Chapter 7

Springtime Flowers

    Luhan was perplexed the next morning to find a bouquet of paper flowers on his desk. No one else was in the classroom and he wondered for a moment if this desk really was his. Then he wondered if perhaps someone had left their flowers there by accident. Upon further inspection however there appeared to be a tag on the ribbon.

    To my lovely spring flower, Luhan, from your secret admirer. He felt his cheeks heat up and he had to sit down because he suddenly felt dizzy. He had a secret admirer? Who could it possibly be?

He looked the flowers all over for any kind of clue, but found nothing. They were beautifully made though and he sat there admiring them until other students started arriving.

“Woah, where’d those come from? Are you planning to ask someone out today Lulu?” Luhan was startled by Jongin’s voice as the bent down to look more closely at the flowers in Luhan’s hands.

“They were on my desk this morning,” he blushed a little but held the card up so Jongin could read it. Jongin let out a low whistle.

“Looks like someone has their eye on you.” If Luhan was a more observant person he might have noticed the slight tone of irritation in Jongin’s voice and the tiny almost imperceptible twitch of his eye, but Luhan saw none of this. He just smiled and buried his face in the flowers.

“Who do you think it is?” He whispered excitedly to his friend. Jongin couldn’t help but laugh at such a cute reaction but inside alarms were going off in his head. Luhan was his responsibility, if anyone wanted to get close to his baby they were going to have to get through him first.

“I have no idea, it could be anyone, if fact I bet the whole class has a crush on you Lulu, you’re just too cute.” Jongin pinched his friend’s cheeks and Luhan grinned.

“Of course that’s not true, I don’t even think anyone likes me beside you.”

I think you’d be surprised. Jongin thought to himself.


Sehun watched from across the room as his fairy buried his face in the bouquet of paper carnations. He felt so warm inside it was like his heart had become the sun and was glowing out of his chest. What a good idea. Of course he doesn’t know it’s me yet... Oh well, that will come later. Today he had a much more difficult plan to pull off.

He waited until lunchtime and everyone decided to go outside to eat today since the weather was so nice, so he waited in the hallway for Luhan to emerge from the classroom. To his incredible luck Luhan’s friend Jongin had walked out earlier with another group of boys. He waited and waited but even after the door had remained still for a good three minutes there was no sign of the fragile boy.

Sehun peered in through the window in the door that he’d used that morning to view Luhan’s expression at seeing the flowers. And there at his desk sat Luhan now, reading a textbook and taking careful notes. He watched for a minute longer, enjoying Luhan’s serious expression. come to think of it, Luhan seems pretty serious about his studies. In class he’s always paying attention. Sehun shook the thought off and gently opened the door.

The little boy looked up and smiled when he saw Sehun in the doorway. Sehun almost lost his nerve right then and there and walked right out again but he’d come so far! He took a deep breath.

“Don’t tell me you’re planning to stay inside and study when the weather is so nice.” Aw yeah, smooth. He congratulated himself. Luhan bit his lower lip.

“My dad says it’s important to study in my free time so I don’t fall behind.” Sehun was taken by surprise, surely Luhan’s father had only meant some of his spare time, certainly not lunch break. Besides he’d been eating with Jongin the previous days.

“How far behind can you fall in twenty minutes?” He asked before realizing that might have sounded a little rude.

Luhan smiled again, though he looked confused as if he didn’t fully understand what Sehun had just said. Dang that’s adorable. Calm down, Sehun be cool here.

“Why aren’t you outside?” The question was asked innocently but it brought Sehun back to his original purpose. Though now what the perfect opportunity he heard himself say, “I just forgot something in my desk.” No! No that’s wrong! I came back to talk to you, I wanted to hang out with you! God why is that so hard to say!

He took note of the way Luhan’s face fell when he said that, and wondered if Luhan had been hoping he’d come back to talk to him. Oh how he wished that were true.

“But... I’m inside now and it would be sad if you ate by yourself, so I guess I’ll join you.” Now that he’d given the wrong impression the words came easily. Luhan’s eyes widened and he smiled brightly.

“You don’t have to, you should go outside and enjoy the sunshine.” Not while you’re in here making that face. Sehun smirked and wished he could dash across the room and give Luhan a kiss on his pretty rosy cheek right now, but he couldn’t do that. Not yet.

He crossed the room though and pulled a desk up against Luhan’s, sitting backwards in the seat to face his fairy.

“Did you bring a lunch? Or does your dad not believe in eating either?” He asked lifting his lunchbox out of his bag and opening it. Luhan grinned sheepishly and pulled an apple out of his bag.

“It’s a healthy lunch.”

He really doesn’t have a lunch, come to think of it... I’ve never seen him eat before... Except when Jongin made him a cookie. He’s so thin too. Sehun was becoming worried but Luhan looked as happy as ever.

“So how are you liking school so far Sehun?” The pretty voice brought him back to earth. I don’t know about school, but I’m liking you plenty.

“It’s alright, everyone seems friendly.” Luhan nodded enthusiastically.

“I think everyone likes you a lot!” Really? I guess I haven’t been paying attention to anyone but you...

“What about you though? Do you like me?” Holy Sehun did you seriously just say that? Now he’ll think you’re weird! Ugh.

“I like you a lot too!” What? Sehun froze for a moment. Stop being stupid, he only meant that he likes you as a person. You’ve barely ever talked to him before. “I like you a lot too!” Oh god oh god oh god. Sehun felt weak and breathless, so he stood suddenly and hurried from the room muttering, “I have to go to the bathroom,” in Luhan’s direction, as a lame excuse. Luhan sat frozen in his seat as Sehun ran out, wondering what he’d done wrong.  


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Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, you had me a heartattack there when you said you finished it. Lol
And I am soooo damn excited now for that sequel.

Make it long please TwT
Chapter 13: Goodness gracious, I'm sorry for making you all upset! I know the ending was really bad for such a plot set up, but I will absolutely write a sequel! Please don't worry, I'll try to have the first chapter set up by the end of today! I'm really really sorry.
Chapter 13: Seriously?
It's finished?
Like... NO!!!
They haven't even solve one problem
I was expecting that this story would be long
I feel really bored on the ending
Sorry, but a continuation is a need :(
Chapter 13: NOO
A sequel, perhaps?
Lel poor jongin kekeke
Chapter 13: Nooooo u can't finish it here ;(((((((
Chapter 12: Omfg ,!!

You really need to punch. Lu's father's face.
Chapter 12: I love this. It's so beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Chapter 12: This would be so much better if the chapters were longer TT
Chapter 12: this is written so well<3<3 the only thing i hate is how short the chapter is!!!! I NEED MOREE. lol

thanks for the update