Different Worlds

-chorongs point of view-

I woke up the next day to find my self lying in my own bed, trying to remember how i got here, and then i remembered i was with luhan last night in a soccer field, but the part i was trying to figure out was how ended up in my own bed. At that time i heard a know on the door.

"come in." I said. 

One of my maids entered my room with my breakfast, i thanked her, she was about to leave when i stopped her because she might have knew.

"hey wait!." i called out to her.

"yes my lady." asked stopping in her tracks.

"um yesterday night how did i end up back home? I don't remember." I asked. she stood in my door way and poundered a bit.

"oh yes there was a young man around your age who had carried you here, some of us were a little suspicous because you weren't really consious and we had never seen you before, one of the maids knew him and said he was no harm so that was that." she informed me.

" is there anything else you'd like to know?" she asked.

I shoke my head lightly, she then gave me a nod and left my room, hmmm well that was nice of him. I just sat there for a moment just realised it was sunday. what should i do? I then looked outside my window to see how sunny and nice the weather was and I thought it might be good to take a walk, I walked up to my wardrobe and then noitced that I had nothing that "normal people" would wear. I finally found my designer track suit it was a bit flashy but it's the closest I've got. Letting a huge sigh I grabed my phone and headphones plugged it in played my music and headed out the door. 

I was half way through my jog I felt like someone was calling me, I decided to turn my head around to see Luhan riding his bike beside me.

"Hey there." Luhan Greeted with a no, While riding his infamous bike. 

i wanted to thank him for carrying me last night but because of him I-I think im turning a but soft. So I looked straight back ahead 

"you didn't have to carry me back, you could've woke me up so i could call my driver." I said coldly. 

"pfffft hahahahahahaha." all of a sudden Luhan threw his head back and bursted into laughter.

"w-w-what are you laughing at? and pay attention to the road." i shot back.

"you wanted me to take you home, oh man you should have seen yourself you kept clinging to me and asked me to take you home, i suggested to call you driver but you refused. " he replied shaking his head letting out a light chuckled.

I widen my eyes suprised with a slight bit a red spreading across my face. Did i really want him to bring me back home? I thought to myself turning my head a bit to the other side so he doesn't see me like this. I toughened up my act and faced forward and I was about to retourt back, when my stomach growled, i cursed myself mentally.

"hahahahahah!" Luhan let out in another fit of laughter. "how cute." he added smiling 

I turned my head to the side as i started to blush more. how is he getting to my soft side so easily? how is he making me so weak? 

Luhan then got off his bike. found a someplace near by and locked his bike up, came back to my spot and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." he quickly said and ran off .

"h-hey wait where are you taking me." I asked, but he didn't answer.

we arrived into market type place, where he started slowling down, untill we reached this market place filled with food stands. stopping infront of a rice cake stand.

"Ajhumma!" Luhan called out, grabbing the attention of the a lady in charge of the stall, she turned around and was looked so estatic to see luhan. 

"ahh lu-deer, its been a while since if seen your handsome face, you want to usual?" the ajhumma pratically shouted with joy. she then and her smile grew bigger if that was even possible. 

"oh my lu-deer who is this pretty young lady, did you finally get yourself a girlfriend i never see you with a girl like this?" she asked with hope staring at the both of us and looked down to see him holding my hand. I quickly let go staring at the ground blushing.

giving a light chuckle he shook his head lightly. "and yes id like the usual." luhan answered putting his hands in his pockets.

"alright coming right up." the ajhumma replied with a sigh only causing luhan to chuckle some more, which makes me think  to myself have i ever seen luhan mad or sad? 

"oh chorong go wait at the table." Luhan suggested bringing me out my thoughts, i just quickly nodded and went to find a place to sit. When i reach the sitting aread i noticed how low all the tables were and just sat down anyway on the small plastic mini stoles.

Luhans point of view 

i stood there waiting for our food. Just then Ajhumma turned around handing over my food but before she did she start asking questions.

"so why did you suddenly bring a girl here and such a pretty girl too?" she asked in slight seriousness. looking towards chorong he was sitting there playing with her phone.

" i felt like it'd be fun for her." i replied happily turning my head to take a glance at chorong. 

"in all these years i have never seen you ever like a girl, had a girlfriend, bring girl here or really want to hang out with one here or even to try to get a girlfriend so many girls like you." she said pointing out, I just shrugged. "do you have feelings for her? because theres one more thing i have never seen you smile the way you do towards her to any girl you have been aquainted with. "

I looked down for a while, grabing to forks and stabing them into the rice cake letting out a sigh before answering her. "why her? because shes different she doesnt cling onto to me like those other squealy girls. she's stubborn which she's the most cute, and the most amazing genuien smile. do i have feelings ? i would be lieing to myself if i said no, each encounter with her only just makes my feelings stronger." looking up to see the ajhumma with a satisfied smile.

"then why not go for it?" she asked. i let out a dissappointed smile. 

picking up the plate of rice cake "because she's out of my league." i answered simly. 

"lu deer what makes you think that?" she asked a little sad. "ajhumma shes from a different world, shes rich, brought up from a high class family where she has a fiance who can offer so much more than i can" i replied with a sigh. 

ajhumma started shaking her head " silly boy, keeping the way things are like this will only lead the worst price to pay and thats the feeling of regret, you should go for what you believe in, and not end up like me with so many regrets get her before its too late. money cant be happiness." she gave a finaly hopefull smile and shoed me off. 

"but i didnt pay!" i shouted back. " its on the house." she insited. chuckling a shkaing my head i head towards to chorong. 




it is I and I am back from the dead so so sorry as soon as my exam was done i went stright away to try and update but due to the long away time i forgot how i was gonna continue the story equalling writers block but now im done

i also felt like it was going too slow so im speeding things up a bit 

:))) im trying to get my creativity back that was drained from school

p.s please excuse my horrible grammer i wrote this all in hour and wanted to update as soon as possible in respect of you guys and melie who created my poster respecting her rules 

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just started chapter 7


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Penawar #1
Chapter 8: update soon :)
luhan_chorong #2
Chapter 8: Update soon..
Chapter 8: waaaaaah. ! so much feels ! lulu sooo cuteeee
tietie234 #4
Chapter 9: Me! I can be your co-author
Chapter 8: looling at the last chapter hahahaha !
update soon though ^^
SaranghaeSuho #6
Annyeong! My ultimate bias in EXO is Suho. Unfortunetly, Eunji is my ultimate bias in A Pink. (: I'm interested in your story. (:
Chapter 6: OMG ¡! SuRong & LuRong moment in one chapter >,<
Chapter 5: Update soon !! ^^
Chapter 4: Omo ,, I love their moment :3 especially when luhan ride his bicycle and chorong sit behind him :3
by the way ,, update soon ^o^
I can't wait more for their moment xD