Unwelcomed Guest

Entangled Web (The Spiderweb Of Love II)


“What happened to you?” TOP hyung asked. We're currently at the hangout.
“I never thought CL could punch like Dara noona,” I answered. “Ugh, I'm aching all over!” I groaned as I took a seat on the semi-circle sofa.
“Girls,” TOP hyung snorted. “You can't underestimate them these days.”
“Yeah, speak for yourself,” Taeyang hyung sniggered. “I'm pretty sure Park Bom would love to hear what you think about girls.”
“Yeah, that girl got her eyes all over you,” Hyun Seung seconded.
“Shut up!” TOP hyung gritted.
“What's taking you back, hyung?” I asked. “This is not like you. I mean, you usually just go with the flow. This girl got the hots for you.”
“Yeah, like how you got the hots for CL. And I thought you hate rich people.”
“She's different,” Seungri disagreed.
“If you say so,” TOP hyung sniggered.
“Don't mind him, Seungri,” Hyun Seung said as I was about to argue. “He's just being bitter because it's Dara's honeymoon. And expect him to be like that for the whole week.”
“Shut up!”
We all laughed.
I smiled when I saw the name on the screen. But I didn't answer at once. Ha! After what she did to me, she can't expect me to gush just because she's calling me, can she?
So, I kept the phone ringing for 2 or 3 minutes. Then, I answered it. “Yes?”
“YA! What took you so long in answering my call?”
“I'm suffering from too much body pain right now. I can't move at once,” I reasoned in my most pitiful voice.
“Stop the drama! It's not working!”
“Why did you call anyways? I still need to rest you know.”
No answer.
“Are you going to spit it out or not? If not, then I'll just end this call. I really need some rest.”
“Wait! Why are you so impatient?”
“And why do you sound so nervous?” I asked back.
“I AM NOT NERVOUS!” she said, sounding a bit hysterical.
“Okay, okay. Calm down, will you?”
“Then stop acting like a jerk!” she fired.
“Me? Acting like a jerk? So now it's my fault? Tsk, I'm hurt, you know.”
“Ya! Stop fooling around! I'm not joking!” she fired again.
“Who said I'm joking, too?” I teased. Ah, she’s so. . . feisty. Haha.
“You're hopeless!” she gritted.
I chuckled. “What do you want, ugly? Did you just call to hear my soothing and masculine voice? Missed me that much, eh?”
“I'm waiting ugly.”
“We'll be. . .” she stopped.
“You'll be what?” I urged.
The call ended. I looked at my phone with raised brows. Err, did she just say all those words without pausing and without breathing? And err, did she just invited me to their house?
Ah, I shouldn't be surprised, neh?
I'm simply charming and very hard to resist.
My phone started ringing again. I smiled as I saw that it was HER again. “Missed me again, ugl-?” I answered but got cut off.
The call ended again.
What the? She is so like Dara noona. Terrorizing people to get what they want. I wonder how Jiyong hyung kept up to that. Ah, I should ask for some advice from him.
“Holy cow!” I exclaimed and quickly climbed off the bed when I saw HER hovering above me the moment I opened my eyes. I quickly backed to the corner of my room. “How the hell did you get in here?”
“Through the door of course, where else?” she sweetly smiled.
“Woman, do you know what time is it? It's six in the morning for Pete's sake!” I burst out, shoving the desk clock to her face.
“I know how to read time, you know,” she answered nonchalantly.
“Then what the hell are you doing here this early?”
She didn't answer. Instead, she took a seat on my bed, running her fingers through the sheets.
“Hmm. Just as I remembered. Not too soft, not too hard,” she mumbled.
“Remembered? Woman, you've never been here bef-”
“Oh, I've been here,” she winked. I stared at her fearfully.
“Are you stalking me?” I asked.
She shrugged. “Call it whatever you want.”
“Halt! My answer is no to all of your questions,” she cut me off. “So, I'm afraid you won't get rid of me that easily. And I'm not a jealous type of girl, so you better think of other plans.”
I sighed impatiently. “What do you want?”
She tilted her head to the side a little, a playful smile in her lips.
“You,” she said.
I silently cursed. This woman doesn't know what she's doing. Can't she see that I'm trying my best to control my patience here? And my, err, hormones?
“I know what I'm doing,” she said.
What the hell was that? Ghad! This girl is freaking the hell out of me. She's far worse than Dara!
“Woman, I'm not in the mood right now. And I want to sleep. So, if you don't mind-”
“Oh, don't mind me. I don't snore,” she cut me off AGAIN.
“What the-”
“Come here, let's go to sleep,” she said.
“There's no freaking way I'm going to sleep with you!”
She chuckled. “Don't worry, we're not going to do anything yet. We're just going to sleep, I promise. I won't bite you. For now.”
I didn't move as I just stared at her with wide eyes. She slowly stood up and put a hand on my arm, leading me back to the bed. A warmth and comforting feeling spread through me the moment her hand touched my arm. Just like being hypnotized, I let her lead me.
And before I knew it, I was already in my bed. Then, she started humming a soft melody.
Later. . .
I cuddled closer. Hmm, smells good. My eyes suddenly flew open. I took a start as I realized that I was hugging the girl tightly and so was she. I jumped off the bed and looked at her. She must have felt me move because she started rubbing her eyes.
“Hmm. Hungry already? Wait, I'll cook something for you,” she said as she slowly went out of bed. She went up to me and tiptoed, giving me a quick peck on the lips.
My eyes went wide from shock, making me paralyzed for some time.
A while later. . .
I don't know how long I've been standing on my spot. But when I finally recovered, I quickly went to the bathroom and took a shower, hoping that it'll wake me from this. . . nightmare.
I knew right from the very beginning that there's something wrong with that girl. But I have no idea that it could be as weird as this. Oh well, expect Dara to have some friends like her. I snorted at the thought. Along with it, I felt a pain in my chest. I'm not that numb and heartless. I can still feel pain.
But I'm not regretting my decision. I mean, how can I call her mine when she doesn't belong to me in the first place?
Oh well, I guess that’s just how life is.
After taking a bath, I put a boxer and went out of my room while drying my hair with a towel.
“Ooh, so y,” I heard someone giggled. I jumped in surprise and cover myself up with the towel! Heck! I forgot about the weird girl! I quickly went back to my room and pulled a clean shirt.
The girl was still giggling when I resurfaced from my room. I glared at her.
“Just want you to know, I'm glad you got a place on your own. It would be really hard to barge in anytime I want if your parents are around.”
“I'm actually thinking of moving back to them,” I mumbled which earned me a delighted chuckle from her.
“The food's ready!” she winked.
I looked at the food she prepared suspiciously.
“Don't worry, I didn't put anything on it. I'm not a witch.”
“Why do I find that hard to believe?” I mumbled to myself again, which made her laugh out loud.
“Why, do you feel bewitched with my charms already?” she beamed.
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ChellizM #1
Chapter 16: Cute story...and those kuchi kuchis ?
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 15: Ahahahaha!! I like the kids. Of course, Bommie’s kid is the strangest.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 14: Lol Dara’s a proud mama
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 6: Hahahaha!! Bommie, hwaiting!!
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 3: Lol Bommie you’re creeping him out
Chapter 16: Too cute
Unixai21 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for this wonderful sequel authornim... I hope to read more 2nebang from you.. I love them so much..
RolDeej #8
Chapter 16: Thanks for this wonderful sequel. Again my heart is happy. Thanks Authornim!
Chapter 16: Wow! First time to read this fic and am now craving for more epilogues or sequels. PAGING @hagocimit ?
Chapter 16: short but cute. all my ships in one.