Chapter 4

Springtime Flowers

    Slowing unlocking the door, Luhan let himself inside the quiet house. Both of his parents were still at work. Taking his shoes off and putting on his slippers he padded up the stairs to the top part of the house. Slipping into his room for a moment, to change out of his school uniform and to put his school bag down, he made his way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge he glanced up and down at the selection of food. Ultimately deciding to make up some chicken.

After an arduous preparation, he fried the chicken in a pan with the vegetables and sauce, he started the rice too and paused while the chicken simmered on the stove.

His father loved sweets and Luhan wanted to make him happy so he decided to make cupcakes also, he’d even bring one to school tomorrow for Jongin, as a thank you. Maybe he’d bring two and give one to Sehun too, as an apology.

He loved baking and he sang to himself as he measured ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Soon the house was filled with the delicious smell of spicy peanut chicken and the sweet smell of chocolate cupcakes. It was an odd combination but Luhan enjoyed it as he set the table.

He heard the door opening downstairs and his mother’s voice, is sounded like she was on the phone with someone and as she walked through the kitchen she only acknowledged Luhan with a nod. He knew how busy she was though, and he admired how hard she worked to make money for the family, after all, they had such a nice big house and such expensive furniture and all kinds of wonderful food to eat. He was pretty lucky.

When his father came home Luhan was just finishing frosting the cupcakes.

“Hey, what’s this here?” His father picked up one of the pastries and pulled off the wrapper, eating half of it in one bite.

“Not bad, you’re getting to be quite the chef.” Luhan beamed at his father’s praise.

“You shouldn’t make sweets all the time though, you’ll make us all fat,” his mother cut in, entering the kitchen and pulling the cupcake out of her husband’s hands, “especially if you insist on eating them before dinner.” His father grumbled and Luhan giggled as his mother ate the rest of his cupcake.

“Did you finish your homework?” His father’s voice seemed to break the pleasant atmosphere the kitchen had held only a second before.

“N-Not yet.” Luhan stuttered, placing the last cupcake down beside it’s brothers.

“You better get to work on that, you only have one job in this family, right?” Luhan nodded, eyes cast down.

“You can’t be neglecting your studies, especially if you want me to let you play soccer this year.” His father started for the dining room, where the food was set out on the table.

“Yes daddy. I understand.” Luhan pulled off his apron and went dejectedly to his room.

Sehun lay in bed, trying to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was Luhan’s perfect face. He rolled around, tangling himself in his sheet. He thought about tomorrow and that he’d get to see the boy again, which made his heart jump. If only he didn’t act so cold to him. If only he’d been more friendly.

Luhan must have friends already, being as cute as he was. He’d seen that other boy with him at break, and Luhan had been smiling. He’d even let that other boy ruffle his hair. Sehun wanted to ruffle his hair. Ruffle his hair and wrap him up in his arms, kiss his perfect pink lips, run his hands over-- okay he was going too far. He could feel his face heating up and his pants had grown a little too tight.

He growled to himself and vowed he would try harder to be friendly to Luhan tomorrow.  

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Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, you had me a heartattack there when you said you finished it. Lol
And I am soooo damn excited now for that sequel.

Make it long please TwT
Chapter 13: Goodness gracious, I'm sorry for making you all upset! I know the ending was really bad for such a plot set up, but I will absolutely write a sequel! Please don't worry, I'll try to have the first chapter set up by the end of today! I'm really really sorry.
Chapter 13: Seriously?
It's finished?
Like... NO!!!
They haven't even solve one problem
I was expecting that this story would be long
I feel really bored on the ending
Sorry, but a continuation is a need :(
Chapter 13: NOO
A sequel, perhaps?
Lel poor jongin kekeke
Chapter 13: Nooooo u can't finish it here ;(((((((
Chapter 12: Omfg ,!!

You really need to punch. Lu's father's face.
Chapter 12: I love this. It's so beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Chapter 12: This would be so much better if the chapters were longer TT
Chapter 12: this is written so well<3<3 the only thing i hate is how short the chapter is!!!! I NEED MOREE. lol

thanks for the update