Chapter 8

Springtime Flowers

Sehun was tempted to go to the nurse claiming he was sick and get to go home early, just so he could avoid having to see Luhan again knowing the boy was probably hurt by his rude behavior at lunch. But no, his mother would be upset if he left school for no good reason, and what if Luhan thought he’d left became of him? He wouldn’t stand for that. So he slouched at his desk for the rest of the day, thinking if only he could make it to the last bell he would be home free.

Right before their last period ended, there was an announcement that the results of the soccer tryout would be posted on the bulletin after school today, and that the selected students should go and pick up their uniforms at the coach’s office. A ripple of excitement ran through his body as Sehun pushed through the crowd to get a look at the list of selected players. He’d done better at the tryout that he’d expected and he wasn’t entirely surprised to see his name on the list, but he’d never been on a varsity team before and the prospect was exhilarating.

Quickly he scanned the list for another name and his stomach filled with butterflies when he read that Luhan had also made the team.

“Congratulations, let’s do our best together!” The sweet voice at his side was startling for a moment and he felt his breath catch in his throat. Still feeling embarrassed about earlier, Sehun turned slowly.

“Yeah, uh c-congrats to you too.” His voice wavered a little and he cursed how stupid he sounded. Luhan’s little face took on a look of concern.

“Are you feeling alright? You seemed upset earlier... I just hope I haven’t done anything to make you upset, and if I have, I’m really sorry.” Luhan looked so earnest in his concern it made Sehun feel a little sick for being that cause of this boy’s worry.

“I’m fine, I uh… about earlier…” He trailed off, completely unsure of what to say next. “I remembered  that someone asked me to meet up with them during lunch. A uh, a girl.” What are you saying Sehun? Stop this before you ruin everything! Luhan’s face melted and the concern washed away, for only a split second Sehun thought he saw disappointment. Then all was replaced with a smile.

“Oh I see! Well I’m glad you remembered! I hope you guys had a good time.” Everything Luhan said sounded incredibly sincere, but Sehun felt like puking. Now he’d really gone and given the wrong impression and he found no way to reverse it. Why, why, why was he so stupid?

“Do you want to go together to pick up our uniforms?” Luhan was asking, large eyes blinking up at him, oblivious of his inner turmoil.

“Oh, uh, sure.” Yes, yes I want to go everywhere with you for the rest of my life. The pair began down the hallway, passing other students who were eager to leave for the day.

“So you must have played soccer before right? I mean, you’re really super good!” Sehun felt his face heat up at the compliment and he turned away from the shorter boy to hide it.

“Yeah I played, I’m not that great though.” He ran his hand through his hair glancing down at Luhan who puffed out his cheeks indignantly.

“Don’t say that!” His eyes opened wide and he looked up at Sehun as though he was some kind of idol, “I think you’re amazing!”

For some reason Luhan’s expression made him feel aroused and Sehun had to take a deep breath to control himself, and keep himself from shoving Luhan up against the wall and smashing their mouths together. He his lips unconsciously.

They had finally reached the coach’s office and the door was open, and when the pair walked in, a few boys were already inside receiving their uniforms and talking to the coach about the upcoming season, one of the boys was Jongin.

“Ah, Oh Sehun my other star player!” The coach exclaimed as they walked through the doors and Sehun suddenly felt self-conscious. Jongin brightened at seeing Luhan but gave Sehun a quick glare, grabbing Luhan’s arm and pulling him close.

“You must know Jongin, my other prodigee.” The coach smiled gesturing towards Jongin. “Now that you’re both here I have a preposition to make, since you’re both the best players and your skills are about equal I’d like to appoint you both as co-captains of the team.”

Both boys’ mouths dropped open and after both glancing at Luhan they both began to protest.

“But coach, isn’t there some way we can prove that one of us is better?” Jongin supplied.

“Don’t you think it would be better to have one captain?” Sehun quickly followed.

The coach held up his hands. “I want both of you as co-captains, think how much better your team will be with your combined skills!” Clearly there was no arguing. Sehun didn’t even know Jongin but he knew how close he was with Luhan and that made his blood boil. Jongin had seen the way Sehun looked at his precious baby and he had his suspicions about who’d given him the flowers, Luhan belonged to him and Sehun was not going to take him away.

Even as they received their uniforms and shook hands the tension remained  in the room until it was broken by the sweet voice of someone who couldn’t seem to sense the mood.

“Congratulations you guys! I know you’re going to be really great captains!” Luhan looked so happy for both of them that their hearts melted a little. Jongin reached out and pulled Luhan into a hug.

“Thanks Lulu, you’ll do great too!” He fluffed Luhan’s hair all while giving Sehun his best smirk. See? He belongs to me. Sehun grimaced, he wanted to pull his fairy away from the other boy so badly his hands twitched to do it. But he settled for glowering at Jongin. This isn’t over, you may have him now Kim Jongin but just you wait. Luhan will be mine!


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Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, you had me a heartattack there when you said you finished it. Lol
And I am soooo damn excited now for that sequel.

Make it long please TwT
Chapter 13: Goodness gracious, I'm sorry for making you all upset! I know the ending was really bad for such a plot set up, but I will absolutely write a sequel! Please don't worry, I'll try to have the first chapter set up by the end of today! I'm really really sorry.
Chapter 13: Seriously?
It's finished?
Like... NO!!!
They haven't even solve one problem
I was expecting that this story would be long
I feel really bored on the ending
Sorry, but a continuation is a need :(
Chapter 13: NOO
A sequel, perhaps?
Lel poor jongin kekeke
Chapter 13: Nooooo u can't finish it here ;(((((((
Chapter 12: Omfg ,!!

You really need to punch. Lu's father's face.
Chapter 12: I love this. It's so beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Chapter 12: This would be so much better if the chapters were longer TT
Chapter 12: this is written so well<3<3 the only thing i hate is how short the chapter is!!!! I NEED MOREE. lol

thanks for the update