1st Day of Being a Maid

Assassin Maid

Prince's Bedroom

" Wake up! " Krystal takes Sehun's blanket. Krystal was dressed in a new maid outfit and today was her first day of being a maid. 

Sehun woke up looking at her with a tired look and glared at her. 

* pisssssed * Krystal pushes Sehun off the bed and starts making the bed. 

" You didn't have to push me off the bed. " Sehun said and went to the bathroom. 

Krystal finishes folding the blanket and gets out of the room. 


" I hope that prince dies a painful death. " Krystal says and bumps into the prince's assitant. 

" Good morning. Have you woke up the prince? " the asssitant asked. He was wearing his uniform and had on his glasses. 

" Yah. Hey, why don't you wake him up instead? " Krystal asked still pissed. Devious plans ran through her head and negative thoughts. 

" Prince Sehun isn't a morning person. " thre assistant said clicking his glasses. He started taking out  pen and looked at what was scheduled. 

" Yah I noticed and look at someone when they are speaking to you. " Krystal took the schedule and looked at him in the eyes. 

The assistant took the schedule back and walked away blushing a little. 

* pout * " Why is everyone here so weird? " Krystal thought in her head making her way into the prince' workplace with a cup of coffee and some biscuits and slams it onto the table when Sehun was working. 

" Hey can you bring me the files over there? " Sehun said not looking up from his work. 

Krystal grabs the files and slams them onto his desk again. 

" Get me some food. " Sehun commanded. 

Krystal went into the kitchen and came back with a sandwich, which she again slammed it onto his desk. 

" Go organize all of those books. " Sehun pointed to the piles of books. 

* pissed * " I hate him. " Krystal glared at him and thought. 


" Okay we're done, but I have one more command for you. " Sehun takes Krystal's hand leads her back to the garden. He told Krystal to sit at one end of a bench as he layed down on her lap. 

" Can I . . . .push you off? " Krystal says blantantly looking at him. 

" I'll make you my personal dog. " Sehun answered closing his eyes. 

" He has amazing long hands. He's like a girl when he sleeps. " Krystal thought and smiled alittle. She also took a little nap.

~ Hoped you enjoyed. ~ 

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Chapter 10: Interesting story :):):)
haha, sorry. I'll make them longer. Thank you.
an_nachan #3
Chapter 8: the plot is interesting...
but the chapter is short..
Chapter 5: I like this! :D
realmadrid #5
interesting story line..update soon n longer please..:)