Met you

You don't know my heart

It was break and I was walking to the canteen with Ricky, Sandeul and Chunji.

"Yah, where's L.Joe oppa?" I nudged Chunji. He chuckled and I raised a brow. "He got punished. Talked back to Mrs.Han. Should have seen her face." He laughed at his own memory. 

"LEE BYUNG HUN! HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO ME." Chunji yelled in a high-pitched voice, mimicking the teacher. We all burst out laughing. "I solute L.Joe for talking back to that witch."

"Good one, hyung" Ricky said, putting his arm over chunji's shoulder.

"LEE CHAN HEE! I heard that! Why don't you explain yourself in the principal's office right now?" A scary lady's voice thundered from across the canteen. I turned to see Mrs.Han. Whoa, looks like oppa's gonna be in big trouble.

"Crap" Chunji muttered under his breath as the angry teacher stormed towards us. She grabbed his ears and dragged him to the principal's office.

"Ouch... It hurts. Ahh, seonsaengnim! ~ mianheeee" We could all hear his pleas as he was being dragged away. 


"Soooo, noona! I'm hungry! Let's just eat, okay!" Ricky suggested. I nodded and we made our way to our usual table. The rest of the guys were already there - Niel, Changjo, CAP and Sandeul. Some of Sandeul's friends were there, too. 

If you were wondering, why I hang out with guys. It's quite simple, really. I don't really like girls. I mean I am one.. But you get my point. They're all "OMG look at my nails. OMG he just totally looked at me." I mean, I understand. Girls are girls. But most of the time, they're just plain annoying, them bimbos. 


"She cut it while cooking." Ricky said with his mouth full of spagetthi. The rest just looked at him, obviously disgusted, then turned to me. CAP oppa chuckled. "Pabo-yah! Why did you do that?" 

I pretended to think. "I dont know. I wanted to see what blood looks like." I muttered sarcastically. Oppa rolled his eyes. 

Suddenly, Sandeul turned away from his friends and looked at us five. "You're here," he said with a smile. 

"Hyung, you're soooo fast." Niel muttered.

"Anyways, here guys meet my friends!" And right then, all four of his friends stood up. They were tall guys, good looking. hehehe this is good. They then started introducing themselves to us. 

"Annyeong ~ My name is Baro. Nice to meet you!" Said the boy in a cap. He kinda reminds me of Eli oppa somehow. The whole cap thing.

"Hi, I am Shin Dong Woo! You can call me CNU." An amazingly tall guy said. He was soooo freaking tall. So jealous ~


"SHUT UP SANDEUL WE DON'T WANNA KNOW" We all screamed at the excited Sandeul. He pouted then took a seat. 

"Annyeong, I am Gongchan. I hope we can become good friends! ~" A cute one said, smiling. I felt like pinching his cheeks. Aigoo so cute ~

"Hey, my name is Jinyoung. Nice meeting you." A boy with brown hair introduced himself. He was so handsome! His eyes suddenly met mine and he smiled. I turned away blushing. What is this? 

Changjo looked at me. "AWW, noona's blushing!" And at that moment, everyone, including Jinyoung stared at me. Aish so embarassing! I swear this kid is gonna pay. 



I was walking home alone after school. Yeah I know, I sound pathetic right? But I usually walk home with Chunji but he's in detention now. 

"Hana ssi!" Someone called my name and tapped my shoulder. I slightly jumped and the person chuckled. I turned to see Jinyoung, who was already walking next to me. Omo what's this. 

"Uhm, hey. You know you can call me Hana." I pointed out. 

"Sure. Hana. Why are you walking alone?" He asked. 

"Well, Chunji oppa's in detention." I explained. 

"You walk home with Chunji? All the time?"

"Uhm, yeah." 


There was a long awkward silence after that. I decided to break it. "What about you oppa? Why are you going home alone?"

He raised a brow at me. "Oppa?" 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just too used to calling the other guys op-"

He cut me off. "It's fine. Call me oppa ~" He then looked straight ahead, smiling widely. My heartbeat became faster looking at his smile. Ahh, Hana no. Not with Sandeul oppa's friend. 


We reached my house and he waved to me before I went into the house. I quickly ran up the stairs, throwing my bag on the bed and went straight to the window. I could see him walking away. A smile crept onto my face. 

"Bye, Jinyoung oppa."

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yayawantsmore #1
@toxic-muzik thankyou (:<br />
@shineeshi well, its something like that ;D
i've a feeling she is wearing a miniskirt and heels
toxic-muzik #3
i like your story :D
yayawantsmore #4
@aina-batrisyia Thanks! ^^ Hope you enjoyed it so far.
so cute!