Get to know him!

Be My Sunday

After that situation at the mall EunMi and SoYoung headed home and when Monday came she went to school, acting like nothing had happened. When she arrived she saw that Chunji was waiting for her and she frowned. Before she was able to look for another way to get through the door without him seeing it was too late, he had already spoted her. He ran up to her with a big grin on his face.

"Hi there Sunday~" Chunji greeted

EunMi glared at him "Stop calling me that"

"How about Sunny then? That would be cute" Chunji suggested

"Go away" EunMi stated

Chunji pouted "You're always so mean to me"

She started to head into the school hoping to leave Chunji behind but he had followed her the way he always did, with a big bright grin on his face. EunMi then thought about it.

*He's so different when he's not in school. Yesterday I saw his tough side, and he has that sweet side of him. What else could he act like?* EunMi wondered to herself

When class started Chunji was sitting in his class bored and trying to entertain himself by flirting with girls in his classroom by passing notes and what not while EunMi was sitting in her class thinking about Chunji's multiple sides. She then shook her head.

*Why are I so curious? It's just a pig.* EunMi thought

"EunMi?" SoYoung whispered

EunMi snapped out of it and looked up to her

"Are you alright?" SoYoung asked

EunMi nodded "I was just spacing out"

EunMi then focused on class again but everyone in awhile she would think about him again. SoYoung observed her the whole class time while listening to the teacher and became curious.

The class went by quickly and lunch had came up. SoYoung caught up with EunMi and walked with her to get their lunchs.

"Why were you so spacey during class today?" SoYoung asked

EunMi tilted her head "How did you know I was?"

SoYoung smiled "I'm your best friend~ Of course I'll know what you're spaced out look looks like"

"Right" EunMi nodded

"Were you thinking about yesterday?" SoYoung questioned

EunMi nodded "Yeah. It was just so unlike him"

A smile grew on SoYoung's face

EunMi noticed it right away "What?"

"Oh nothing" SoYoung said

Her smiled remained on her face and EunMi was curious about it but seeing Chunji talking to his friends distracted her, which caused a big AW! from SoYoung.

"What?!" EunMi yelled

"You're staring at Chunji aren't you?!" SoYoung grew excited

EunMi blushed "N-no! You're seeing things!"

SoYoung was spazzing about this while EunMi was trying to explain it out to her, but she didn't listen and continued to spazz. EunMi didn't stop trying but she knew that it would get her no where since SoYoung is too in love with her own thoughts.

Soon Chunji came to join them, making EunMi jump from his sudden appearence and caused SoYoung to smile greatly. Chunji chuckled at EunMi's reaction.

"Don't laugh at me!!!!" EunMi yelled

Chunji continued to chuckle "But you're so cute"

EunMi's cheeks became more red "Go away!"

"OMO! You're blushing!" Chunji pointed out

When EunMi realized she covered her face and Chunji smiled sweetly and patted her head. EunMi looked up at him and saw that he was holding something. After he handed an envelope to SoYoung and EunMi he got up and looked at EunMi.

"I hope to see you there" Chunji winked and walked back to his friends

Both of the girls were confused and looked at the envelope and saw that it was an invitation to a party. They opened the card and read it, telling them that Chunji's birthday was coming soon. A big grin grew on SoYoung's face.

"What are you smiling about?" EunMi asked

SoYoung looked at her "This will be the perfect time for you to get to know him~"

EunMi gave her a look

"What? Are you telling me that you weren't think about him all day?" SoYoung questioned

EunMi avoided eye contact "I wasn't"

"There's no need to lie~" SoYoung said

EunMi said nothing and pouted while SoYoung's smile became bigger knowing that she won.

"So then it's settled! You'll go to his birthday party and get to know him" SoYoung remained smiling

"I don't want to though" EunMi whispered

SoYoung glared at her and EunMi became scared as if her best friend had suddenly changed into a demon and grew a firey background.

"But you will!" SoYoung demanded

EunMi slowly nodded

Her best friend then returned to her normal self and kept a smile on her face. EunMi was twitching in the sudden change in her personality but said nothing.

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha