
Be My Sunday

If you have not read the corrected version of the last chapter please go back!  

               For the rest of the day EunMi avoided everyone while no one saw a smile from Chunji all day. L.Joe placed the pieces together while everyone was questioning things. He kept to himself so that Chunji can have time to repair his emotions and allowed EunMi to have some space for herself.

                 When class was dismissed EunMi headed towards the school’s front gate. Avoiding looking at anyone she kept her eyes on the ground. She finally looked up when she heard someone calling to her from a distance. A smiling JinYoung stood there waiting for her. Covered in joy she ran up to him and embraced him tightly.

JinYoung chuckled “I didn’t think that you would have miss me that much”

She snuggled into his chest “You have no idea”

“Well then I have some bad news to tell you” JinYoung announced as he pulled away from her

She frowned “What could it be?”

“I have to head back to school. I’ll try my very best to return to you” JinYoung’s eyes sadden

                EunMi tried to place a false smile on her face to signal that she was okay with him leaving but JinYoung knew that she wasn’t. He flashed a smile and patted her head, cheering her up a bit like it did when they were kids. He held her head and led her to the car. As he drove off she noticed that they weren’t heading home.

She turned to him “Where are we going oppa?”

“We’re got to have some fun before I leave you know” JinYoung smiled

                A pout formed on her face as she chuckled at her cuteness. EunMi sat patiently until JinYoung finally pulled over to a bowling alley. She tilted her head in confusion, but she only got a grin as a response. JinYoung lead her into the place and got a lane ready for them. It didn’t seem like a serious game for the two, but while everyone was watching it seemed as though JinYoung was the king. He managed to get many strikes while rolling 15lbs down the lanes. Many girls were mesmerized while the guys envied him.

“I didn’t think that oppa would be so popular” EunMi puffed her checks

JinYoung chuckled “Don’t worry. I only care for you”

“Doesn’t mean that other girls aren’t interested” EunMi pouted

                He landed a kiss onto her forehead and looked into her eyes, showing that it doesn’t matter to him. Her heart melted for a bit as he held her into his arms. All of the past feeling that she kept secret from him flew through her mind, increasing her heart rate.

She pulled away with a red face “I-I’ll get some drinks!”

                Running off without letting him get a word in she was able to get some oxygen back into her lungs. JinYoung smiled at his adorable girlfriend, but was interrupted by many girls coming around him to praise him for his plays.

                While EunMi was at the counter waiting for someone to take her order she patted her face in order to keep her face from remaining red. She looked over a JinYoung being surrounded by girls and was a little jealous but managed to snap out of it with a smile.

*He just can’t help how cute he is* EunMi thought

                She got the drink and just stood by the counter, watching JinYoung having a group of fan girls around him. Many of them telling him how hot he was or what a great player he was. All he was able to do was thank them and with a slight blush and rubbing the back of this neck. EunMi smiled at JinYoung’s reaction and sipped on the drink. A few guys approached her as well.

“Why are you over here alone?” they asked

“Just go away” EunMi bluntly demanded

They rose an eyebrow “Not even interested??”

She shook her head “I have a boyfriend so there’s no reason for you to even try”

They looked over at JinYoung “Looks like he has his hands full as just hang with us”

                JinYoung suddenly noticed what was happening and shouted her name. Catching everyone’s attention he gestured EunMi to come back over to him. She stuck her tongue at the guys and walked over towards JinYoung. He made his way through the crowd as all over the girls sighed in remembering that he was not alone.

“All of the cute ones are always taken” the girls whined

“It’s no fair! Why can’t I find a guy like him” they complained

“I bet that he’s the romantic type too” they fantasized

                When they were back in connect with each other JinYoung placed an arm over her shoulders, telling everyone that she was his and his alone. EunMi blushed from the gestured and they returned to playing their game.

                When night arrived JinYoung dropped EunMi off and walked her to the door. Sadness took over her eyes and filled them with tears. JinYoung wiped them away with his thumbs and hugged her.

“There’s no reason to be sad. I’ll be back soon” JinYoung informed her

EunMi continued to tear up “But I’m going to miss you”

“I’ll miss you too” he kissed the top of her head

“You better but look at other girls” she told him

He chuckled “No worries. I told you that I only care for you”

She pulled away “But what if a girl hits on you!”

“I’ll tell her I have you” JinYoung calmly replied

“Fine” EunMi pouted

JinYoung chuckled “Don’t forget about me when I’m gone”

“I won’t” EunMi looked up at him

“I don’t want you near Chunji” JinYoung said with a serious face

                EunMi was shocked by the sudden change of his mood, but slowly nodded and agreed to JinYoung’s order. He patted her head with a warm smiled. He left her with a kiss on the cheek and made his way back to the car, taking off when she went inside. EunMi sat on the couch and let out a heavy sigh.

*JinYoung won’t have to worry about Chunji. He’s no longer going to be in my life*

                Meanwhile Chunji made it back to MiKyong’s house, resting upon her couch with his head on her lap. No one else was in the house besides the two that sat quietly. MiKyong petted his head as he continued to think about what happened.

“You think I’m a fool don’t you?” Chunji asked

MiKyong shook her head

Chunji falsely chuckled “It’s pathetic how I’m acting”

“It’s okay. I understand” was the only thing she was about to say

                Chunji looked up at MiKyong’s sad face and reached up to touch it. She placed her hand over his and kept it on her face. Chunji looked emotionless and finally made up his mind.

“I’m leaving” Chunji stated as he got up

“Why? Just stay here and rest” MiKyong suggested

Chunji shook his head “I’m leaving you. And no returning

MiKyong frowned her eyebrows

“You and SunHee are dismissed. I no longer need you” Chunji told her as he head towards the door

“Wait! You’re just doing things on impulse now! Stop and think about it!” MiKyong said

“I’ve though enough. Bye” Chunji left and closed the door behind him.

                MiKyong was completely confused in what had happened, but she knew that he meant what he said. She frowned knowing that she won’t be able to talk to him again and couldn’t do anything about it. While Chunji was walking home he noticed another girl sitting on a nearby bench, creating a smirk on his face.


Sorry for the repeat of events in the last chapter (if you read it before i corrected it). I re-read the whole story in order to get back into writing it the correct way and seems like i caught myself writing the same thing ^^;

Another update~ It feels like it's a filler but I had no idea what else to write about. I attempted to make it longer but I couldn't OTL Anyway, thanks for the readers that are still reading and commenting! Means a lot to me! Hope that this story isn't getting slow or boring now that I'm starting to write it again. Please remember to comment and subscribe while I try my best to stick to this til the end! :3 And does anyone else feel like Teen Top got like a billion times hotter? Like i'm spazzing about everything with them. . .

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha