Unpredicible day

Be My Sunday

On Saturday Chunji spent his whole day with MinKyong while EunMi was enjoying her day at work without him being there to annoy her. When night time hit the flower shop closed and EunMi headed home while looking at her text messages.

Oppa, when will you be back here?

Um, probably next week. Sorry that I can't be there for you every week but I'll try my best to make it every other week

Alright but I miss you so much :/

I miss you too but don't worry! We'll be spending the whole day together when I get there. Promise ^^

She re-read the messages and let out a big sigh, wishing that the week would pass by more quickly so that she'll be able to see him again. As she thought more about it a smiled came across her face.

*Spending the whole day together? That'll be worth the wait* EunMi smiled as she continued her way him

Her happy bubble soon popped when she got a text message from Chunji. Just when she thought that she didn't have to deal with him he just comes out of no where.

Oh Sunday~ What will we have planned for tomorrow ;D

Nothing because there is NO we

But you have to be with me tomorrow! It's our day! >.<

We DON'T have a day

Stop pointing out the negatives and come on one date with me! Come know you want to!


Again with the nevers :/

The conversation continued like this until she finally arrived home a decided to ignore his textes so that she can finally go to sleep.

The next morning when she woke up she find out that her phone was filled with messages from Chunji, asking for one date. EunMi rolled her eyes and ignored all of this messages then got up and started her day.

Since it was a Sunday Mrs. Lee had decided to let the two have fun and have no worries about work. Happily EunMi called SoYoung to make some plans.

"Hello?" SoYoung answered

"I have no work today! Wanna hang out?" EunMi asked

SoYoung laughed "Of course! Lets go to the mall!"

EunMi smiled to herself "Alright. See you soon~"

Both of them hung up and started to get ready to go. Once they were ready they texted each other and headed to the mall. When they got there they were looking at all of the stores, talking and laughing. Suddenly EunMi's face dropped and SoYoung knew what that meant.

"Sunday! I didn't think that you'll come here" Chunji smiled with his friends behind him

EunMi frowned "Go away"

Chunji pouted "But I wanna be with you~"

"Aw" SoYoung said, earning that speical glare of EunMi's

Chunji's friends laughed at that while Chunji stood there smiling like he normally does. EunMi grew angry and walked away from them with SoYoung following her but Chunji decided to do the same. He followed her until she reached a store with a few others there. EunMi turned to him.

"Why are you following me?" EunMi asked angerly

Chunji continued to smile "Because it's our day. I have to be with you"

EunMi glared at him while SoYoung giggled

Suddenly there was a scream, which caused everyone to look at the direction on the scream. They widened their eyes at the sight of the gun.

"EVERYONE DOWN! NOW!" the person yelled

Frightened, everyone did as they were told but the surprising thing was that Chunji was the only person standing up with no fear in his expression. The robber raised an eyebrow at him.

"Are you asking to be shot, boy?" the robber asked

Chunji smirked "Are you asking to mess with me?"

*WHAT IS THIS BOY?! STUPID?!* EunMi thought then whispered "Get down you pabo!"

"Listen to the girl and get down before I blow your head off" the robber said

His smirk went away "You're starting to bug me a little"

"Chunji! Just listen to him! Get on the ground!" SoYoung told him but he refused

"Why should I listen to a pointless low life?" Chunji questioned

The robber grew angry "You little punk!"

The robber ran towards Chunji and everyone was frightened by what will happen next but Chunji's smirk came back onto his face. When the robber threw that punch Chunji blocked and flipped him but in the process grabbed the gun away from him. The robber tried to get back up but Chunji pointed the gun at him, telling him to stay down.

The robber smirk "You really think that I'll listen to you even with that gun?"

"Of course not, it's empty." Chunji threw the gun to the side but placd his fist back up "But you will listen after I bet the crap out of you"

EunMi gave him a strange look but the robber still didn't get up and the police finally arrived to arrest the man. Chunji brushed off the dust on his shirt and smiled towards everyone.

"So about that date" Chunji started

EunMi was completly surprised "What happened just then?!"

"You didn't know?" Changjo asked

"Know what?" EunMi asked cluelessly

CAP raised his eyebrow "That Chunji took self defence classes?"

She shook her head

Chunji remained smiling "Well there's a lot that you don't know about me"


. . .Yeah. Shortest hiatus but I'm back keke. And idek how I got this chapter but I did. . . Anyways~ The next will be a speical chapter for Chunji's birthday ^^ I'll be updating it on his birthday in MY time keke So please wait~

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sweggg #1
Its been 8 months please come back from yur hiatus!~
sweggg #2
Chapter 41: Update pleeease author-nim!
Chapter 41: UPDATE SOON PLEASEEEEE(^ω^)(^◇^)
Update soooon!!!
Chapter 41: Update soon please!!!! I love this one ALOT
Chapter 41: Hi author, your stories are too amazing. :D I look forward to your next one! :D:D:D
Niecy313 #8
Chapter 41: Keke^^ ok author :) *whipsers* ik it's chunji
PandaLover703 #9
Chapter 41: @chunjoe_angel: I'll be sure to add more of Chunji in future chapters haha
@Niecy313: I'm not telling you anymore, no matter how right or wrong you are *zips lips* haha