Shouldn't have messed with her

Be My Sunday

 Someone then sat down next to her while her eyes were focused on Chunji. That person waved their hands in her face, trying to get her attendion.

"EunMi! Do you hear me?!" Her friend, SoYoung, called

She snapped out of it "Oh, when did you get here?"

SoYoung then looked in her dicretion "Oh, you're looking at Chunji? I wouldn't mess with him if I were you"

"I think it's too late" EunMi smirked

"What?! What happened?!" SoYoung asked

"He was at the party yesterday" EunMi started

SoYoung's eyes widened "You didn't! You hooked up with him?! I'm so disappointed in you!"

"Ew! No! He was hitting on me so I played along then I locked him in a closet" EunMi explained

SoYoung grew relieved "That's good. I thought that you liked him or something"

"No! Never! He's a pig!!" EunMi yelled

"I know. He has freaking six girlfriends. One for each day of the week" SoYoung told her

EunMi grew disguested in what she was just told. She began to wonder if any of the girls knew about it but the only thing in her mind was how much she wanted to hurt him.

SoYoung then sighed "But he's super cute though"

EunMi gave her a look "Chinja? That's all you can think about?"

"Of course~ You know that I'm boy crazy" she giggled

EunMi shook her head "What am I going to do with you?"

Lunch went on and the lesson began again. The day went on with ease for EunMi but Chunji was still thinking about her. She wasn't really able to leave his mind and he didn't know why.

After school EunMi was about to walk off the school's yard but then someone grabbed her wrist and dragged her toward the school. EunMi was struggling but it didn't help so she pulled her hand back and kicked the person in the place no guy should be kicked. The person fell to the ground.

"YAH! Who do you think you're missing with?!" EunMi yelled

"Oh god. I think I'm going to die" the guy wanted to cry

"That's what your pabo gets! Who drags a girl off huh?! You should be happy I'm not kicking your sorry !" EunMi said

"Wow, she's a fighter" a guy, Changjo, said from behind her

With her guards still being up she elbowed the him behind her, which made him fall to the ground as well. She turned to him and she that four other guys stood there with wide eyes.

"What going on here? I demand to know" she said glaring at all of them

"He just wanted to talk" Ricky putted his hands up, showing that he doesn't want to fight

EunMi lowered her guard by a little "Talk about what?"

"Why in the world you locked me in a closet!" Chunji said, still on the ground from the kick

"Because you should rot in there!" she spat

Niel laughed "You choosed the wrong girl to mess with"

"Exactly. Now, if you can move, I have to go home" EunMi said

L.Joe and Ricky moved out of her way as she walked away. Chunji walked after her while his friends were trying to talk him out of it but it didn't work. Chunji followed her to the bus stop but stopped when she turned to him.

"Would you just leave me alone? I want nothing to do with you" EunMi said, bluntly

Chunji shook his head "I want to talk to you rather you like it or not"

EunMi rolled her eyes "Shouldn't you be with Miss. Monday?"

Chunji's eye widen *D~~~! I forgot about JinKyong!. . . oh well. She could wait*

"Now, I'll be leaving. Good bye" EunMi said walking onto the bus

"I'll come with you" Chunji offered while walking on

EunMi pushed him off "I would rather you not. Please. Leave me alone"

EunMi walked onto the bus and took a seat. Soon the seat next to her was taken. When she looked up to see who it was she frowned with displeasure.

"Why are you here?" EunMi asked, looking outside the window

Chunji smirked "Revenge for locking me in a closet. You still owe me that kiss"

EunMi gave him a look "I owe you nothing and I know krama is mean but I dont like you so go away"

"I'm not going anywhere" Chunji smiled in a child-like way, thinking that he won

When he looked over to EunMi and noticed that she was on her phone. Chunji tilted his head, wondering who she could be calling but he grew scared.

"Hello? Police? Yeah, there's this guy following me and I don't know who he is" EunMi said to the phone

Chunji's eyes shot opened and ran up to the bus driver, telling him to stop. When the bus was at a full stop he ran off, which left a smirk on EunMi's face.

"Hello? Is he still there?" the police asked

"No sir. He just left after he heard me make this call. Sorry to bother you" EunMi hung up with a smile on her face 


If you guys love me you should write a comment ;~~~~~~;

Keke jk~ But I would be nice for a comment every once in a while. Tell me things I need to fix, like is it too short, somethings are mispelled or something. Thanks for reading everyone ^^

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha