nodded "Of course! It would be so cute"

"Okay I'm so confused. I remember that YOU were the one that told me to stay away from him" EunMi recalled

SoYoung shrugged "I changed my mind I guess"

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" EunMi yelled

"Why not? It's adorable how he chases after you" SoYoung pointed out

EunMi then sat there, explained every last detail why she and Chunji would never date, why she hated him and so on. SoYoung nodded through out the whole thing.

"Now do you know why I would never date him?" EunMi asked, hoping she did

SoYoung nodded "But I still think it's cute"

With that one comment EunMi dropped her head onto the table, unbelieving what she was just told while SoYoung simply smiled. Suddenly Chunji joined the table which surprised both SoYoung and EunMi.

"Hey, what's up?" Chunji asked

EunMi gave him a look "What are you doing here?"

"HyunAe was clinging onto me too long. It got annoying so I came to see you" Chunji smiled

"Aw~" SoYoung said which earned a glare from EunMi

Chunji chuckled "So what were you two taking about?"

"None of your business" EunMi flatly said

"About how you and EunMi should date" SoYoung answered, getting another glare

Chunji's face brightened "Really?! What did you say?"

"Never" EunMi said

Chunji frowned "Why?!"

"Because it'll never happen" EunMi said

"Never say never~ It will happen one day" Chunji winked at her

EunMi glared at him "It will NEVER happen, got it?"

Chunji remain smiling "I still think there's a chance"

EunMi was ready to hurt him but then the bell rang so they all walked to class, well Chunji followed EunMi to her class. He was trying to get a better reason why she thought that they would never happen but the only thing she said was that she will never let it happen.

"But never is a long time! Come on!" Chunji said

"Shouldn't matter to you. You have six other girls to worry about" EunMi said

"Five" Chunji corrected

EunMi came to a stop and looked at him "You dropped a girl?"

Chunji nodded "Now I'm free Monday"

"What was the reason for this?" EunMi asked

"She was being too clingy and what not" Chunji explained

EunMi shrugged "Still makes no difference"

Chunji frowned "Why?! Just one date!"

"Drop your girls then I'll go on ONE date" EunMi tested

"NEVER!" Chunji yelled

"Okay then~" EunMi said

She started to walk away while Chunji pouted, knowing that he didn't get what he wanted out of this.


Hey everyone, hoped that you liked this and still waiting for my poster but it's not coming anytime soon :/

Going on hiatus. Things came up and I don't have free time for this right now. Plus I'm an emotional wreck right now

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha