Chapter 3

Springtime Flowers

    The last bell finally rang, signaling the students that their day was over. Luhan gathered his things and stood, slingling his bag over his shoulder. Afternoon sunlight filtered through the classroom windows and he paused, to stare for a moment and the brilliant dust motes as they floated past in beams of glittering rainbow colours. It was strange how just a little light could turn dust into something so beautiful. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around, a little regretfully.

    “Thought I lost you for a second there,” Jongin grinned, “I was asking if you wanted to come over today.” His smile widened, “there’s still come cookies left,” he added, as an extra incentive. Luhan pouted and he looked downcast.

    “I really want to Jongie... But I have to make dinner tonight and... I should really be studying.” He looked awfully sad as he added, “I’m really sorry.” Jongin’s eyes widened, Luhan was just too sweet.

“Dont be sorry! If you can’t make it you can’t make it, gosh Lulu you gotta learn not to take things so seriously!” He couldn’t resist giving the shorter boy a quick hug and petting his hair. “It’s seriously fine, go do your studying thing.”

Luhan brightened when Jongin pulled away from the hug and he smiled apologetically. He supposed it would certainly be rude to ask Jongin to bring more of the cookies tomorrow after turning down his invitation so he gripped the strap of his bag and gave his friend a little bow.

“Thank you for the cookie and I’m sor--” He paused, realizing Jongin had just told him not to apologize again. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” He grinned, and headed out into the hallway.

“...” Jongin mumbled as soon as Luhan was out of the room. Something about his friend’s clueless nature and sparkling smile made him feel all gooey inside.

In the hallway Luhan immediately ran into someone, that someone being Sehun, the new student. He had only just turned around from closing the classroom door when he bumped into something, looking up through his lashes he was faced with the boy he’d met so awkwardly that morning. He backed up quickly and looked towards the floor.

“I-I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention!” He stumbled back into the wall behind him and blushed at his clumsiness.

“You should watch where you’re going.” The other boy’s voice was void of emotion and he quickly turned to walk away. Leaving Luhan standing alone, back against the wall and even more sure that Sehun must hate him for some reason. Why did that idea hurt him so much?

Sehun walked around the next corner in the hallway and slid to the floor, pressing his back against the lockers behind him. Why am I being such an idiot?! Why can’t I just speak normally around him?! Sehun hung his head in despair. He had wanted another chance to talk to Luhan, maybe apologize for being so rude that morning but whenever he saw the boy, with his perfect angel face and soft fluffy hair, he froze up. And now he’d just been rude again. Good job Sehun, good job. He’d looked so cute back there in the hall too. Sehun started blushing just thinking about Luhan’s adorable stuttering and how awfully sincere he was.

Picking himself up from the ground at last, he headed out the back door and into the spring sunshine. Outside there seemed to be a plethora of sport arenas, a soccer and football field, a tennis court and a large billboard advertising tryouts for the many sports teams. Curious, Sehun decided to get a closer look. He’s always been interested in sports and it looked like there were a lot of options. He’d even played soccer at his old school, maybe someone from his class was trying out for the team. He read down the list of names and paused when he read over one name in particular. Luhan. Luhan was trying out for the soccer team? He can’t be! He’s so weak looking! He could be hurt so easily in a rough game like soccer! Sehun shook his head as though he could clear stupid thoughts like these away but instead he ended up picturing Luhan in a soccer uniform. It was a little baggy so he appeared even smaller, and the tall white socks made him look like a grade schooler, he was running towards Sehun. Sehun who was also dressed in a uniform, but he looked strong and athletic. “Captain!” Now Sehun was the team captain as Luhan called out to him, running to stand in front of him. “Good luck today captain! I’m cheering for you!” Luhan was smiling and his uniform was changing from baggy shorts and a T-shirt into a cute cheerleading costume.

Sehun smacked his head against the billboard blushing like a madman. Get yourself together idiot! The image of Luhan in his soccer uniform refused to leave his mind though and when he heard the perfect voice whisper, “captain” again, it was the last straw. He picked up the pen and signed his name on the list for soccer tryouts. Cursing his stupid imagination he started off for home.

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Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, you had me a heartattack there when you said you finished it. Lol
And I am soooo damn excited now for that sequel.

Make it long please TwT
Chapter 13: Goodness gracious, I'm sorry for making you all upset! I know the ending was really bad for such a plot set up, but I will absolutely write a sequel! Please don't worry, I'll try to have the first chapter set up by the end of today! I'm really really sorry.
Chapter 13: Seriously?
It's finished?
Like... NO!!!
They haven't even solve one problem
I was expecting that this story would be long
I feel really bored on the ending
Sorry, but a continuation is a need :(
Chapter 13: NOO
A sequel, perhaps?
Lel poor jongin kekeke
Chapter 13: Nooooo u can't finish it here ;(((((((
Chapter 12: Omfg ,!!

You really need to punch. Lu's father's face.
Chapter 12: I love this. It's so beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Chapter 12: This would be so much better if the chapters were longer TT
Chapter 12: this is written so well<3<3 the only thing i hate is how short the chapter is!!!! I NEED MOREE. lol

thanks for the update