Chapter 13

Springtime Flowers

    Luhan drew in a shaky breath, stepping back from Sehun’s warm embrace. His face was tear stained and he sniffed, wiping his eyes with his hand.

    “I’m sorry for lying to you.” He whispered brokenly, giving a small cough and refusing to meet Sehun’s eyes any longer.

    “Please, just tell me why. Just tell me what happened.” Sehun reached out and brushed Luhan’s honey colored bangs away from his brow with one hand, gently his cheek with the other. Luhan winced away from the touch, shrinking back into himself.

    “It’s still my fault, it only happened because I’m hopeless. I have no sense of responsibility and I’ll never amount to anything, not really.”

    Sehun looked down at Luhan’s anguished face and felt more angry than ever, who had been feeding these lies to his fairy?

    “You mean to tell me that you hit yourself in the face because you think you’re useless? Luhan, who did this to you?” Sehun growled illustrating his point by brushing his fingers carefully over the bruise coloring Luhan’s pale skin. Luhan screwed his eyes shut tight and seemed to shrink even smaller, if that was even possible.

    “It... My father...” His voice was tiny and Sehun had to lean in to catch the words as they floated traitorously from Luhan’s sweet lips.

    “But it’s not his fault! I’m the one making mistakes! It’s my own fault! If I wasn’t such a failure this wouldn’t have happened!” Luhan immediately began to protest, finally looking up into Sehun’s eyes, as though by staring into them for long enough he could make Sehun believe him.

    Sehun’s blood ran cold and he felt like all the air had been knocked from his lungs. He wanted to believe he’d misheard, or even better that this was all some sick dream he’d awake from in a moment. But no, this was reality, in which unspeakable things could happen to the most wonderful people.

    His father? His father beats him? What kind of sick animal would lay a finger on such a delicate being? What kind of twisted son of a would hurt my Luhan? Sehun’s thoughts were wild, but a more pressing issue was the fact that despite the pain he’d been forced to suffer, Luhan somehow believed he was not only the cause, but that he’d deserved it too.

    “Luhan.” Although inside Sehun’s emotions were going wild, he forced his voice into a deadly calm. The smaller boy stopped his protests instantly and stared at Sehun in fear.

    “I want you to listen very very carefully.” Sehun looked into Luhan’s wide brown eyes for a sign of recognition and finding the other to be paying close attention, he continued.

“Obviously I haven’t known you for very long, in fact, we’ve barely met, we’re only at the beginning of a long relationship that will develop over time. In the future we’re going to have a lot of fun together, we’ll do fun things and stupid things and make messes and laugh and cry and what I want to say Luhan, is that even though I’ve only just met you; you are the single most perfect person I’ve ever had the honor of calling a friend. You might not see it but I see it all the time. You work unbelievably hard, you never hurt anything or anyone and you always make everyone around you happy. If your dad can’t see how important you are, well him! He doesn’t deserve to be in your life at all! No one deserves you Luhan, you’re better than everyone on the planet combined and you need to start seeing that for yourself!”

Sehun was panting by the time he finished his lecture and Luhan was just standing before him in a state of total shock. Never once in his life had someone said such kind words to him and before he even realized what he was doing, he was reaching up, standing on his tip toes and kissing Sehun with every ounce of passion his tiny body could muster.

He needed to show Sehun all of that magical warm feeling that had been growing in his chest. He needed to physically push that feeling to Sehun, give it to him and show him how nice it was. He felt truly cared for, and as the tears slipped down his cheeks the exploding warmth in his heart finally made sense. Yes, this was love, and it was the best feeling Luhan had ever experienced.

There were so many many things left to do, his problems still existed and many more would only manifest in the future, but right now nothing mattered but the feeling of kissing Sehun and feeling Sehun kissing him back. No matter what the world threw at him next, he would have someone in his corner, someone to back him up. He would have Sehun. His Sehun. His god, his saviour, his fairy.  


A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry to end kind of abruptly like that but I guess I was never really planning to resolve anything except thier relationship at the end of the story. I'm sorry the chapters were alway so short too... I'm terrible at this writing thing. Anyways you've all been amazing, thank so so so much for reading this story and for all the wonderful inspiring comments! I love you all!     

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Chapter 14: Oh my gosh, you had me a heartattack there when you said you finished it. Lol
And I am soooo damn excited now for that sequel.

Make it long please TwT
Chapter 13: Goodness gracious, I'm sorry for making you all upset! I know the ending was really bad for such a plot set up, but I will absolutely write a sequel! Please don't worry, I'll try to have the first chapter set up by the end of today! I'm really really sorry.
Chapter 13: Seriously?
It's finished?
Like... NO!!!
They haven't even solve one problem
I was expecting that this story would be long
I feel really bored on the ending
Sorry, but a continuation is a need :(
Chapter 13: NOO
A sequel, perhaps?
Lel poor jongin kekeke
Chapter 13: Nooooo u can't finish it here ;(((((((
Chapter 12: Omfg ,!!

You really need to punch. Lu's father's face.
Chapter 12: I love this. It's so beautifully written. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Chapter 12: This would be so much better if the chapters were longer TT
Chapter 12: this is written so well<3<3 the only thing i hate is how short the chapter is!!!! I NEED MOREE. lol

thanks for the update