
You don't know my heart

Chunji's POV

"Hana, look there!" I whispered, pointing to a man walking down the streets in shorts, snickering. She turned to look at him. "Wae..?" 

"Don't you think.. don't you think he looks a bit weird. Wearing shorts like that revealing his not so lovely legs." I burst out into laughter. She pouted. I looked at her, confused. 

"You look worse!" She yelled. 

"What are you talking bout, baby? I have awesome legs!" I teased. She then rolled her eyes. "Yeah.. maybe they are. BUT. look, your nostrills! THEYRE SOOOO HUGEEE!" She giggled while using her finger to push her nose upwards, looking like a pig. How dare, this girl.

"YAH!" I yelled, running towards her. She stuck her tongue out and started sprinting away. "Lee Chan Hee you slow pig!!" She screamed while running, flailing her arms in the air, laughing like a mad idiot.

She seemed okay. She wasn't upset anymore. I giggled and sped up.





"Ouch, that hurts.." Hana whimpered. I inspected her wound. Although it was bleeding, it was not so serious. I removed my scarf from my neck and wrapped it around the wound. "Why are you so careless?" I sighed. 

"Dude, who's the one that was chasing me?!"

"Dude, who was the one who said I have big nostrills?!" I yelled, annoyed. Suddenly she remained quiet, looking at me. She then pointed her index finger to her nose. 

"Your.. Your nostrills. They're flaring up!" She pointed out. Suddenly, we both burst out into laughter. I helped her up. "You can walk right? Or do you need me to carry you home?" I teased. 

"Y-YAH! I'm fine!" She stuttered, blushing. Aigoooo. "Let's go."


Hana's POV


When we reached my house, I waved Chunji goodbye. Suddenly, i remembered something. I carefully made my way up the stairs and once i was in my room, i opened the window wide. I saw chunji's figure walking away.


He turned around and i removed his scarf from the wound and dangled it in the air. "I'LL RETURN IT TOMORROW, OKAY!" I shouted. 

"ANI! KEEP IT!" He shouted back. He then waved and continued walking home. 

I walked to the bathroom and bandaged my wound before turning the computer on. I scolled down twitter and saw that Sandeul had just posted a picture. I opened it and saw him posing with his band. Jinyoung's girlfriend was in the picture too, posing sweetly at the camera. I suddenly remembered about today.

I walked to the mirror and inspected myself. Suddenly, images of Jessica flashed through my mind. Tall, y, heels, pretty, miniskirt. "All right, i know what to do."



After hours and hours of working on myself, i was finally done. I took a look into the mirror, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the sight of the new me. Is that even you, Hana? I bit my lips. "I did this for me. Not for anyone, not for jinyoung." I tried to calm myself down. 

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yayawantsmore #1
@toxic-muzik thankyou (:<br />
@shineeshi well, its something like that ;D
i've a feeling she is wearing a miniskirt and heels
toxic-muzik #3
i like your story :D
yayawantsmore #4
@aina-batrisyia Thanks! ^^ Hope you enjoyed it so far.
so cute!